Facebook Hacker Cup 2014 Qualification Round比赛Square Detector题的解题报告。单击这里打开题目链接(国内访问需要那个,你懂的)。
Square Detector
Problem Description
You want to write an image detection system that is able to recognize different geometric shapes. In the first version of the system you settled with just being able to detect filled squares on a grid.
You are given a grid of N×N square cells. Each cell is either white or black. Your task is to detect whether all the black cells form a square shape.
The first line of the input consists of a single number T, the number of test cases.
Each test case starts with a line containing a single integer N. Each of the subsequent N lines contain N characters. Each character is either "." symbolizing a white cell, or "#" symbolizing a black cell. Every test case contains at least one black cell.
For each test case i numbered from 1 to T, output "Case #i: ", followed by YES or NO depending on whether or not all the black cells form a completely filled square with edges parallel to the grid of cells.
1 ≤ T ≤ 20
1 ≤ N ≤ 20Example
Test cases 1 and 5 represent valid squares. Case 2 has an extra cell that is outside of the square. Case 3 shows a square not filled inside. And case 4 is a rectangle but not a square.
Sample Input
#####Sample Output
Case #1: YES
Case #2: NO
Case #3: NO
Case #4: NO
Case #5: YES
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib> #define MAX_LENGTH 100 using namespace std; int main()
bool square;
int line_changes;
int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;
int T;
static char s[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH];
scanf("%d", &T);
for ( int i = ; i <= T; ++ i )
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
start_x = start_y = -;
for ( int j = ; j < n; ++ j )
square = true;
for ( int j = ; j < n; ++ j )
line_changes = ;
for ( int k = ; k < n; ++ k )
if ( k == && s[j][k] == '#' )
if ( k > && s[j][k] == '#' && s[j][k-] == '.' )
if ( line_changes > )
square = false;
if ( s[j][k] == '#' )
end_x = j;
end_y = k;
if ( start_x == - )
start_x = j;
start_y = k;
if ( end_y - start_y != end_x - start_x )
square = false;
for ( int col = ; col < n; ++ col )
line_changes = ;
for ( int row = ; row < n; ++ row )
if ( row == && s[row][col] == '#' )
if ( row > && s[row][col] == '#' && s[row-][col] == '.' )
if ( line_changes > )
square = false;
if ( square )
printf("Case #%i: YES\n", i);
printf("Case #%i: NO\n", i);
另外,Facebook Hacker Cup还公布了官方的解法。官方解法是用Python语言写的(用的是 Python 2 的语法),代码如下:
def solve():
n = int(raw_input().strip())
b = [raw_input().strip() for i in range(n)]
black = 0
minX, maxX, minY, maxY = n, 0, n, 0
for x in range(0, n) :
for y in range(0, n) :
if b[x][y] == '#':
minX, minY = min(minX, x), min(minY, y)
maxX, maxY = max(maxX, x), max(maxY, y)
black += 1
dx = maxX - minX + 1
dy = maxY - minY + 1
return dx == dy and dx * dy == black if __name__ == '__main__':
t = int(raw_input().strip())
for i in range(1, t+1):
res = solve()
print 'Case #%d: %s' % (i, 'YES' if res else 'NO')