setup.exe -silent -responseFile "C:\app\software\WIN64_11204\RSP\db_install_window.rsp"
-manual copy patch C:\app\software\WIN64_11204\p6880880_112000_MSWIN-x86-64 to $ORACLE_HOME
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\perl\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\OPatch\opatch;%PATH%
cd C:\app\software\WIN64_11204\p23530402_112040_MSWIN-x86-64\23530402 C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\OPatch\opatch apply --prompt 3 y
cd C:\app\software\WIN64_11204\p23515277_112040_MSWIN-x86-64\23515277 C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\OPatch\opatch apply --prompt 3 y
to install Oracle Database Server/Client software in non-interactive or
silent mode from command line without using a response file?
silent installation can be done with the help of a "Response File". A "Response File" contains all the inputs that are required for doing the silent installation.
"Response File" can be created using one of the following methods:
1. Response file template supplied with installation kit:
Ex: <11gR2 Disk>/database/response/db_install.rsp
Copy "<11gR2 Disk>/database/response/db_install.rsp" to "<path>/db_install.rsp"
Edit "<path>/db_install.rsp" and modify the values that suits your environment
2. Record the response file using OUI in interactive mode:
Starting with 11gR2, user can save (Record) all the installation steps into a response file during installation. This can be achieved by clicking on "Save Response File" button on the Summary page. Later, this saved response file can be used for a silent installation.
Once the response file is created, user can execute the following command to do a silent installation:
Windows : setup.exe -silent -responseFile "<path>\db_install.rsp"
Unix : ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile "<path>/db_install.rsp"
The same silent installation can be done directly from the command prompt without using a response file but it requires a minimum set of variables (from the response file) as arguments to the OUI (i.e "runInstaller or setup.exe").
For example, the following commands can be used to install in Silent mode without a response file:
Database The following command can be used to install Database (Enterprise Edition Software Only) in silent mode:
"DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true" causes the Install of the OCM component but does not do the OCM configuration.
If user wants to configure the OCM along with Database Silent Installation, then the following parameters need to be included to the above command: MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=<MyOracleSupport Login> SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=true MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=<MyOracleSupport Login Password> If direct connection is not possible, then following proxy connection details are required additionally PROXY_HOST=<proxy_host> PROXY_PORT=<proxy_port> PROXY_USER=<proxy_user> PROXY_PWD=<proxy_passwd> DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=false
Client The following command can be used to install Client (Install Type : Administrator) in silent mode:
Silent installation with response file
1. For the already available Silent Response File, please go to
2. Copy db_install.rsp to temporary location, eg /tmp
3. Update db_install.rsp for below parameters for Single Instance / Non RAC / Software Only Installation per your environment.
Silent installation without response file
Note : Following are new groups introduced in 12.1
oracle.install.db.BACKUPDBA_GROUP=dba \ oracle.install.db.DGDBA_GROUP=dba \ oracle.install.db.KMDBA_GROUP=dba \
For more information, please review :
Note 1483380.1 Changes For Oracle Database 12.1 Standalone Installation
On windows, ensure that command is framed in single line and space is used between each option and variable Ex: setup.exe -option1 -option2 variable1=value variable2=value ....
Here is an example of instructions for windows 12.1 client installation :
Here is an example of instructions for windows 12.1 Database installation :
If existing Windows user account is used to install then following parameter needs to be added
If Windows built-in user account is used, then following parameter needs to be added
11.2 installer provides only two install methods : Interactive and Silent. Suppressed-Interactive mode (used to work in previous releases) does not work with 11.2 OUI.
If runInstaller command is invoked without "-silent" option but supplied the necessary information by using a response file or command line entries, then OUI still shows all the interactive screens and displays the values supplied through response file or command line entries as default values.
In case you need to install Examples CD the methods are exactly the sames as the ones decribed above : Response file template supplied with installation kit : <11gR2 Examples Disk>/examples/response/demos_install.rsp (\ on windows platforms)
record the response file using OUI in interactive mode.
windows : ddl 进程active in opatch
Workaround :
When a specific dll is mentioned during installation:
On Windows XP use the utility TASKLIST to list the currently opened files.
When using TASKLIST with option /m, it will list all active processes with their opened files. For example:
. tasklist /m > tasks.txt
. notepad tasks.txt
. Search for the specified dll in tasks.txt and identify the process.
. Stop the involved process or service. 停下oracle 进程
How To Run NETCA Silently and Edit And Call Custom Netca.Rsp file