文件名称:Critchley, M. 阅读障碍儿童。 (第二版)伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德:Charles C. Thomas,1970 年,137 页,[美元]7.50
更新时间:2024-07-19 13:41:44
学术 论文
Critchley, M. The Dyslexic Child. (2nd. ed.) Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1970, 137 p., [dollar]7.50 264 BOOK REVIEWS chapter states how many such professionals fear loss of autonomy and status if they have to change their traditional methods of providing mental health services. In her chapter on the nonprofessional (promise or primrose path), Tendler describes her ideas on this “new” source of mental health manpower. Because it deals mainly with the use of nonprofessionals fr