Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the downloaded assembly

时间:2023-03-08 17:19:05
Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the downloaded assembly

solution 1 :http://*.com/questions/5337458/error-deploying-clickonce-application-reference-in-the-manifest-does-not-match

There was an issue with Visual Studio 2008 which is solved by not embedding the default manifest - one of the comments on that article suggests the problem still exists in Visual Studio 2010.

In project properties -> Application tab -> Resources -> checkbox Icon and manifest, the setting "Embed manifest with default settings" caused the problem. Setting it to "Create application without a manifest" fixes the problem.

solution 2:

如何可以的话,可以将被引用工程类型改为class library后再被引用到别的工程中