
时间:2021-06-29 07:31:56

I have an xml file that looks like this;



<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <elem1 id="obj1">
    <elem2 id="obj2">

And a read xml function that looks like this;


Function GetVar(XMLTag, strNum)
   Set oXMLFile = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
   Set oXMLFileVariable = oXMLFile.getElementsByTagName(XMLTag)
       GetVar = oXMLFileVariable.Item(strNum).Text
End Function

Calling the function like this;


    Call GetVar("celem1", 0)
    Call GetVar("celem2", 0)
    Call GetVar("celem1", 1)
    Call GetVar("celem2", 1)

will return;



I would like to be able to return the the childnode element.text by specifying its parentnode's attribute. Something like this;

我希望能够通过指定其parentnode的属性来返回childnode element.text。像这样的东西;

[psuedo code - forgive me if I'm way off here]

[psuedo代码 - 请原谅我,如果我离开这里]


Would return something like this;



The reason I ask is because I would like to remove specific element names in favor of generic ones, and then be able to to call out specific element.text information by specifying attributes. I don't like creating and maintaining a unique element tag for every new entry in the xml doc.

我问的原因是因为我想删除特定元素名称而不是泛型元素名称,然后能够通过指定属性来调用特定的element.text信息。我不喜欢为xml doc中的每个新条目创建和维护一个唯一的元素标记。

I'm currently using VBscript, but I could change to something else (windows environment) that would work.



Using Ansgar Wiechers examples, I have created the following;

使用Ansgar Wiechers的例子,我创建了以下内容;


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <elem id="obj1">
      <celem id="item1">Text1</celem><celem id="item2">Text2</celem>
  <elem id="obj2">
      <celem id="item1">Text3</celem><celem id="item2">Text4</celem>

And the script;


str1 = GetVar("obj1", "celem", "item1")
str2 = GetVar("obj2", "celem", "item2")
MsgBox str1
MsgBox str2

Function GetVar(parentID, childNode, childAtt)
    GetVar = Null 'set a safe default return value

    Set oXMLFile = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
    oXMLFile.async = False
    oXMLFile.Load "xpath.xml"

    If oXMLFile.parseError = 0 Then
            xpath = "//*[@id='" & parentID & "']/" & childNode _
               & "[@id='" & childAtt & "']"
            Set node = oXMLFile.selectSingleNode(xpath)
            If Not node Is Nothing Then GetVar = node.text
            'report errors
            WScript.Echo oXMLFile.parseError.reason
    End If
End Function

The first MsgBox will return "Text1"
The second MsgBox will return "Text4"


This is exactly what I was looking for!!


1 个解决方案



Use an XPath expression for selecting the node(s):


Function GetVar(parentId, childNode)
  GetVar = Null  'set a safe default return value

  Set oXMLFile = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
  oXMLFile.async = False
  oXMLFile.load "data.xml"

  'Without having set async to False the above instruction would load the
  'file in the background, so your code would try to process data that
  'isn't completely loaded yet.

  If oXMLFile.parseError = 0 Then
    xpath = "//*[@id='" & parentId & "']/" & childNode
    Set node = oXMLFile.selectSingleNode(xpath)
    If Not node Is Nothing Then GetVar = node.text
    'report errors
    WScript.Echo oXMLFile.parseError.reason
  End If
End Function

An XPath expression //*[@id='obj1']/celem1 means: select any node <celem1> that has a parent node with an attribute id with a value obj1. By using the selectSingleNode method you select just the first occurrence of such a node (if any).

XPath表达式// * [@ id ='obj1'] / celem1表示:选择任何节点 ,其父节点的属性id为值obj1。通过使用selectSingleNode方法,您只需选择第一次出现此类节点(如果有)。

If there can be more than one matching node and you don't want just the value of the first one returned, you need to define how you want to handle the values of the other nodes.




Use an XPath expression for selecting the node(s):


Function GetVar(parentId, childNode)
  GetVar = Null  'set a safe default return value

  Set oXMLFile = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
  oXMLFile.async = False
  oXMLFile.load "data.xml"

  'Without having set async to False the above instruction would load the
  'file in the background, so your code would try to process data that
  'isn't completely loaded yet.

  If oXMLFile.parseError = 0 Then
    xpath = "//*[@id='" & parentId & "']/" & childNode
    Set node = oXMLFile.selectSingleNode(xpath)
    If Not node Is Nothing Then GetVar = node.text
    'report errors
    WScript.Echo oXMLFile.parseError.reason
  End If
End Function

An XPath expression //*[@id='obj1']/celem1 means: select any node <celem1> that has a parent node with an attribute id with a value obj1. By using the selectSingleNode method you select just the first occurrence of such a node (if any).

XPath表达式// * [@ id ='obj1'] / celem1表示:选择任何节点 ,其父节点的属性id为值obj1。通过使用selectSingleNode方法,您只需选择第一次出现此类节点(如果有)。

If there can be more than one matching node and you don't want just the value of the first one returned, you need to define how you want to handle the values of the other nodes.
