
时间:2022-11-23 14:05:16

I want to a list of emails in a text file outside of my repository and doc root in ROR. But I need the application to write to it. What is the best way to accomplish this? My guess is a sym link but I'm not sure.

我想在我的存储库之外的文本文件和ROR中的doc root中列出电子邮件列表。但我需要应用程序写入它。完成此任务的最佳方法是什么?我的猜测是一个sym链接,但我不确定。

I am also curious about where I should keep this text file. It is a list of emails to invite people to use my service.



1 个解决方案


The filename that you write to doesn't need to be within your source tree. As long as you have a path to the file and the permissions are correct, you should be able to write to anywhere that you want.


After verifying the email, you could do something as simple as:


File.open("/home/path/or/something/emails.txt", 'a') {|f| f.write("#{email}\n") }

In terms of whether you should keep it in a text file, if it works for you, why not? You could use a database, but that seems like more overhead than you need to store a list of emails.



The filename that you write to doesn't need to be within your source tree. As long as you have a path to the file and the permissions are correct, you should be able to write to anywhere that you want.


After verifying the email, you could do something as simple as:


File.open("/home/path/or/something/emails.txt", 'a') {|f| f.write("#{email}\n") }

In terms of whether you should keep it in a text file, if it works for you, why not? You could use a database, but that seems like more overhead than you need to store a list of emails.
