使用Canvas vs VBox / HBox可以显着提高Flex 3的性能?

时间:2021-06-11 04:52:25

I was told that there is an increase in performance when using Canvas versus HBox or VBox when laying out out the position of children. As a result, a number of our components have been converted over to using Canvas. However, now there is code being added to calculate the x and y positioning of some of the child elements based off of the width and height of other children. Is it worth using a Canvas to increase performance if code needs to be added to determine the coordinates/positions of the children? Is there a better method or technique available that should be practiced other than just minimizing the number of ui components added and specifying positioning absolutely?


3 个解决方案


There are a number of middle-of-the-road techniques, one of which is to use rendering-type components, such as TileGrid or ItemRenderers, if your layout fits a certain formula. If you're using forms, try using the Form layout component instead of using a custom layout.


If you do need to use the layout engine in Flex, the way to optimize your usage is to remember that certain techniques are used by the framework in increasing performance load, loosely following the below list, the last being the most performance intensive:


  1. absolute positioning (<Canvas>)
  2. 绝对定位( )

  3. relative positioning (<VBox>)
  4. 相对定位( )

  5. constraint-based positioning (right=0)
  6. 基于约束的定位(右= 0)

  7. advanced constraint-based positioning (<constraintColumns>)
  8. 高级基于约束的定位( )

Using relative positioning is usually not that performance intensive. If you are finding that it is, it could be that you're using too many nested containers. Look at your layout architecture and try to find out ways in which your objects may be "over-laid out", and simplify them. A good tool for this is FlexSpy, which lets you introspect object layout at runtime.


Another common performance bottleneck is that your application is attempting to do some number-crunching at the exact same time that your GUI is attempting to respond to user interaction. Although no green threading frameworks exist at the moment which enable you to run UI and logic in separate 'threads', you can use a good architectural framework such as Cairngorm or Mate (there are many) which uses Commands instead of straight up methods, so that functionality execution which may take up processing cycles waits until the UI has finished responding to the user.



A couple things you want to keep in mind while optimizing a Flex UI:

在优化Flex UI时,您需要记住几件事:

  1. Avoiding excessive nesting of containers. Consider using a Canvas with absolute or constraint-based positioning over nesting lots of HBox / VBox elements. However this doesn't mean you should NEVER use VBox/HBox. You can mix and match, such as using a Canvas as the main container and positioning child Boxes inside them as needed, just try to avoid too much nesting.

    避免过多的容器嵌套。考虑使用基于绝对或基于约束的定位的Canvas来嵌套大量HBox / VBox元素。但这并不意味着你永远不应该使用VBox / HBox。您可以混合和匹配,例如使用Canvas作为主容器,并根据需要在其中放置子框,只是尽量避免过多嵌套。

  2. Using the UIComponent model properly in custom components. In particular, using invalidateProperties(), invalidateSize() and invalidateDisplayList() so that their companion functions (commitProperties(), measure() and updateDisplayList()) are invoked at an optimal time for the Flash Player. Deepa gives a great talk about this here:

    在自定义组件中正确使用UIComponent模型。特别是,使用invalidateProperties(),invalidateSize()和invalidateDisplayList(),以便在Flash Player的最佳时间调用其伴随函数(commitProperties(),measure()和updateDisplayList())。 Deepa在这里给出了一个很好的讨论:


She explains how making heavy use of the invalidation scheme allows the Flash Player to execute your code at an ideal time, i.e. not in the middle of a screen update. These principles are used by all Flex components and can/should be leveraged regardless of the framework being used.

她解释了如何大量使用失效方案允许Flash Player在理想的时间执行代码,即不在屏幕更新的中间。所有Flex组件都使用这些原则,无论使用何种框架,都可以/应该利用这些原则。


To make sure I understand:


  • You heard that Canvas can position children faster than [VH]Box
  • 您听说Canvas可以比[VH] Box更快地定位孩子

  • Canvas only does absolute positioning
  • Canvas只做绝对定位

  • Some (many?) of your components have an absolute position, so you switched to using Canvas
  • 一些(很多?)组件具有绝对位置,因此您切换到使用Canvas

  • But some of your components have a relative position, so you need to write code to position them
  • 但是您的某些组件具有相对位置,因此您需要编写代码来定位它们

Is that correct?


Anyway, assuming I'm correct (which may not be the case), the first thing you want to do is pick the functioning interface which requires the fewest lines of code, then decide if it's "good enough". You want the one with the fewest lines of code because studies have shown that there is a correlation between lines of code and number of bugs (and you don't want bugs). You want to see if it's "good enough" because, if it IS "good enough", you don't need to do anything (if you do try and make it faster, you're committing Premature Optimization).


But that's probably not what you wanted to hear :)


So I'll also suggest that, if you want to stick with Canvas-based layout, you try sticking all the relatively positioned content inside [VH]Boxes, which are then absolutely positioned inside the Canvas. There's a good chance the code Adobe has written is faster than code, so you should try to take advantage of it.

