
时间:2022-02-26 07:32:43
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var child = spawn('some-command');

I know I can guard against ENOENT (when some-command doesn't exist) with


child.on('error', function(err) { ... })

Now, how do I asynchronously determine the process is running and no error has happened?


I could listen for error and close events, but that still leaves the case of "is running" looking identical to "the operating system hasn't gotten around to looking for the file yet", which can cause nasty race conditions.


An open-event would be nice, but the docs don't mention one.


Does a functional workaround exist?


1 个解决方案



The information you are looking for (process running, no errors) is not available from the Host OS in such an easy-to-use format.

Unless the child process prints something that is parsed and tracked (by code you or someone will have to write) in node, or exits with a status code, there is no indication available from the OS that nodejs or iojs can obtain from a system call and wrap in a JS API for the developer.

除非子进程在节点中打印出被解析和跟踪的内容(通过代码您或某人必须编写),或者使用状态代码退出,否则操作系统无法获得nodejs或iojs可以从系统调用中获取的内容并为开发人员提供JS API。

At least on Linux, the operating system status of a process is limited to one of:


  1. process is running; OR
  2. 进程正在运行;要么

  3. process has exit (status number indicates OK or ERROR); OR
  4. 进程有退出(状态号表示OK或ERROR);要么

  5. non-existent (no such PID)
  6. 不存在(没有这样的PID)

Furthermore, once the exit status has been retrieved with wait() or waitpid(), it is no longer available.


The idea of an "error" is often application dependent and these application errors are not tracked by the operating system -- except for the exit status integer the process reports when it exits.

“错误”的概念通常取决于应用程序,并且操作系统不会跟踪这些应用程序错误 - 除了进程在退出时报告的退出状态整数。

To give a clearer example, many apps have commands that open files for processing, and will print an error message when an input file can not be opened and proceed to the next command. This failure is not part of a process status that is tracked by PID in the operating system and kept in memory somewhere so it can be read from another process. It may appear in the stderr or stdout stream and can be read that way, but requires specific coding for it to be interpreted correctly by parent or other processes. Alternatively, other apps will exit immediately when something has gone seriously wrong, and set exit status to a non-zero number, indicating error. That exit status and the fact that the process terminated are available from the operating system.


See also: Just check status process in c




The information you are looking for (process running, no errors) is not available from the Host OS in such an easy-to-use format.

Unless the child process prints something that is parsed and tracked (by code you or someone will have to write) in node, or exits with a status code, there is no indication available from the OS that nodejs or iojs can obtain from a system call and wrap in a JS API for the developer.

除非子进程在节点中打印出被解析和跟踪的内容(通过代码您或某人必须编写),或者使用状态代码退出,否则操作系统无法获得nodejs或iojs可以从系统调用中获取的内容并为开发人员提供JS API。

At least on Linux, the operating system status of a process is limited to one of:


  1. process is running; OR
  2. 进程正在运行;要么

  3. process has exit (status number indicates OK or ERROR); OR
  4. 进程有退出(状态号表示OK或ERROR);要么

  5. non-existent (no such PID)
  6. 不存在(没有这样的PID)

Furthermore, once the exit status has been retrieved with wait() or waitpid(), it is no longer available.


The idea of an "error" is often application dependent and these application errors are not tracked by the operating system -- except for the exit status integer the process reports when it exits.

“错误”的概念通常取决于应用程序,并且操作系统不会跟踪这些应用程序错误 - 除了进程在退出时报告的退出状态整数。

To give a clearer example, many apps have commands that open files for processing, and will print an error message when an input file can not be opened and proceed to the next command. This failure is not part of a process status that is tracked by PID in the operating system and kept in memory somewhere so it can be read from another process. It may appear in the stderr or stdout stream and can be read that way, but requires specific coding for it to be interpreted correctly by parent or other processes. Alternatively, other apps will exit immediately when something has gone seriously wrong, and set exit status to a non-zero number, indicating error. That exit status and the fact that the process terminated are available from the operating system.


See also: Just check status process in c
