python3.7 文件操作

时间:2023-03-09 05:33:36
python3.7 文件操作
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "lrtao2010" #python3.7 文件操作 # r 只读,默认打开方式,当文件不存在时会报错
# w 只写,当文件不存在时会自动创建文件,文件内容只能是字符串,只能写入字符串
# r+ 可读可写,当文件不存在时会报错
# w+ 可读可写。当文件不存在时会新建
# a 追加文件,不可读
# a+ 追加文件,可读可写
# rb 以二进制读模式打开,只可读
# rb+ 以二进制写读写模式打开,可读可写,当文件不存在时报错
# wb 以位进制写模式打开,只可写
# wb+ 以二进制读写模式打开,可读可写。当文件不存在时新建
# ab 以二进制追加模式打开,追加文件,不可读
# ab+ 以二进制读写模式打开,追加文件。可读可写 # with open("file.txt",'w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# print(f.readable())
# print(f.writable())
# False
# True
# with open("file.txt",'r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# print(f.readable())
# print(f.writable())
# True
# False
# with open("file.txt",'r+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# print(f.readable())
# print(f.writable())
# True
# True
# with open("file.txt",'a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# print(f.readable())
# print(f.writable())
# False
# True
# with open("file.txt",'a+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# print(f.readable())
# print(f.writable())
# True
# True # f= open("file1.txt",encoding='utf-8')#不写encoding,默认问操作系统编码
# #完全读取
# print(file_data)
# f.close() #需要执行关闭操作
# 你好!
# hello # with open("file.txt",encoding='utf-8')as f:
# print(file_data) #不需要执行close(),系统会自动关闭。
# 你好!
# hello # with open("file.txt",encoding='utf-8')as f:
# print(f.readable()) #判断是否可读
# print(f.writable()) #判断是否可写
# print(1, f.readline()) #一次只读一行
# print(2, f.readline())
# print(3, f.readline())
# print(4, f.readline())
# print(5, f.readline())
# print(6, f.readline())
# print(7, f.readline())
# print(8, f.readline())
# True
# False
# 1 1111
# 2 222
# 3 333
# 4 44
# 5 5555
# 6 666
# 7 你好!
# 8 hello #with open("file.txt",encoding='utf-8')as f:
# print(f.readlines()) #将文件内容读取到列表中
# ['1111\n', '222\n', '333\n', '44\n', '5555\n', '666\n', '你好!\n', 'hello']
# for i in f.readlines():
# print(i)
# 你好!
# hello # with open('file.txt','r',encoding='utf-8',newline='') as f:
# # print(f.readlines())
# # ['1111\r\n', '222\r\n', '333\r\n', '44\r\n', '5555\r\n', '666\r\n', '你好!\r\n', 'hello']
# for i in f.readlines():
# print(i,end='') #不打印换行符
# 你好!
# hello # with open('file.txt','w+',encoding='utf-8') as f: #原文件被清空后重新写入
# f.write('a\n')
# f.write('b\nc\n')
# f.writelines(['d\n', 'e\n'])
# #将指针seek到0位置,否则读不出数据
# print(
# # a
# # b
# # c
# # d
# # e # with open('file.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: #从指针位置所在处写入写入
# print(f.readline())
# f.write('a\n')
# f.write('b\nc\n')
# f.writelines(['d\n', 'e\n'])
# #将指针seek到0位置,否则读不出数据
# print(
# # 1111
# #
# # 1111
# # 222
# # 333
# # 44
# # 5555
# # 666
# # 你好!
# # helloa
# # b
# # c
# # d
# # e # with open('file.txt','a+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# f.write('写到文件最后')
# print(
# # 1111
# # 222
# # 333
# # 44
# # 5555
# # 666
# # 你好!
# # hello写到文件最后 # with open('file.txt','a+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
# print(f.encoding) #查看文件编码
# #utf - 8 # #'字符串'---------encode---------》bytes
# #bytes---------decode---------》'字符串' # with open('file.txt','rb') as f: #b模式不能指定编码
# print(file_data)
# print(file_data.decode('utf-8'))
# # b'1111\r\n222\r\n333\r\n44\r\n5555\r\n666\r\n\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd!\r\nhello'
# # 1111
# # 222
# # 333
# # 44
# # 5555
# # 666
# # 你好!
# # hello # with open('file.txt','wb+') as f:
# file_data = 'test wb'
# f.write(file_data.encode('utf-8'))
# print(
# # b'test wb' # flush() 文件内容从内存刷到硬盘
# tell() 查看文件当前光标位置
# seek(3) #从开头开始算,将光标移动到第三个字节
#seek 有三种工作方式,seek(offset[, whence])
#seek(2,1) 1 相对当前位置
#seek(-2,2) 2 从文件末尾开始
# truncate(10) #从开头开始算,将文件只保留从0-10个字节的内容,文件打开方式必须包含"写",
# with open('file.txt','ab') as f:
# f.truncate(1) #打印文件最后一行
# with open("file.txt",'rb') as f:
# for i in f: #这种方式不会读取整个文件,需要从哪里读取才从哪里开始读取,循环文件的推荐方式
# offs=-5 #偏移量,根据一行大小确定
# while True:
# data=f.readlines()
# if len(data) > 1:
# print('这是最后一行:',data[-1].decode('utf-8'))
# break
# offs*=2 # 这是最后一行: hello你好!hello你好!hello你好!hello你好!