Step 1.
Connect you'r Android device to you'r computer and have USB debugging enabled. Also you have to have added the Android tools to you'r path or else you have to go to the SDK folder first. Open up you'r terminal/cmd and type:
adb tcpip 5555
This should give the output:
restarting in TCP mode port: 5555
You have now enabled ADB over TCP/IP using the port 5555 (use another port if that one is taken)
Step 2.
Now knowing the IP of you'r Android device (Settings->About->Status) type the following into the terminal:
adb connect <you'r devices IP adress>
you should now get the output:
connected to <you'r devices IP adress>
Step 3.
You should now be able to debug against you'r device as usual as long as it is connected to the same WiFi as you'r computer. A simple test:
adb devices
Should give the output:
List of devices attached:
<you'r devices IP adress> device
Or something similar. Go ahead and try to read the Logcat using DDMS or simply deploying to you'r device using you'r favourite IDE IntelliJ IDEA. I have tested the following to work over WiFi ADB:
- Logcat output
- Deploy dev app
- Debug dev app
- Screenshots over ADB
Sorry for not checking the comments here, a minor typo is probably causing problems as the first line was with 555 and then the following are with 5555, fixed now, sorry guys.