学习笔记之.NET Core

时间:2023-03-09 05:05:07
学习笔记之.NET Core

source code

  • https://github.com/haotang923/dotnet/tree/master/src

.NET Documentation | Microsoft Docs

  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/dotnet/

.NET Core Guide | Microsoft Docs

  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/
  • .NET Core is a general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. It is cross-platform, supporting Windows, macOS and Linux, and can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.
  • The following characteristics best define .NET Core:
    • Flexible deployment: Can be included in your app or installed side-by-side user- or machine-wide.
    • Cross-platform: Runs on Windows, macOS and Linux; can be ported to other operating systems. The supported Operating Systems (OS), CPUs and application scenarios will grow over time, provided by Microsoft, other companies, and individuals.
    • Command-line tools: All product scenarios can be exercised at the command-line.
    • Compatible: .NET Core is compatible with .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono, via the .NET Standard.
    • Open source: The .NET Core platform is open source, using MIT and Apache 2 licenses. Documentation is licensed under CC-BY. .NET Core is a .NET Foundation project.
    • Supported by Microsoft: .NET Core is supported by Microsoft, per .NET Core Support

Introduction to ASP.NET Core | Microsoft Docs

  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/
  • ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source framework for building modern, cloud-based, Internet-connected applications. With ASP.NET Core, you can:
  • Build web apps and services, IoT apps, and mobile backends.
  • Use your favorite development tools on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Deploy to the cloud or on-premises.
  • Run on .NET Core or .NET Framework.