OpenStack(0) - Table of Contents

时间:2021-09-05 23:51:42

1. Keystone OpenStack Identity Service
2. Starting OpenStack Image Service
3. Starting OpenStack Compute
4. Installing OpenStack Object Storage
5. Using OpenStack Object Storage
6. Administering OpenStack Object Storage
7. Starting OpenStack Block Storage
8. OpenStack Networking
9. Using the OpenStack Dashboard
10. Automating OpenStack Installations
11. Highly Available OpenStack
12. Troubleshooting
13. Monitoring


1. Keystone OpenStack Identity Service

The OpenStack Identity service, known as Keystone, provides services for authenticating and managing user accounts and role information for our OpenStack cloud environment. It is a crucial service that underpins the authentication and verification between all of our OpenStack cloud services and is the first service that needs to be installed within an OpenStack environment. Authentication with OpenStack Identity service sends back an authorization token that is passed between the services, once validated. This token is subsequently used as your authentication and verification that you can proceed to use that service, such as OpenStack Storage and Compute. As such, configuration of the OpenStack Identity service must be done first and consists of creating appropriate roles for users and services, tenants, the user accounts, and the service API endpoints that make up our cloud infrastructure.

2. Starting OpenStack Image Service

OpenStack Image Service, known as Glance, is the service that allows you to register, discover, and retrieve virtual machine images for use in our OpenStack environment. Images made available through the OpenStack Image Service can be stored in a variety of backend locations, from local filesystem storage to distributed filesystems such as OpenStack Storage.

3. Starting OpenStack Compute

OpenStack Compute, also known as Nova, is the compute component of the open source Cloud operating system, OpenStack. It is the component that allows you to run multiple instances of virtual machines on any number of hosts running the OpenStack Compute service, allowing you to create a highly scalable and redundant Cloud environment. The open source project strives to be hardware and hypervisor agnostic. OpenStack Compute powers some of the biggest compute Clouds such as the Rackspace Open Cloud.

4. Installing OpenStack Object Storage

OpenStack Object Storage, also known as Swift, is the service that allows for massively scalable and highly redundant storage on commodity hardware. This service is analogous to Amazon's S3 storage service and is managed in a similar way under OpenStack. With OpenStack Storage, we can store many objects of virtually unlimited size-restricted by the available hardware-and grow our environment as needed, to accommodate our storage. The highly redundant nature of OpenStack Object Storage is ideal for archiving data(such as logs) as well as providing a storage system that OpenStack Compute can use for virtual machine instance templates.

5. Using OpenStack Object Storage

Now that we have an OpenStack Object Storage environment running, we can use it to store our files. To do this, we can use a tool provided, named swift. This allows us to operate our OpenStack Object Storage environment by allowing us to create containers, upload files, retrieve them, and set required permissions on them, as appropriate.

6. Administering OpenStack Object Storage

Day-to-day administration of our OpenStack Object Storage cluster involves ensuring the files within the cluster are replicated to the right number of nodes, reporting on usage within the cluster, and dealing with failure of the cluster. This chapter builds upon the work in Chapter 5, Using OpenStack Object Storage, to show you the tools and processes required to administer OpenStack Object Storage.

7. Starting OpenStack Block Storage

Data written to currently running instances on disks is not persistent-meaning that when you terminate such instances, any disk writes will be lost. Volumes are persistent storage that you can attach to your running OpenStack Compute instances; the best analogy is that of a USB drive that you can attach to an instance. Like USB drives, you can only attach instances to only one computer at a time.

In prior OpenStack releases, volume services were provided by nova-volume which has evolved over time into OpenStack Block Storage, aka Cinder. OpenStack Block Storage is very similar to Amazon EC2's Elastic Block Storage-the differences is in how volumes are presented to the running instances. Under OpenStack Compute, volumes can easily be managed using an iSCSI exposed LVM volume group named cinder-volumes, so this must be present on any host running the service Cinder volume.


