#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@version: 3.5
@author: morgana
@license: Apache Licence
@contact: vipmorgana@gmail.com
@software: PyCharm
@file: notes.py
@time: 2017/6/19 上午8:51
""" # 1.yield的表达式形成的应用
# 2.面向过程编程:grep -rl 'root' /etc
# 3.递归
# 4.内置函数
# 三元表达式:res=True if 1>2 else False
# 列表解析:[i for i in range(10) if i>5]
# 生成器表达式:(i for i in range(10) if i>5)
# 生成器:函数函数内部有yield关键字,那函数执行的结果就是生成器 # def init(func):
# def warpper(*args,**kwargs):
# g=func(*args,**kwargs)
# next(g)
# return g
# return warpper
# @init
# def foo():
# print('starting')
# while True:
# x=yield
# print('value: ',x) #send的效果
#2:与next的功能一样 # g=foo()
# print(g)
# next(g)
# print('='*30)
# print(g.send(1))
# print('='*30)
# print(g.send(2))
# print(g.send(3))
# print(g.send(3)) # # @init
# def eater(name):
# print('%s read to eat ' %name)
# food_list=[]
# while True:
# food=yield food_list
# food_list.append(food)
# print("%s start to eat %s" %(name,food))
# e=eater('alex')
# e.send("shit")
# e.send("dog shit") #
# def init(func):
# def warpper(*args,**kwargs):
# g=func(*args,**kwargs)
# next(g)
# return g
# return warpper
# @init
# def eater(name):
# print("%s eat " %(name))
# food_list=[]
# while True:
# food=yield food_list
# food_list.append(food)
# print("%s eat %s" %(name,food))
# def make_shit(people,n):
# for i in range(n):
# people.send("shit %s" %i)
# e=eater("alex")
# make_shit(e,5) #1.找到文件
#2.把文件找到 绝对路径 send()-》
#判断 import os
def init(func):
def warpper(*args,**kwargs):
return g
return warpper # 阶段一:递归找文件绝对路径,把路径发给阶段二
def search(target, start_path):
'serch file abpath'
g = os.walk(start_path)
for par_dir, _, files in g:
# print(par_dir,files)
for file in files:
#file_path =r'%s\%s' % (par_dir, file)
file_path = '%s%s' % (par_dir, file)
target.send(file_path) # 阶段二:收到文件路径,打开文件获取对象,把文件对象发给阶段三
def opener(target):
'get file obj open(filepath)'
while True:
file_path = yield
with open(file_path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
target.send((file_path,f)) # 阶段三:收到文件对象,for循环读取文件的每一行内容,把每一行内容发给阶段四
def cat(target):
# 'cat file'
while True:
file_path, f = yield
for line in f: target.send((file_path,line)) # 阶段四:收到一行内容,判断root是否在这一行中,如果在,则把文件名发给阶段五
def grep(target, pattern):
while True:
file_path, line = yield
if pattern in line:
target.send(file_path) # 阶段五:收到文件名打印结果
def printer():
# 'print function'
while True:
filename = yield
print(filename) start_path ='/Users/shuanggai/PycharmProjects/git/python/20170619_yield_recursion/homework/'