Longest Increasing Subsequence

时间:2023-03-10 02:22:58
Longest Increasing Subsequence

很久不写算法了== 写个东西练练手


输入n,然后是数组a[ ]的n个元素


一、最简单的方法复杂度O(n * n)

  1. DP[ i ] 是以a[ i ] 为结尾的最长上升子序列的长度。
  2. DP[ i ] = max{DP[ j ] + 1 | j < i && a[ j ] < a[ i ]}


  * =====================================================================================
  *       Filename : LongestIncrSub1.cpp
  *    Description : O(n^2)
  *    Version     : a better Algorithm of O(n^2)
  *        Created : 03/22/14 22:03
  *         Author : Liu Xue Yang (LXY), liuxueyang457@163.com
  *         Motto  : How about today?
  * =====================================================================================
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <climits>
 #include <cstdlib>

 int dp[MAXN], a[MAXN];
 int n, i, j;

 main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

 #ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE
     freopen("LongestIncrSub.txt", "r", stdin);
 #endif     /* -----  not ONLINE_JUDGE  ----- */

     while ( ~scanf("%d", &n) ) {

         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             scanf ( "%d", &a[i] );
             dp[i] = INT_MAX;
         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             ; j < n; ++j ) {
                  || dp[j-] < a[i] ) {
                     if ( dp[j] > a[i] ) {
                         dp[j] = a[i];
         ; j >= ; --j ) {
             if ( dp[j] != INT_MAX ) {
                 result = j + ;
         printf ( "%d\n", result );
         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 }                /* ----------  end of function main  ---------- */


DP[ i ] 表示长度为 i + 1的上升子序列中末尾元素的最小值

从前往后扫描数组a[ ],对于每一个元素a[ i ],只需要在DP[ ] 数组中找到应该插入的位置。

if j == 0 || a[ i ] > DP[ j-1 ]

  DP[ j ] = min{ DP[ j ], a[ i ]}

由于对于每个a[ i ] 都要扫描一遍DP[ ] 数组,所以复杂度还是O(n * n)


  * =====================================================================================
  *       Filename : LongestIncrSub1.cpp
  *    Description : O(n^2)
  *    Version     : a better Algorithm of O(n^2)
  *        Created : 03/22/14 22:03
  *         Author : Liu Xue Yang (LXY), liuxueyang457@163.com
  *         Motto  : How about today?
  * =====================================================================================
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <climits>
 #include <cstdlib>

 int dp[MAXN], a[MAXN];
 int n, i, j;

 main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

 #ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE
     freopen("LongestIncrSub.txt", "r", stdin);
 #endif     /* -----  not ONLINE_JUDGE  ----- */

     while ( ~scanf("%d", &n) ) {

         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             scanf ( "%d", &a[i] );
             dp[i] = INT_MAX;
         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             ; j < n; ++j ) {
                  || dp[j-] < a[i] ) {
                     if ( dp[j] > a[i] ) {
                         dp[j] = a[i];
         ; j >= ; --j ) {
             if ( dp[j] != INT_MAX ) {
                 result = j + ;
         printf ( "%d\n", result );
         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 }                /* ----------  end of function main  ---------- */

三、对于上一个算法,在DP[ ]数组中找a[ i ]元素的插入位置的时候,采用的是线性查找,由于DP[ ]这个数组是有序的,所以可以采用二分,这要复杂度就降到了O(nlogn),可以用STL函数lower_bound用来找第一个大于等于a[ i ]的位置。


  * =====================================================================================
  *       Filename : LongestIncrSub2.cpp
  *    Description : A better solution
  *    Version     : algorithm of O(nlogn)
  *        Created : 03/22/14 22:37
  *         Author : Liu Xue Yang (LXY), liuxueyang457@163.com
  *         Motto  : How about today?
  * =====================================================================================
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <climits>
 #include <algorithm>
 using namespace std;

 int a[MAXN], dp[MAXN];
 int i, n, result;

 main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

 #ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE
     freopen("LongestIncrSub.txt", "r", stdin);
 #endif     /* -----  not ONLINE_JUDGE  ----- */
     while ( ~scanf("%d", &n) ) {
         fill(dp, dp + n, INT_MAX);
         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             scanf ( "%d", &a[i] );
         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             *lower_bound(dp, dp + n, a[i]) = a[i];
         result = lower_bound(dp, dp + n, INT_MAX) - dp;
         printf ( "%d\n", result );

         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 }                /* ----------  end of function main  ---------- */

Source Code on GitHub


用一个position数组,position[ i ] 表示位置 i 的数字在上升子序列中的位置。也就是,插入dp数组中的位置。


Longest Increasing Subsequence

Longest Increasing Subsequence

然后在position数组中从后往前找到第一次出现的3对应的a[ i ] = 8,然后接着找第一次出现的2对应的a[ i ] = 3,然后接着找第一次出现的1对应的a[ i ] = 2,最后接着

找第一次出现的0对应的a[ i ] = -7

所以,-7, 2, 3, 8就是最长上升子序列的一个解。这个解是在序列中最后出现的。


  * =====================================================================================
  *       Filename : LongestIncrSub2.cpp
  *    Description : A better solution
  *    Version     : algorithm of O(nlogn)
  *        Created : 03/22/14 22:37
  *         Author : Liu Xue Yang (LXY), liuxueyang457@163.com
  *         Motto  : How about today?
  * =====================================================================================
 #include <iostream>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <climits>
 #include <algorithm>
 using namespace std;

 int a[MAXN], dp[MAXN], position[MAXN], sub[MAXN];
 int i, n, result;

 main ( int argc, char *argv[] )

 #ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE
 //    freopen("LongestIncrSub.txt", "r", stdin);
 #endif     /* -----  not ONLINE_JUDGE  ----- */
     while ( ~scanf("%d", &n) ) {
         fill(dp, dp + n, INT_MAX);
         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             scanf ( "%d", &a[i] );
         int *tmp;
         ; i < n; ++i ) {
             tmp = lower_bound(dp, dp + n, a[i]);
             position[i] = tmp - dp;
             *tmp = a[i];
         result = lower_bound(dp, dp + n, INT_MAX) - dp;
         printf ( "%d\n", result );
         ; i >= ; --i ) {
             if ( t == position[i] ) {
                 sub[t] = a[i];
         ; i < result; ++i ) {
             if ( i ) {
                 printf ( " " );
             printf ( "%d", sub[i] );
         printf ( "\n" );

         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 }                /* ----------  end of function main  ---------- */
