为什么我可以使用操作符=而不是操作符=与c++ 11括号初始化器?

时间:2022-05-18 07:13:25

See this example:


struct Foo
    int a;
    int b;

    bool operator == (const Foo & x)
        return a == x.a && b == x.b;

int main ()
    Foo a;

    a = {1, 2};

    if (a == {1, 2}) // error: expected primary-expression before ‘{’ token

The line a={1,2} is fine. The braces are convert to a Foo to match the argument type of the implicit operator= method. It still works if operator= is user-defined.


The line if (a=={1,2}}) errors as indicated.


Why does the expression {1,2} not convert to a Foo to match the user-defined operator== method?


5 个解决方案



List-initialization cannot be used as an argument to an operator in the general case. Per Paragraph 8.5.4/1 of the C++11 Standard:

在一般情况下,初始化不能用作操作符的参数。根据c++ 11标准第8.5.4/1段:

[...] List-initialization can be used


— as the initializer in a variable definition (8.5)


— as the initializer in a new expression (5.3.4)


— in a return statement (6.6.3)


— as a for-range-initializer (6.5)


as a function argument (5.2.2)


— as a subscript (5.2.1)


— as an argument to a constructor invocation (8.5, 5.2.3)


— as an initializer for a non-static data member (9.2)


— in a mem-initializer (12.6.2)


on the right-hand side of an assignment (5.17)


The last item explains why list-initialization is allowed on the right side of operator =, even though it is not allowed in general for an arbitrary operator.


Because of the fifth item above, however, it can be used as an argument to a regular function call, this way:


if (a.operator == ({1, 2}))



It's just simply not supported.


Initializer lists are explicitly defined to be valid in initializations ([C++11: 8.5.4]), and assignments:

初始化列表在初始化([c++ 11: 8.5.4])中被显式地定义为有效,并且赋值:

[C++11: 5.17/9]: A braced-init-list may appear on the right-hand side of

[C+ 11: 5.17/9]:括号内的列表可能出现在右边

  • an assignment to a scalar, in which case the initializer list shall have at most a single element. The meaning of x={v}, where T is the scalar type of the expression x, is that of x=T(v) except that no narrowing conversion (8.5.4) is allowed. The meaning of x={} is x=T().
  • 对标量的赋值,在这种情况下,初始化器列表最多应该只有一个元素。x={v}的含义,其中T是表达式x的标量类型,是x=T(v)的含义,但不允许进行窄化转换(8.5.4)。x={}的含义是x=T()。
  • an assignment defined by a user-defined assignment operator, in which case the initializer list is passed as the argument to the operator function.
  • 由用户定义的赋值操作符定义的赋值,在这种情况下,初始化器列表作为参数传递给操作符函数。

There is no standard wording to allow other, arbitrary cases.


If it were allowed, in this example, the type of {1,2} would be fairly ambiguous. It would be a complicated language feature to implement.




An explicit cast is required.


if (a == (Foo){1, 2})



When you are using the expression containing the user defined type a and == operator Overloaded operator function gets called which as per definition you have given requires an argument of a reference of an object of class Foo

当您使用包含用户定义的类型a和== =运算符重载的运算符函数的表达式时,根据您给出的定义,这个表达式需要一个参数来表示Foo类对象的引用

so your expression should be like a==b

所以表达式应该是a= b

where b is an object of class Foo


Here with this expression you will be able to compare data members of b and a and hence know if they are equal or not




No real reason.


C++ is the result of a committee effort so sometimes strange but deliberate decisions may slip through because of complex political/sociological dynamics.


C++ syntax is hard. Very hard. Almost unbelievably hard. There are rules even go like "if you can parse this arbitrarily long sequence of tokens as both this or that, then it's this".


It took many years for compilers even to simply agree on what is C++ and what is not.


In this case my wild guess is that they didn't like the idea that cases that looked very similar:


MyClass x = {...};
MyClass y; y = {...};

would be handled differently so there is a special provision for assignment to allow the syntax.


