Problem link:
This problem is very similar to "Copy List with Random Pointer", we need a hash map to map a node and its clone.
The algorithm is 2-pass procedure as follows.
CLONE-GRAPH(GraphNode node):
Let MAP be a hash map with pairs of (key=GraphNode, value=GraphNode)
Let Q be an empty queue
if node == NULL
return NULL
// BFS the graph
while Q is not empty
n = Q.pop()
Duplicate n as m
MAP[n] = m
for each nn in n's neighbor
if not MAP.haskey(nn)
// Set the neigbors of clone nodes
for each key n in MAP
m = MAP[n]
for each nn in n's neighbor
mm = MAP[nn]
add mm into m's neighbors
// return the clone of node
return MAP[node]
However, I implemented the algorithm in python but got LTE in oj.leetcode. Then, I implemented it in C++ and accepted successfully.
The C++ code is as follows.
* Definition for undirected graph.
* struct UndirectedGraphNode {
* int label;
* vector<UndirectedGraphNode *> neighbors;
* UndirectedGraphNode(int x) : label(x) {};
* };
#include <map>
#include <queue> using namespace std; class Solution {
UndirectedGraphNode *cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode *node) {
// Special case:
if (node == NULL) return NULL; // Declarations
map<UndirectedGraphNode*, UndirectedGraphNode*> M;
queue<UndirectedGraphNode*> Q;
UndirectedGraphNode* n = NULL; // BFS from the given node
while (! Q.empty()) {
// Pop a node in the queue a n
n = Q.front(); Q.pop();
// Clone and map n
M[n] = new UndirectedGraphNode(n->label);
// Check n's neighbors
for(vector<UndirectedGraphNode*>::iterator iter=n->neighbors.begin(); iter != n->neighbors.end(); ++iter) {
if (M.find(*iter) == M.end()) { // Not found, means not visited yet
} // Set neighbors of new created nodes
for(map<UndirectedGraphNode*, UndirectedGraphNode*>::iterator iter = M.begin(); iter != M.end(); ++iter) {
// iter->first: the pointer to the original node
// iter->second: the pointer to the clone
for(vector<UndirectedGraphNode*>::iterator ni = iter->first->neighbors.begin(); ni != iter->first->neighbors.end(); ++ni)
return M[node];
FYI, I also post my python version here even it is not accepted due to LTE# Definition for a undirected graph node
# Definition for a undirected graph node
# class UndirectedGraphNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.label = x
# self.neighbors = [] class Solution:
# @param node, a undirected graph node
# @return a undirected graph node
def cloneGraph(self, node):
Similar to the previous problem "Copy List with Random Pointer"
which deepcopies a list node containing (value, next, random).
So we can use similar technique.
We need to assume that each node has a path to the given node
# Special case:
if node is None:
return None # We use a dictionary to map between the original node and its copy
# Also, we can use mapping.keys() to keep track the nodes we already visited
mapping = {} # BFS from the given node
q = [node]
while q:
# I do not pop/push on q, since it is not efficient for python build-in list structure
# Instead, I just create a new empty list, and iterate all elements in q.
# After adding all neighbors to new_q, set q = new_q
new_q = []
for n in q:
# Clone n and map it with its clone
mapping[n] = UndirectedGraphNode(n.label)
# Check its neighbors
for x in n.neighbors:
if x not in mapping.keys():
q = new_q # All nodes are mapping.keys()
for n in mapping.keys():
for x in n.neighbors:
mapping[n].neighbors.append(mapping[x]) # Return the clone of node
return mapping[node]