
时间:2022-06-01 16:44:03

I've been playing around with SpriteKit, and am getting a pretty decent feel about how to drive it from code, but am pretty baffled by the level editor included in Xcode 6.

我一直在玩SpriteKit,并且对于如何从代码中驱动它感觉非常体面,但我对Xcode 6中包含的关卡编辑器感到非常困惑。

I've watched the wwdc videos ("platforms state of union" and "what's new in spriteKit"), and scrounged around the web, but haven't been able to find much description about the level editor, and what it's really doing.


What I don't understand, is how are the two files that the template sets up related? Is the .sks file an expression of the GameScene.swift file, or perhaps the GameScene class it contains?

我不明白的是,模板设置的两个文件是如何相关的? .sks文件是GameScene.swift文件的表达式,还是它包含的GameScene类?

OR do they both just hold separate objects/nodes that are going to play together in the same scene?


Or (this is my best explanation) is the .sks file and the editor basically for making the environment that responsive characters are going to "live" in? If that's true, how can my code in the .swift file relate to what's in the .sks file?


1 个解决方案



The .sks file is a static archive of your scene's content. If you've used Interface Builder to set up UI apps before, it's much the same idea, if rather different in implementation.

.sks文件是场景内容的静态存档。如果您以前使用Interface Builder来设置UI应用程序,那么它的想法就差不多了,如果实现方式不同的话。

In a UI app, you could do everything in code:


override func viewDidLoad() {
    let someText = UITextField(...)
    let aButton = UIButton(...)
    // ... position everything
    // ... style everything
    // ... etc ...

Or you could do all the static content setup in IB (a xib or storyboard), and use code only for setting up the dynamic behavior of your app — the things that happen when somebody starts touching those buttons. When you do that, the view controller you write code for exists as a proxy object in the xib/storyboard, making a bridge between what you set up in IB and what you set up in code.

或者你可以在IB(xib或故事板)中进行所有静态内容设置,并仅使用代码来设置应用程序的动态行为 - 当有人开始触摸这些按钮时发生的事情。当您这样做时,您编写代码的视图控制器作为xib / storyboard中的代理对象存在,从而在您在IB中设置的内容与您在代码中设置的内容之间架起了一座桥梁。

In SpriteKit, you have the same choice. Before Xcode 6, many SK games took the all-code approach:

在SpriteKit中,您有相同的选择。在Xcode 6之前,许多SK游戏采用了全代码方法:

override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
    let player = PlumberSprite(color: .Red)
    player.position = // ...
    player.physicsBody = // ...
    let ground = SKSpriteNode(...)
    ground.position = // ...
    ground.physicsBody = // ...
    let block = QuestionBlockSprite()
    block.position = // ...
    block.physicsBody = // ...
    block.contents = CoinSprite()
    // ... etc etc etc ...

That's a lot of code for what's ultimately a graphical, static scene — even before you start adding code to make it into a game (input handling, enemy behavior, physics callbacks that increment the score or go to game over, etc). And it doesn't lend itself well to designs where you split out the general game logic from the content, so it's harder to add multiple levels to your game.


Instead, you can use the SpriteKit editor in Xcode to build your static content (levels), and stick to code for dynamic behavior and game logic. Just like how, in IB, the view controller is a bridge between your storyboard and your code, your scene class (GameScene.swift in the template) is the bridge between the editor and code. When you load an .sks file at run time (the code for this is in GameViewController.swift in the template), it becomes an instance of your GameScene class, and anything you set up in the editor is accessible as child nodes of the scene.


Checking out WWDC talks is a good idea, but you missed the one that covers this: see session 608: Best Practices for Building SpriteKit Games for more on the motivation behind the SpriteKit editor, how to use it, and how to work with the scene contents loaded from an .sks file in your scene code.




The .sks file is a static archive of your scene's content. If you've used Interface Builder to set up UI apps before, it's much the same idea, if rather different in implementation.

.sks文件是场景内容的静态存档。如果您以前使用Interface Builder来设置UI应用程序,那么它的想法就差不多了,如果实现方式不同的话。

In a UI app, you could do everything in code:


override func viewDidLoad() {
    let someText = UITextField(...)
    let aButton = UIButton(...)
    // ... position everything
    // ... style everything
    // ... etc ...

Or you could do all the static content setup in IB (a xib or storyboard), and use code only for setting up the dynamic behavior of your app — the things that happen when somebody starts touching those buttons. When you do that, the view controller you write code for exists as a proxy object in the xib/storyboard, making a bridge between what you set up in IB and what you set up in code.

或者你可以在IB(xib或故事板)中进行所有静态内容设置,并仅使用代码来设置应用程序的动态行为 - 当有人开始触摸这些按钮时发生的事情。当您这样做时,您编写代码的视图控制器作为xib / storyboard中的代理对象存在,从而在您在IB中设置的内容与您在代码中设置的内容之间架起了一座桥梁。

In SpriteKit, you have the same choice. Before Xcode 6, many SK games took the all-code approach:

在SpriteKit中,您有相同的选择。在Xcode 6之前,许多SK游戏采用了全代码方法:

override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
    let player = PlumberSprite(color: .Red)
    player.position = // ...
    player.physicsBody = // ...
    let ground = SKSpriteNode(...)
    ground.position = // ...
    ground.physicsBody = // ...
    let block = QuestionBlockSprite()
    block.position = // ...
    block.physicsBody = // ...
    block.contents = CoinSprite()
    // ... etc etc etc ...

That's a lot of code for what's ultimately a graphical, static scene — even before you start adding code to make it into a game (input handling, enemy behavior, physics callbacks that increment the score or go to game over, etc). And it doesn't lend itself well to designs where you split out the general game logic from the content, so it's harder to add multiple levels to your game.


Instead, you can use the SpriteKit editor in Xcode to build your static content (levels), and stick to code for dynamic behavior and game logic. Just like how, in IB, the view controller is a bridge between your storyboard and your code, your scene class (GameScene.swift in the template) is the bridge between the editor and code. When you load an .sks file at run time (the code for this is in GameViewController.swift in the template), it becomes an instance of your GameScene class, and anything you set up in the editor is accessible as child nodes of the scene.


Checking out WWDC talks is a good idea, but you missed the one that covers this: see session 608: Best Practices for Building SpriteKit Games for more on the motivation behind the SpriteKit editor, how to use it, and how to work with the scene contents loaded from an .sks file in your scene code.
