Using the NDK Plugin
1. First set the path to SDK and NDK:
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Android -> set path to SDK
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Android -> NDK -> set path to the NDK
2. Right click on an Android project and select Android Tools -> Add native support.
Note that you will not be able to add native support if the project already has C/C++ nature.
At this point, you will be able to build your applications using Project -> Build All.
Debugging native applications
a. Update your build config to include “NDK_DEBUG=1”. 没有 空格

c. Right click on your project, select Debug As -> Android Native Application

1. Eclipse does not automatically find the include paths to all the NDK headers on Windows. This issue will be fixed (20.0.1+).
2. Eclipse does not automatically find the include paths with CDT 8.1.0 (Juno). This issue is tracked in Bug 33788.