
时间:2021-08-25 11:42:41

Using MySQL, I'm trying to do a JOIN similar to how you would use a JOIN with OR statements like:


JOIN bioguide ON (bioguide.fulldistrict=house.districtname) OR
(left(bioguide.firstname,3)=left(house.first,3) AND bioguide.lastname=house.last) OR
(bioguide.fulldistrict=house.districtname AND bioguide.lastname=house.last)

As you probably know, the problem with doing it this way is that if a bunch of different ways work, you get multiple results per row.


My hope is that there's a way to use the JOIN and use it the way the COALESCEfunction works, essentially stating (even though it doesn't work):


JOIN bioguide ON COALESCE(bioguide.firstname=house.first AND
bioguide.lastname=house.last),(left(bioguide.firstname,3)=left(house.first,3) AND
bioguide.lastname=house.last),(bioguide.fulldistrict=house.districtname AND

If that worked, it'd be telling SQL to first JOIN on (bioguide.firstname=house.first AND bioguide.lastname=house.last) then on (left(bioguide.firstname,3)=left(house.first,3) AND bioguide.lastname=house.last), etc.

如果有效,它会告诉SQL首先加入(bioguide.firstname = house.first AND bioguide.lastname = house.last)然后开启(左(bioguide.firstname,3)= left(house.first,3 )和bioguide.lastname = house.last)等

Is something like this possible? Please let me know if other information would be helpful.


Thanks everybody!

1 个解决方案



You can structure the query with the different matches in different tables, and then use coalesce() in the select to get what you want:


select coalesce(bg1.col1, bg2.col2, bg3.col3)
from . . . left outer join
     bioguide bg1
     on bg1.fulldistrict=house.districtname left outer join
     bioguide bg2
     on left(bg2.firstname,3)=left(house.first,3) AND bg2.lastname=house.last left outer join
     bioguide bg3
     on bg3.fulldistrict=house.districtname AND bg3.lastname=house.last

This can still result in multiple rows, if there are multiple matches for one of the comparisons (if the same row in bioguide matches all three, you have no problem with duplicated rows).


If so, then judiciously use a group by:


group by <id column that identifies each row in the result set>



You can structure the query with the different matches in different tables, and then use coalesce() in the select to get what you want:


select coalesce(bg1.col1, bg2.col2, bg3.col3)
from . . . left outer join
     bioguide bg1
     on bg1.fulldistrict=house.districtname left outer join
     bioguide bg2
     on left(bg2.firstname,3)=left(house.first,3) AND bg2.lastname=house.last left outer join
     bioguide bg3
     on bg3.fulldistrict=house.districtname AND bg3.lastname=house.last

This can still result in multiple rows, if there are multiple matches for one of the comparisons (if the same row in bioguide matches all three, you have no problem with duplicated rows).


If so, then judiciously use a group by:


group by <id column that identifies each row in the result set>