1. Keystone OpenStack Identity Service

Creating a sandbox environment using VirtualBox and Vagrant
Configuring Ubuntu Cloud Archive
Installing OpenStack Identity service
Creating tenants
Configuring roles
Adding users
Defining service endpoints
Creating the service tenant and service users

2. Starting OpenStack Image Service

Installing OpenStack Image Service
Configuring OpenStack Image Service with MySQL
Configuring OpenStack Image Service with OpenStack Identity Service
Managing images with OpenStack Image Service
Registering a remotely stored image
Sharing images between tenants
Viewing shared images

3. Starting OpenStack Compute

Installing OpenStack Compute Controller services
Creating a sandbox Compute server with VirtualBox and Vagrant
Installing OpenStack Compute packages
Configuring database services
Configuring OpenStack Compute
Configuring OpenStack Compute with OpenStack Identity Service
Stopping and starting Nova services
Installation of command-line tools on Ubuntu
Checking OpenStack Compute services
Using OpenStack Compute
Managing security groups
Creating and managing keypairs
Launching our first Cloud instance
Terminating your instance

4. Installing OpenStack Object Storage

Creating an OpenStack Object Storage sandbox environment
Installing OpenStack Object Storage
Configuring storage
Configuring replication
Configuring OpenStack Object Storage Service
Configuring OpenStack Object Storage proxy server
Configuring Account Server
Configuring Container Server
Configuring Object Server
Making rings
Stopping and starting OpenStack Object Storage
Configuring OpenStack Object Storage with OpenStack Identity Service
Setting up SSL access
Testing OpenStack Object Storage

5. Using OpenStack Object Storage

Installing the swift client tool
Creating containers
Uploading objects
Uploading large objects
Listing containers and objects
Downloading objects
Deleting containers and objects
Using OpenStack Object Storage ACLs

6. Administering OpenStack Object Storage

Preparing drives for OpenStack Object Storage
Managing OpenStack Objects Storage cluster with swift-init
Checking cluster health
OpenStack Object Storage benchmarking
Managing swift cluster capacity
removing nodes from a cluster
Detecting and replacing failed hard drives
Collecting usage statistics

7. Starting OpenStack Block Storage

Configuring Cinder volume services
Configuring OpenStack Compute for Cinder-volume
Creating volumes
Attaching volumes to an instance
Detaching volumes from an instance
Deleting volumes

8. OpenStack Networking

Configuring Flat networking with DHCP
Configuring VLAN Manager networking
Configuring per tenant IP ranges for VLAN Manager
Automatically assigning fixed networks to tenants
Modifying a tenant's fixed network
Manually associating floating IPs to instances
Manually disassociating floating IPs from instances
Automatically assigning Floating IPs
Creating a sandbox Network server for Neutron with VirtualBox and Vagrant f Installing and configuring OVS for Neutron
Installing and configuring a Neutron API server
Configuring Compute nodes for Neutron
Creating a Neutron network
Deleting a Neutron network
Creating an external Neutron network

9. Using the OpenStack Dashboard

Installing OpenStack Dashboard
Using OpenStack Dashboard for key management
Using OpenStack Dashboard to manage Neutron networks
Using OpenStack Dashboard for security group management
Using OpenStack Dashboard to launch instances
Using OpenStack Dashboard to terminate instances
Using OpenStack Dashboard for connecting to instances using VNC
Using OpenStack Dashboard to add new tenants
Using OpenStack Dashboard for user management

10. Automating OpenStack Installations

Installing Opscode Chef Server
Installing Chef Client
Downloading cookbooks to support DHCP, Razor, and OpenStack
Installing PuppetLabs Razor and DHCP from cookbooks
Setting up a Chef environment for OpenStack
Booting the first OpenStack node into Razor
Defining a Razor broker, model, and policy
Monitoring the node installation
Using Chef to install OpenStack
Expanding our OpenStack environment

11. Highly Available OpenStack

Using Galera for MySQL clustering
Configuring HA Proxy for MySQL Galera load balancing
Installing and setting up Pacemaker and Corosync
Configuring Keystone and Glance with Pacemaker and Corosync
Bonding network interfaces for redundancy

12. Troubleshooting

Understanding logging
Checking OpenStack services
Troubleshooting OpenStack Compute services
Troubleshooting the OpenStack Object Storage services
Troubleshooting OpenStack Dashboard
Troubleshooting OpenStack Authentication
Troubleshooting OpenStack Networking
Submitting Bug reports
Getting help from the community

13. Monitoring

Monitoring OpenStack services with Nagios
Monitoring Compute services with Munin
Monitoring instances using Munin and Collectd
Monitoring the storage service using StatsD/Graphite
Monitoring MySQL with Hyperic


Certifications: SCEA, PMP, OCP

Programming Language:






Angular JS,




Programming Framework:








Oracle 11g,


SQL Server,




Distributed System:










Version Control:








Continious Integration:





ELK(elasticsearch, kibana, logstash),

