如何在Leopard,Mac OS X 10.5上安装MySQL?

时间:2022-12-12 07:15:34

I followed this tutorial to the very end, then found out it didn't work right. I think I have everything installed but when I type


mysql -uroot

I only get


-bash: mysql: command not found

Note: I did not skip the "Setting the Path" step. Upon running this command for the first time:


mate ~/.bash_login

This brought up an empty file. So I added this line:


export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"

I saved the file, closed TextMate, executed the following command:


. ~/.bash_login

...and continued with the tutorial. Based on your suggestions, I thought maybe the file didn't actually get saved. So I ran the following command to bring up the file again:


mate ~/.bash_login

...yet the contents of the file were as they should be.


Any suggestions?

6 个解决方案


You probably don't have the mysql binaries in your path.


The link you posted has a section on setting the path, titled "Setting the Path Do not skip this step! Most everything else will fail if you do."


EDIT: As debugging steps, try:


  • First launching a new terminal window. Does it run now?
  • 首先启动一个新的终端窗口。它现在运行吗?

  • Typing "echo $PATH" at the prompt. Does the path show up correctly as you've typed it in bash_profile?
  • 在提示符下键入“echo $ PATH”。您在bash_profile中输入路径时路径是否正确显示?

  • Running it the long way: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root Does the application run?
  • 运行它很长的路:/ usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql -u root应用程序运行吗?


Did you follow the step that says


Setting the Path


Do not skip this step! Most everything else will fail if you do.


Did you close your terminal window and re-open it afterwards?


Update: What does "which mysql" say? Does "ls /usr/local/mysql/bin" say?

更新:“哪个mysql”说什么? “ls / usr / local / mysql / bin”会说吗?


Two things:

  • Try editing ~/.profile (rather than ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login).
  • 尝试编辑〜/ .profile(而不是〜/ .bash_profile或〜/ .bash_login)。

  • You may find it easier to use the native Mac style .dmg installer directly from Sun.
  • 您可能会发现直接从Sun使用本机Mac风格的.dmg安装程序更容易。

One nice thing about the dmg installer is that it automagically sets up symlinks to /usr/local/mysql (which means less - or no - fiddling with your $PATH).

关于dmg安装程序的一个好处是它自动将符号链接设置为/ usr / local / mysql(这意味着更少 - 或者没有 - 摆弄你的$ PATH)。


Another option would be to use MAMP.


It has Apache, PHP and MySQL packaged with no further setup necessary.



MySQL is usually put in /usr/local/mysql/bin/

MySQL通常放在/ usr / local / mysql / bin /

You need to add this to your PATH, you can do this by adding the follwoing lines to your .bash_profile


export PATH

The .bash_profile file is located in the root of your username directory.


Make sure you restart your Terminal for the setting to take affect.



And if you're not a command-line person, I highly recommend you also install the MySQL Preference Pane to start/stop the server and install Sequel Pro to create databases and run queries.

如果您不是命令行,我强烈建议您也安装MySQL Preference窗格来启动/停止服务器并安装Sequel Pro来创建数据库并运行查询。




You probably don't have the mysql binaries in your path.


The link you posted has a section on setting the path, titled "Setting the Path Do not skip this step! Most everything else will fail if you do."


EDIT: As debugging steps, try:


  • First launching a new terminal window. Does it run now?
  • 首先启动一个新的终端窗口。它现在运行吗?

  • Typing "echo $PATH" at the prompt. Does the path show up correctly as you've typed it in bash_profile?
  • 在提示符下键入“echo $ PATH”。您在bash_profile中输入路径时路径是否正确显示?

  • Running it the long way: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root Does the application run?
  • 运行它很长的路:/ usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql -u root应用程序运行吗?


Did you follow the step that says


Setting the Path


Do not skip this step! Most everything else will fail if you do.


Did you close your terminal window and re-open it afterwards?


Update: What does "which mysql" say? Does "ls /usr/local/mysql/bin" say?

更新:“哪个mysql”说什么? “ls / usr / local / mysql / bin”会说吗?


Two things:

  • Try editing ~/.profile (rather than ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login).
  • 尝试编辑〜/ .profile(而不是〜/ .bash_profile或〜/ .bash_login)。

  • You may find it easier to use the native Mac style .dmg installer directly from Sun.
  • 您可能会发现直接从Sun使用本机Mac风格的.dmg安装程序更容易。

One nice thing about the dmg installer is that it automagically sets up symlinks to /usr/local/mysql (which means less - or no - fiddling with your $PATH).

关于dmg安装程序的一个好处是它自动将符号链接设置为/ usr / local / mysql(这意味着更少 - 或者没有 - 摆弄你的$ PATH)。


Another option would be to use MAMP.


It has Apache, PHP and MySQL packaged with no further setup necessary.



MySQL is usually put in /usr/local/mysql/bin/

MySQL通常放在/ usr / local / mysql / bin /

You need to add this to your PATH, you can do this by adding the follwoing lines to your .bash_profile


export PATH

The .bash_profile file is located in the root of your username directory.


Make sure you restart your Terminal for the setting to take affect.



And if you're not a command-line person, I highly recommend you also install the MySQL Preference Pane to start/stop the server and install Sequel Pro to create databases and run queries.

如果您不是命令行,我强烈建议您也安装MySQL Preference窗格来启动/停止服务器并安装Sequel Pro来创建数据库并运行查询。