From a technical point of view I don't see what are the problems of allowing it for other operators too, and on the other hand if there are problems (e.g. for overloading, template instantiation etc.) I don't see how assignment can hope to escape them.



g++ allows using not only strict operator= but also operator+=, operator-= and similar "augmented assignment". May be the logical problems happens only if you allow non-member overloads (that are forbidden for assignment and augmented assignment operators).




List-initialization cannot be used as an argument to an operator in the general case. Per Paragraph 8.5.4/1 of the C++11 Standard:

在一般情况下,初始化不能用作操作符的参数。根据c++ 11标准第8.5.4/1段:

[...] List-initialization can be used


— as the initializer in a variable definition (8.5)


— as the initializer in a new expression (5.3.4)


— in a return statement (6.6.3)


— as a for-range-initializer (6.5)


as a function argument (5.2.2)


— as a subscript (5.2.1)


— as an argument to a constructor invocation (8.5, 5.2.3)


— as an initializer for a non-static data member (9.2)


— in a mem-initializer (12.6.2)


on the right-hand side of an assignment (5.17)


The last item explains why list-initialization is allowed on the right side of operator =, even though it is not allowed in general for an arbitrary operator.


Because of the fifth item above, however, it can be used as an argument to a regular function call, this way:


if (a.operator == ({1, 2}))



It's just simply not supported.


Initializer lists are explicitly defined to be valid in initializations ([C++11: 8.5.4]), and assignments:

初始化列表在初始化([c++ 11: 8.5.4])中被显式地定义为有效,并且赋值:

[C++11: 5.17/9]: A braced-init-list may appear on the right-hand side of

[C+ 11: 5.17/9]:括号内的列表可能出现在右边

  • an assignment to a scalar, in which case the initializer list shall have at most a single element. The meaning of x={v}, where T is the scalar type of the expression x, is that of x=T(v) except that no narrowing conversion (8.5.4) is allowed. The meaning of x={} is x=T().
  • 对标量的赋值,在这种情况下,初始化器列表最多应该只有一个元素。x={v}的含义,其中T是表达式x的标量类型,是x=T(v)的含义,但不允许进行窄化转换(8.5.4)。x={}的含义是x=T()。
  • an assignment defined by a user-defined assignment operator, in which case the initializer list is passed as the argument to the operator function.
  • 由用户定义的赋值操作符定义的赋值,在这种情况下,初始化器列表作为参数传递给操作符函数。

There is no standard wording to allow other, arbitrary cases.


If it were allowed, in this example, the type of {1,2} would be fairly ambiguous. It would be a complicated language feature to implement.




An explicit cast is required.


if (a == (Foo){1, 2})



When you are using the expression containing the user defined type a and == operator Overloaded operator function gets called which as per definition you have given requires an argument of a reference of an object of class Foo

当您使用包含用户定义的类型a和== =运算符重载的运算符函数的表达式时,根据您给出的定义,这个表达式需要一个参数来表示Foo类对象的引用

so your expression should be like a==b

所以表达式应该是a= b

where b is an object of class Foo


Here with this expression you will be able to compare data members of b and a and hence know if they are equal or not




No real reason.


C++ is the result of a committee effort so sometimes strange but deliberate decisions may slip through because of complex political/sociological dynamics.


C++ syntax is hard. Very hard. Almost unbelievably hard. There are rules even go like "if you can parse this arbitrarily long sequence of tokens as both this or that, then it's this".


It took many years for compilers even to simply agree on what is C++ and what is not.


In this case my wild guess is that they didn't like the idea that cases that looked very similar:


MyClass x = {...};
MyClass y; y = {...};

would be handled differently so there is a special provision for assignment to allow the syntax.


From a technical point of view I don't see what are the problems of allowing it for other operators too, and on the other hand if there are problems (e.g. for overloading, template instantiation etc.) I don't see how assignment can hope to escape them.



g++ allows using not only strict operator= but also operator+=, operator-= and similar "augmented assignment". May be the logical problems happens only if you allow non-member overloads (that are forbidden for assignment and augmented assignment operators).
