[Webpack 2] Import a non-ES6 module with Webpack

时间:2024-04-16 16:27:16

When you have a dependency that does not export itself properly, you can use the exports-loader to force it to export the pieces of the file that you need.


npm i -D exports-loader

Add exports-loader to the module you want:

 module: {
loaders: [
test: require.resolve('./src/js/non_node_modules/left-pad'),
loaders: [

There is no problem, the module still exists on 'window' object, we want it be es6 module which not exists on 'window' object.


npm i -D imports-loader

Add imports-loader the the module:

    module: {
loaders: [
test: require.resolve('./src/js/non_node_modules/left-pad'),
loaders: [

Here it sets 'windows' object to empty object to clean the left-pad module.