
时间:2023-02-06 00:35:42

I have two PowerShell functions, the first of which invokes the second. They both take N arguments, and one of them is defined to simply add a flag and invoke the other. Here are example definitions:


function inner
  foreach( $arg in $args )
      # do some stuff

function outer
  inner --flag $args

Usage would look something like this:


inner foo bar baz

or this

outer wibble wobble wubble

The goal is for the latter example to be equivalent to


inner --flag wibble wobble wubble

The Problem: As defined here, the latter actually results in two arguments being passed to inner: the first is "--flag", and the second is an array containing "wibble", "wobble", and "wubble". What I want is for inner to receive four arguments: the flag and the three original arguments.


So what I'm wondering is how to convince powershell to expand the $args array before passing it to inner, passing it as N elements rather than a single array. I believe you can do this in Ruby with the splatting operator (the * character), and I'm pretty sure PowerShell can do it, but I don't recall how.

所以我想知道如何说服powershell扩展$ args数组,然后将其传递给内部,将其作为N个元素而不是单个数组传递。我相信你可以使用splatting运算符(*字符)在Ruby中执行此操作,我很确定PowerShell可以做到这一点,但我不记得如何。

4 个解决方案



There isn't a good solution to this problem in PowerSHell V1. In V2 we added splatting (though for various reasons, we use @ instead of * for this purpose). Here's what it looks like:

PowerSHell V1中没有很好的解决方案。在V2中我们添加了splatting(虽然由于各种原因,我们使用@而不是*来实现此目的)。这是它的样子:

PS (STA-ISS) (2) > function foo ($x,$y,$z) { "x:$x y:$y z:$z" }

PS(STA-ISS)(2)> function foo($ x,$ y,$ z){“x:$ x y:$ y z:$ z”}

PS (STA-ISS) (3) > $a = 1,2,3

PS(STA-ISS)(3)> $ a = 1,2,3

PS (STA-ISS) (4) > foo $a # passed as single arg

PS(STA-ISS)(4)> foo $ a#作为单个arg传递

x:1 2 3 y: z:

x:1 2 3 y:z:

PS (STA-ISS) (5) > foo @a # splatted

PS(STA-ISS)(5)> foo @a #splatted

x:1 y:2 z:3

x:1 y:2 z:3



Well, there may be a better way, but see if this works:


inner --flag [string]::Join(" ", $args)



Building on @EBGreen's idea, and a related question I noticed in the sidebar, a possible solution is this:

基于@ EBGreen的想法以及我在侧边栏中注意到的相关问题,可能的解决方案是:

function outer
    invoke-expression "inner --flag $($args -join ' ')"

Note: This example makes use of the Powershell 2.0 CTP's new -join operator.

注意:此示例使用Powershell 2.0 CTP的新-join运算符。

However, I'd still like to find a better method, since this feels like a hack and is horrible security-wise.




If you want a quick ready-made solution, you can copy paste mine:


    Asks a question and waits for user's answer

    Usage with shortcuts and without ReturnValue
    Invoke-Question -Question "What would you like" -Answers "&Eggs", "&Toasts", "&Steak"

    Shows the quesiton and waits for input. Let's assume user input is 'S', the return value would be 2 (index of "&Steak")

    Usage without shortcuts and with ReturnValue
    Invoke-Question -Question "What would you like" -Answers "Eggs", "Toasts", "Steak" -ReturnValue

    Shows the quesiton and waits for input. The answers are prefixed with numbers 1, 2 and 3 as shortcuts.
    Let's assume user input is 2, the return value would be "Toasts" (prefixed numbers are "index + 1")

    Usage from pipeline with default value
    @("Eggs", "Toasts", "Steak") | Invoke-Question -Question "What would you like" -ReturnValue -Default 2

    Shows the quesiton and waits for input. The answers are taken from pipeline and prefixed with numbers 1, 2 and 3 as shortcuts.
    Steak is marked as default. If user simply continues without a choice, Steak is chosen for her.
    However, let's assume user input is 1, the return value would be "Eggs" (prefixed numbers are "index + 1")
function Invoke-Question {
        # Main question text
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Question,

        # Question description, e.g. explanation or more information
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Description = "",

        # Default answer as index in the array, no answer is selected by default (value -1)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $Default = -1,

        # Set of answers, if the label is given with & sign, the prefixed letter is used as shortcut, e.g. "&Yes" -> Y,
        # otherwise the answer is prefixed with "index + 1" number as a shortcut
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string[]] $Answers,

