A young schoolboy would like to calculate the sum

for some fixed natural k and different natural n. He observed that calculating ik
for all i (1<=i<=n) and summing up results is a too slow way to
do it, because the number of required arithmetical operations increases
as n increases. Fortunately, there is another method which takes only a
constant number of operations regardless of n. It is possible to show
that the sum Sk(n) is equal to some polynomial of degree k+1 in the variable n with rational coefficients, i.e.,

We require that integer M be positive and as small as possible. Under this condition the entire set of such numbers (i.e. M, ak+1, ak, ... , a1, a0)
will be unique for the given k. You have to write a program to find
such set of coefficients to help the schoolboy make his calculations

for some fixed natural k and different natural n. He observed that calculating ik
for all i (1<=i<=n) and summing up results is a too slow way to
do it, because the number of required arithmetical operations increases
as n increases. Fortunately, there is another method which takes only a
constant number of operations regardless of n. It is possible to show
that the sum Sk(n) is equal to some polynomial of degree k+1 in the variable n with rational coefficients, i.e.,

We require that integer M be positive and as small as possible. Under this condition the entire set of such numbers (i.e. M, ak+1, ak, ... , a1, a0)
will be unique for the given k. You have to write a program to find
such set of coefficients to help the schoolboy make his calculations
The input file contains a single integer k (1<=k<=20).
Write integer numbers M, ak+1, ak, ... , a1, a0
to the output file in the given order. Numbers should be separated by
one space. Remember that you should write the answer with the smallest
positive M possible.
to the output file in the given order. Numbers should be separated by
one space. Remember that you should write the answer with the smallest
positive M possible.
Sample Input
Sample Output
6 2 3 1 0

1. 伯努利数与自然数幂的关系:
2. 伯努利数递推式:
先通过递推式求得伯努利数,然后用1公式并将中间的(n+1) ^ i,变成n ^ i,后面再加上n ^ k,化进去就行了。
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#define LOCAL
const int MAXN = + ;
const double Pi = acos(-1.0);
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll gcd(ll a, ll b){return b == ? a: gcd(b, a % b);}
struct Num{
ll a, b;//分数,b为分母
Num(ll x = , ll y = ) {a = x;b = y;}
void update(){
ll tmp = gcd(a, b);
a /= tmp;
b /= tmp;
Num operator + (const Num &c){
ll fz = a * c.b + b * c.a, fm = b * c.b;
if (fz == ) return Num(, );
ll tmp = gcd(fz, fm);
return Num(fz / tmp, fm / tmp);
ll C[MAXN][MAXN]; void init(){
for (int i = ; i < MAXN; i++) C[i][] = C[i][i] = ;
for (int i = ; i < MAXN; i++)
for (int j = ; j < MAXN; j++) C[i][j] = C[i - ][j] + C[i - ][j - ];
B[] = Num(, );
for (int i = ; i < MAXN; i++){
Num tmp = Num(, ), add;
for (int j = ; j < i; j++){
add = B[j];
add.a *= C[i + ][j];
tmp = tmp + add;
if (tmp.a) tmp.b *= -(i + );
B[i] = tmp;
void work(){
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
ll M = n + , flag = , Lcm;
A[] = Num(, );
for (int i = ; i <= n + ; i++){
if (B[n + - i].a == ) {A[i] = Num(, );continue;}
Num tmp = B[n + - i];
tmp.a *= C[n + ][i];//C[n+1][i] = C[n + 1][n + 1 - i]
if (flag == ) Lcm = flag = tmp.b;
A[i] = tmp;
A[n] = A[n] + Num(n + , ); for (int i = ; i <= n + ; i++){
if (A[i].a == ) continue;
Lcm = (Lcm * A[i].b) / gcd(Lcm, A[i].b);
if (Lcm < ) Lcm *= -;
M *= Lcm;
printf("%lld", M);
for (int i = n + ; i >= ; i--) printf(" %lld", A[i].a * Lcm / A[i].b);
} int main(){ init();
//printf("%lld\n", C[5][3]);
return ;