pugixml 1.9 manual解读(部分)

时间:2023-03-09 08:59:53
pugixml 1.9 manual解读(部分)

Plain character data nodes (node_pcdata) represent plain text in XML. PCDATA nodes have a value, but do not have a name or children/attributes. Note that plain character data is not a part of the element node but instead has its own node; an element node can have several child PCDATA nodes. The example XML representation of text nodes is as follows:


Here "node" element has three children, two of which are PCDATA nodes with values " text1 " and " text2 ".


这里,节点元素有三个子元素,它们是text1,text2,<child/>. 其中两个j节点是纯字符数据。