所以我还建议,如果你想坚持使用基于Canvas的布局,你可以尝试将所有相对定位的内容粘贴在[VH] Box中,然后绝对定位在Canvas中。 Adobe编写的代码很可能比代码更快,因此您应该尝试利用它。

But the only way to know for sure is to try it and profile it.



There are a number of middle-of-the-road techniques, one of which is to use rendering-type components, such as TileGrid or ItemRenderers, if your layout fits a certain formula. If you're using forms, try using the Form layout component instead of using a custom layout.


If you do need to use the layout engine in Flex, the way to optimize your usage is to remember that certain techniques are used by the framework in increasing performance load, loosely following the below list, the last being the most performance intensive:


  1. absolute positioning (<Canvas>)
  2. 绝对定位( )

  3. relative positioning (<VBox>)
  4. 相对定位( )

  5. constraint-based positioning (right=0)
  6. 基于约束的定位(右= 0)

  7. advanced constraint-based positioning (<constraintColumns>)
  8. 高级基于约束的定位( )

Using relative positioning is usually not that performance intensive. If you are finding that it is, it could be that you're using too many nested containers. Look at your layout architecture and try to find out ways in which your objects may be "over-laid out", and simplify them. A good tool for this is FlexSpy, which lets you introspect object layout at runtime.


Another common performance bottleneck is that your application is attempting to do some number-crunching at the exact same time that your GUI is attempting to respond to user interaction. Although no green threading frameworks exist at the moment which enable you to run UI and logic in separate 'threads', you can use a good architectural framework such as Cairngorm or Mate (there are many) which uses Commands instead of straight up methods, so that functionality execution which may take up processing cycles waits until the UI has finished responding to the user.



A couple things you want to keep in mind while optimizing a Flex UI:

在优化Flex UI时,您需要记住几件事:

  1. Avoiding excessive nesting of containers. Consider using a Canvas with absolute or constraint-based positioning over nesting lots of HBox / VBox elements. However this doesn't mean you should NEVER use VBox/HBox. You can mix and match, such as using a Canvas as the main container and positioning child Boxes inside them as needed, just try to avoid too much nesting.

    避免过多的容器嵌套。考虑使用基于绝对或基于约束的定位的Canvas来嵌套大量HBox / VBox元素。但这并不意味着你永远不应该使用VBox / HBox。您可以混合和匹配,例如使用Canvas作为主容器,并根据需要在其中放置子框,只是尽量避免过多嵌套。

  2. Using the UIComponent model properly in custom components. In particular, using invalidateProperties(), invalidateSize() and invalidateDisplayList() so that their companion functions (commitProperties(), measure() and updateDisplayList()) are invoked at an optimal time for the Flash Player. Deepa gives a great talk about this here:

    在自定义组件中正确使用UIComponent模型。特别是,使用invalidateProperties(),invalidateSize()和invalidateDisplayList(),以便在Flash Player的最佳时间调用其伴随函数(commitProperties(),measure()和updateDisplayList())。 Deepa在这里给出了一个很好的讨论:


She explains how making heavy use of the invalidation scheme allows the Flash Player to execute your code at an ideal time, i.e. not in the middle of a screen update. These principles are used by all Flex components and can/should be leveraged regardless of the framework being used.

她解释了如何大量使用失效方案允许Flash Player在理想的时间执行代码,即不在屏幕更新的中间。所有Flex组件都使用这些原则,无论使用何种框架,都可以/应该利用这些原则。


To make sure I understand:


  • You heard that Canvas can position children faster than [VH]Box
  • 您听说Canvas可以比[VH] Box更快地定位孩子

  • Canvas only does absolute positioning
  • Canvas只做绝对定位

  • Some (many?) of your components have an absolute position, so you switched to using Canvas
  • 一些(很多?)组件具有绝对位置,因此您切换到使用Canvas

  • But some of your components have a relative position, so you need to write code to position them
  • 但是您的某些组件具有相对位置,因此您需要编写代码来定位它们

Is that correct?


Anyway, assuming I'm correct (which may not be the case), the first thing you want to do is pick the functioning interface which requires the fewest lines of code, then decide if it's "good enough". You want the one with the fewest lines of code because studies have shown that there is a correlation between lines of code and number of bugs (and you don't want bugs). You want to see if it's "good enough" because, if it IS "good enough", you don't need to do anything (if you do try and make it faster, you're committing Premature Optimization).


But that's probably not what you wanted to hear :)


So I'll also suggest that, if you want to stick with Canvas-based layout, you try sticking all the relatively positioned content inside [VH]Boxes, which are then absolutely positioned inside the Canvas. There's a good chance the code Adobe has written is faster than code, so you should try to take advantage of it.

所以我还建议,如果你想坚持使用基于Canvas的布局,你可以尝试将所有相对定位的内容粘贴在[VH] Box中,然后绝对定位在Canvas中。 Adobe编写的代码很可能比代码更快,因此您应该尝试利用它。

But the only way to know for sure is to try it and profile it.
