
时间:2022-05-05 00:54:35

I need to create an ASP page (classic, not ASP.NET) which runs remote shell scripts on a UNIX server, then captures the output into variables in VBScript within the page itself.


I have never done ASP or VBScipt before. I have tried to google this stuff, but all I find are references to remote server side scripting, nothing concrete.


I could really use:


  1. An elementary example of how this could be done.
  2. 如何做到这一点的基本例子。

  3. Any other better alternatives to achieve this in a secure manner.
  4. 任何其他更好的替代品,以安全的方式实现这一目标。

Are there any freeware/open source alternatives to these libraries? Any examples?


2 个解决方案



If the shell scripts are normally run on a telnet session then you could screen scrape and parse the responses. There are commercial COM components out there such as the Dart telnet library: http://www.dart.com/pttel.aspx that would let you do this.

如果shell脚本通常在telnet会话上运行,那么你可以屏幕抓取并解析响应。有商业COM组件,如Dart telnet库:http://www.dart.com/pttel.aspx,可以让你这样做。

Either that or you could roll your own using AspSock http://www.15seconds.com/component/pg000300.htm

或者你可以使用AspSock http://www.15seconds.com/component/pg000300.htm自己动手



@Pascal, sadly I'm not aware of any F/OSS alternatives. We usually just buy in these types of libraries provided that they're not hugely expensive, and more often than not the cost is built into the customer's overall project cost.

@Pascal,遗憾的是我不知道任何F / OSS替代方案。我们通常只是购买这些类型的库,只要它们不是非常昂贵,并且通常会将成本纳入客户的整体项目成本中。

If you had .NET on the server, you could build a COM wrapped component to do the heavy lifting around System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient. Just a thought.




If the shell scripts are normally run on a telnet session then you could screen scrape and parse the responses. There are commercial COM components out there such as the Dart telnet library: http://www.dart.com/pttel.aspx that would let you do this.

如果shell脚本通常在telnet会话上运行,那么你可以屏幕抓取并解析响应。有商业COM组件,如Dart telnet库:http://www.dart.com/pttel.aspx,可以让你这样做。

Either that or you could roll your own using AspSock http://www.15seconds.com/component/pg000300.htm

或者你可以使用AspSock http://www.15seconds.com/component/pg000300.htm自己动手



@Pascal, sadly I'm not aware of any F/OSS alternatives. We usually just buy in these types of libraries provided that they're not hugely expensive, and more often than not the cost is built into the customer's overall project cost.

@Pascal,遗憾的是我不知道任何F / OSS替代方案。我们通常只是购买这些类型的库,只要它们不是非常昂贵,并且通常会将成本纳入客户的整体项目成本中。

If you had .NET on the server, you could build a COM wrapped component to do the heavy lifting around System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient. Just a thought.
