ILayer 接口是被图层(Layer)对象实现的,图层对象是用来在地图中显示空间信息,注意,
Properties属性成员 |
Description说明 |
The default area of interest for the layer.感兴趣区域 |
Indicates if the layer needs its own display cache.需要高速缓存 |
Draws the layer to the specified display for the given draw phase .画出指定显示层 |
Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display.在该图层显示的做大规模 |
Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display..在该图层显示的最小规模 |
Layer name.命名 |
Indicates if the layer shows map tips.如果图层显示地图提示,指示 |
Spatial reference for the layer .层空间的引用 |
Supported draw phases.支持绘制状态 |
Map tip text at the specified location .在指定位置的地图提示文本 |
Indicates if the layer is currently valid. 层是当前有效 |
Indicates if the layer is currently visible.曾是当前可见 |
方法 |
描述 |
画出层 |
Classes |
Description |
Layer containing a Basemap. |
An ESRI Cad annotation layer. |
Cadastral Fabric Layer Object. |
Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object. |
ESRI CAD Feature Layer class. |
ESRI CAD Layer class. |
A collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer. |
An ESRI coverage annotation layer. |
A collection of properties for a dimension layer. |
A dummy layer used to display legend items in the style gallery (Singleton). |
A dummy layer used to display legend items in the style gallery (Singleton). |
A collection of properties for an annotation layer (feature data object graphics layer). |
A collection of properties for an annotation sublayer layer (feature data object graphics sublayer). |
A collection of features and their visual representation. |
A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a force element display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display. |
Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options. |
The georeferenced video layer. |
The Globe Graphics Layer. |
The cache-only globe layer. |
Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer. |
A 3D Graphics Layer. |
Graphic sublayer handed back by the composite graphics layer. |
A collection of layers that behaves like a single layer. |
Image server layer source and display options. |
A container for the display and manipulation of IMS layers. |
A collection of IMS features as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer. |
An IMS Layer as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer. |
Layer object that represents Control Points. |
Layer object that represents Joined LinePoints. |
Layer object that represents Joined Parcels. |
Layer object that represents Joined Parcel Lines. |
Layer object that represents Joined Points. |
ESRI KML Layer class. |
A layer used to control the display of MA DTED Catalogs. |
Provides programmatic access to a basic map server sublayer. |
Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find capability. |
Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Identify capability. |
Provides programmatic access to a map server layer. |
Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find and Identify capability. |
A layer used to control the display of MA RPF Catalogs. |
The layer for defining, solving, and viewing network analysis results. |
ESRI Network Layer CoClass. |
A NITF graphics layer containing NITF CGM graphics. |
Layer object that represents a packet of Joined Parcels, Lines, Points, Control Points, LinePoints and Text. |
A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. |
Basemap Layer containing a Raster. |
Raster catalog source and display options. |
Raster layer source and display options. |
A Schematic layer object. |
A layer that lets you preview a search result in the Geography tab. |
A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a tactical graphic display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display. |
Defines the coclass IDL parameters and attributes of the TemporalFeatureLayer COM object. |
The Terrain Layer class. |
The TIN Layer class. |
A collection of properties for a topology layer. |
WCS layer source and display options. |
A container for the display of WMS group layers. |
A container for the display of WMS sub layers. |
A container for the display and manipulation of WMS layers |