
时间:2021-11-18 22:44:14

I have created a system user for my glassfishv3 installation that has no interactive shell, so no environment variables are set on this user when glassfish is started through asadmin.


I have tried to copy in the environment by using the following commands in my init script:


jhv=$(grep JAVA_HOME /etc/environment)
export JAVA_HOME    
sudo -u glassfish -E $glassfishpath/asadmin start-domain domain1

Inside of asadmin I echo $JAVA_HOME which prints JAVA_HOME correctly.

在asadmin内部我回显$ JAVA_HOME,正确打印JAVA_HOME。

Once glassfish starts up, I launch a web service with a single method that prints the environment key value pairs. JAVA_HOME is not among them. This causes a problem with any script executed by glassfish that requires JAVA_HOME.

一旦glassfish启动,我使用单个方法启动Web服务,该方法打印环境键值对。 JAVA_HOME不在其中。这会导致glassfish执行的任何需要JAVA_HOME的脚本出现问题。

So how do I set JAVA_HOME on a system user/glassfish environment so it persists once the java container is launched?

那么如何在系统用户/ glassfish环境中设置JAVA_HOME,以便在启动java容器后它仍然存在?

1 个解决方案



Normally, the solution woulbe be to add the -E flag to the sudo command. This flag tells sudo to maintain the current user's environment variables when dropping down into root access.


It looks like you are already using this flag though so I don't know what the problem is. It could be that the flag is failing silently in your script and you are not being notified. Have you tried running the script's command manual in a shell? What is the result/output?




Normally, the solution woulbe be to add the -E flag to the sudo command. This flag tells sudo to maintain the current user's environment variables when dropping down into root access.


It looks like you are already using this flag though so I don't know what the problem is. It could be that the flag is failing silently in your script and you are not being notified. Have you tried running the script's command manual in a shell? What is the result/output?
