
时间:2021-07-10 12:19:19


Enables periodic health checks of the servers in a group referenced in the surrounding location.
The following optional parameters are supported:


sets the interval between two consecutive health checks, by default, 5 seconds;
设置两次health check的间隔时间,默认5秒。
sets the number of consecutive failed health checks of a particular server after which this server will be considered unhealthy, by default, 1;
sets the number of consecutive passed health checks of a particular server after which the server will be considered healthy, by default, 1;
defines the URI used in health check requests, by default, “/”;
specifies the match block configuring the tests that a response should pass in order for a health check to pass; by default, the response should have status code 2xx or 3xx;
defines the port used when connecting to a server to perform a health check (1.9.7); by default, equals the server port.
For example,
http {
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
health_check match=welcome;

match welcome {
status 200;
header Content-Type = text/html;
body ~ "Welcome to nginx!";
This configuration shows that in order for a health check to pass, the response to a health check request should succeed, have status 200, content type “text/html”, and contain “Welcome to nginx!” in the body.
If several health checks are defined for the same group of servers, a single failure of any check will make the corresponding server be considered unhealthy.
This directive is available as part of our commercial subscription.
该配置表示,为了通过健康检查,响应应该正确返回,状态是200,content type是text/html,内容有welcome to nginx在body体里面。


status 200;
status is 200
status ! 500;
status is not 500
status 200 204;
status is 200 or 204
status ! 301 302;
status is neither 301 nor 302
status 200-399;
status is in the range from 200 to 399
status ! 400-599;
status is not in the range from 400 to 599
status 301-303 307;
status is either 301, 302, 303, or 307
header Content-Type = text/html;
header contains “Content-Type” with value text/html
header Content-Type != text/html;
header contains “Content-Type” with value other than text/html
header Connection ~ close;
header contains “Connection” with value matching regular expression close
header Connection !~ close;
header contains “Connection” with value not matching regular expression close
header Host;
header contains “Host”
header ! X-Accel-Redirect;
header lacks “X-Accel-Redirect”
body ~ "Welcome to nginx!";
body matches regular expression “Welcome to nginx!”
body !~ "Welcome to nginx!";
body does not match regular expression “Welcome to nginx!”
# status is 200, content type is "text/html",
# and body contains "Welcome to nginx!"
match welcome {
status 200;
header Content-Type = text/html;
body ~ "Welcome to nginx!";
# status is not one of 301, 302, 303, or 307, and header does not have "Refresh:"
match not_redirect {
status ! 301-303 307;
header ! Refresh;
# status ok and not in maintenance mode
match server_ok {
status 200-399;
body !~ "maintenance mode";


If an upstream server cannot be selected immediately while processing a request, and there are the servers in the group that have reached the max_conns limit, the request will be placed into the queue. The directive specifies the maximum number of requests that can be in the queue at the same time. If the queue is filled up, or the server to pass the request to cannot be selected within the time period specified in the timeout parameter, the 502 (Bad Gateway) error will be returned to the client.

The default value of the timeout parameter is 60 seconds.


Specifies a load balancing method for a server group where the client-server mapping is based on the hashed key value. The key can contain text, variables, and their combinations. Note that adding or removing a server from the group may result in remapping most of the keys to different servers. The method is compatible with the Cache::Memcached Perl library.
If the consistent parameter is specified the ketama consistent hashing method will be used instead. The method ensures that only a few keys will be remapped to different servers when a server is added to or removed from the group. This helps to achieve a higher cache hit ratio for caching servers. The method is compatible with the Cache::Memcached::Fast Perl library with the ketama_points parameter set to 160.
upstream xxcupid1 {
server weight=3;
hash $remote_addr;
hash_again 10;