
时间:2017-04-16 11:04:35
更新时间:2017-04-16 11:04:35
isrgb.m matlab rgb isrgb.m matlab rgb function y = isrgb(x) %ISRGB Return true for RGB image. % FLAG = ISRGB(A) returns 1 if A is an RGB truecolor image and % 0 otherwise. % % ISRGB uses these criteria to determine if A is an RGB image: % % - If A is of class double, all values must be in the range % [0,1], and A must be M-by-N-by-3. % % - If A is of class uint8 or uint16, A must be M-by-N-by-3. % % Note that a four-dimensional array that contains multiple RGB % images returns 0, not 1. % % Class Support % ------------- % A can be of class uint8, uint16, or double. If A is of % class logical it is considered not to be RGB. % % See also ISBW, ISGRAY, ISIND. % Copyright 1993-2003 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2003/08/23 05:52:55 $ wid = sprintf('Images:%s:obsoleteFunction',mfilename); str1= sprintf('%s is obsolete and may be removed in the future.',mfilename); str2 = 'See product release notes for more information.'; warning(wid,'%s\n%s',str1,str2); y = size(x,3)==3; if y if isa(x, 'logical') y = false; elseif isa(x, 'double') % At first just test a small chunk to get a possible quick negative m = size(x,1); n = size(x,2); chunk = x(1:min(m,10),1:min(n,10),:); y = (min(chunk(:))>=0 && max(chunk(:))<=1); % If the chunk is an RGB image, test the whole image if y y = (min(x(:))>=0 && max(x(:))<=1); end end end


  • 可以用,要把图片赋一个变量,然后调用这个函数,是rgb图像返回1,不是返回0,会出现warning,不影响 H=imread('car_1.jpg');u=isrgb(H); u = logical 1
  • 下载一下看能不能用
  • 还不错,下载了可以用啊
  • 好用,经常碰到这问题,烦死了
  • 还不错,下载了可以用啊
  • 这个函数isrgb以前是matlab自带的现在被matlab删除了,其实还是蛮有用的,支持一下
  • 很好,有用,解决了我的问题