jQuery Ajax 分页插件

时间:2023-03-09 00:24:12
jQuery Ajax 分页插件


很多社交网站都使用无限滚动的翻页技术来提高用户体验,当你页面滑到列表底部时候无需点击就自动加载更多的内容。下面为你推荐 10 个 jQuery 的无限滚动的插件: 
1. jQuery ScrollPagination
jQuery ScrollPagination plugin 是一个 jQuery 实现的支持无限滚动加载数据的插件。
2. jQuery Screw
Screw (scroll + view) 是一个 jQuery 插件当用户滚动页面的时候加载内容,是一个无限滚动翻页的插件。
3. AutoBrowse jQuery Plugin
Autobrowse jQuery Plugin 插件在用户滚动页面的时候自动通过 Ajax 加载更多内容,使用浏览器内置缓存。
4. Scroll Extend Plugin
scrollExtend 插件用来在页面滚动到屏幕底部时自动加载内容并追加 DOM 元素到页面底部,该插件其最初目的是为了跟 WordPress 集成。
5. Infinite Scroll
6. Load Content While Scrolling With jQuery
7. Triggered Infinite Scroll
Triggered Infinite Scroll 是一个 Twitter 风格的自定义触发器,不过它不是自动的。
8. Infinite Ajax Scroll, a jQuery Plugin
Infinite Ajax Scroll 可将你现有的网页变成支持无限滚动的页面,无需太麻烦就可搞定。
9. Infinite Scrolling jQuery Plugin
InfiniScroll 原先是一个 jQuery 插件,用于博客的文章列表显示,不过现在已经不止这些了。

jQuery Ajax 分页插件

In the article we share 11 great  jQuery Infinite scroll plugin. Infinite scroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. When a user scrolls towards the bottom of the page, the next page of posts is automatically retrieved and appended.

1. Infinite Ajax Scroll, a jQuery plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件

  • Infinite scrolling increases usability for you visitors, by removing an extra click
  • Increase average time spent on your website by visitors
  • Graceful degration for browsers without JavaScript
  • Allows for multiple instances, like for posts and comments
  • Easy to implement
  • Clearly coded and well documented
  • Similar technique as seen on Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader and many more…


jQuery Ajax 分页插件

“infiniScroll” was written as a jQuery plugin. It works for blog posts… but will work for anything where you scroll to get more data. Just like Twitter.com, Facebook status messages, etc. Instead of paginating items, why not just keep scrolling? We like to scroll more than we like to go to a new page in some cases. It’s easier to get to items, and you already paid the prices of loading, so why load again! Posts and tweets are one thing, but will also work same for leaderboards, portfolio items, anything where you want to load subsequent elements.

3. Infinite Scroll jQuery Plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件

This plugin aims to progressively enhance your page. Your navigation/pagination elements should be present in the HTML for non-js users, but the plugin will utilize those links to build out a more rich browsing experience.

4. Autobrowse jQuery Plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件
This plugin adds automatic ajax loading of page content when the user scrolls the page, with built-in browser cache.Simply use autobrowse(options) on a container that you want to fill with content.

5.jQuery ScrollPagination

jQuery Ajax 分页插件
jQuery ScrollPagination plugin has been developed by Anderson Ferminiano for studying purposes, you may use it for free in any project you want, only preserve the credits.

6. Endless Scroll jQuery Plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件

If you don’t already know, endless scroll (or infinite scrolling) is a popular technique among web 2.0 sites such as Google Reader and Live Image Search, where instead of paging through items using the traditional pagination technique, the page just keeps loading with new items attached to the end.

7.Screw – A jQuery Plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件
Screw (scroll + view) is a jQuery plugin which loads HTML as a user scrolls the webpage. Screw will help you save bandwidth by only loading content as it is scrolled into view. Screw can also be used to create continuously scrolling, bottomless pages where content is appended to the bottom as the user scrolls.

8.Scroll Extend Plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件
The scrollExtend plugin is designed to automatically load new content at the bottom of the screen (by appending to a DOM element) when the user scrolls beyond the element, much like Facebook does with their status updates. The existing infinite scroll plugin was primarily designed to integrate with WordPress, which didn’t really suit my purposes.

9.Load Content While Scrolling With jQuery

jQuery Ajax 分页插件
The plugin helps increasing the initial load speeds of pages faster and users will have to load only the content they see.

10. Unlimited Scroll using the Twitter API

jQuery Ajax 分页插件
Instead of the regular pagination, where the user has to click to see the next page, unlimited scroll automatically loads the next page when the user is at the bottom.

11. Infinite Scroll Plugin

Infinite Scroll Plugin is another infinite scroll plugin, just like DZone’s system.

Premium Plugins:

Infinite Pages

jQuery Ajax 分页插件

Infinite Pages works by ‘paginating’ your data, and then feeding that data to the user ‘on demand’. This technique is known as ‘lazy loading’, and is becoming more and more common on the internet. An example of infinite scrolling is Google Images, where content is loaded as requested by the user.

FSS – Full Screen Sliding Website Plugin

jQuery Ajax 分页插件

FSS is a jQuery plugin for creating full screen sliding websites. The live preview is just a sample of what can be accomplished with FSS . It can be easily integrated into your website by placing a piece of javascript code between the <head></head> tags. FSS can work with any website, regardless of its design. You can create full screen and scrollable AJAX websites in no time.