        # If set, returns a value of selected answer, otherwise returns its index in the Answer array
        [switch] $ReturnValue

    begin {
        # init choices
        $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
        $answerNumber = 1
        $rememberAnswers = @()

    process {
        #init answers
        foreach ($answer in $answers) {
            $rememberAnswers += $answer
            if ($answer -notmatch "&") {
                # add number if shortcut not specified
                $answer = "&$answerNumber $answer"

            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList $answer))

    end {
        # ask question and return either value or index
        $index = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Question, $Description, $choices, $Default)
        if ($ReturnValue) {
        } else {



There isn't a good solution to this problem in PowerSHell V1. In V2 we added splatting (though for various reasons, we use @ instead of * for this purpose). Here's what it looks like:

PowerSHell V1中没有很好的解决方案。在V2中我们添加了splatting(虽然由于各种原因,我们使用@而不是*来实现此目的)。这是它的样子:

PS (STA-ISS) (2) > function foo ($x,$y,$z) { "x:$x y:$y z:$z" }

PS(STA-ISS)(2)> function foo($ x,$ y,$ z){“x:$ x y:$ y z:$ z”}

PS (STA-ISS) (3) > $a = 1,2,3

PS(STA-ISS)(3)> $ a = 1,2,3

PS (STA-ISS) (4) > foo $a # passed as single arg

PS(STA-ISS)(4)> foo $ a#作为单个arg传递

x:1 2 3 y: z:

x:1 2 3 y:z:

PS (STA-ISS) (5) > foo @a # splatted

PS(STA-ISS)(5)> foo @a #splatted

x:1 y:2 z:3

x:1 y:2 z:3



Well, there may be a better way, but see if this works:


inner --flag [string]::Join(" ", $args)



Building on @EBGreen's idea, and a related question I noticed in the sidebar, a possible solution is this:

基于@ EBGreen的想法以及我在侧边栏中注意到的相关问题,可能的解决方案是:

function outer
    invoke-expression "inner --flag $($args -join ' ')"

Note: This example makes use of the Powershell 2.0 CTP's new -join operator.

注意:此示例使用Powershell 2.0 CTP的新-join运算符。

However, I'd still like to find a better method, since this feels like a hack and is horrible security-wise.




If you want a quick ready-made solution, you can copy paste mine:


    Asks a question and waits for user's answer

    Usage with shortcuts and without ReturnValue
    Invoke-Question -Question "What would you like" -Answers "&Eggs", "&Toasts", "&Steak"

    Shows the quesiton and waits for input. Let's assume user input is 'S', the return value would be 2 (index of "&Steak")

    Usage without shortcuts and with ReturnValue
    Invoke-Question -Question "What would you like" -Answers "Eggs", "Toasts", "Steak" -ReturnValue

    Shows the quesiton and waits for input. The answers are prefixed with numbers 1, 2 and 3 as shortcuts.
    Let's assume user input is 2, the return value would be "Toasts" (prefixed numbers are "index + 1")

    Usage from pipeline with default value
    @("Eggs", "Toasts", "Steak") | Invoke-Question -Question "What would you like" -ReturnValue -Default 2

    Shows the quesiton and waits for input. The answers are taken from pipeline and prefixed with numbers 1, 2 and 3 as shortcuts.
    Steak is marked as default. If user simply continues without a choice, Steak is chosen for her.
    However, let's assume user input is 1, the return value would be "Eggs" (prefixed numbers are "index + 1")
function Invoke-Question {
        # Main question text
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Question,

        # Question description, e.g. explanation or more information
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Description = "",

        # Default answer as index in the array, no answer is selected by default (value -1)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $Default = -1,

        # Set of answers, if the label is given with & sign, the prefixed letter is used as shortcut, e.g. "&Yes" -> Y,
        # otherwise the answer is prefixed with "index + 1" number as a shortcut
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string[]] $Answers,

        # If set, returns a value of selected answer, otherwise returns its index in the Answer array
        [switch] $ReturnValue

    begin {
        # init choices
        $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
        $answerNumber = 1
        $rememberAnswers = @()

    process {
        #init answers
        foreach ($answer in $answers) {
            $rememberAnswers += $answer
            if ($answer -notmatch "&") {
                # add number if shortcut not specified
                $answer = "&$answerNumber $answer"

            $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList $answer))

    end {
        # ask question and return either value or index
        $index = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Question, $Description, $choices, $Default)
        if ($ReturnValue) {
        } else {