numbers, sets, functions week 1
logic week 2–3
relation theory week 5–6
graphs and trees week 8
induction and recursion week 9
order of growth of functions week 10
counting (combinatorics) and probability week 11-13
week 01 numbers, sets, functions
⌊ x ⌋: R −→ Z — floor of x, the greatest integer ≤ x
⌈ x ⌉ : R −→ Z — ceiling of x, the least integer ≥ x
‘m|n’ — m is a divisor of n, defined by n = k · m for some k ∈ Z 整除
m - n — negation of m|n
Numbers > 1 divisible only by 1 and itself are called prime.
Greatest common divisor gcd(m, n)
Numbers m and n s.t. gcd(m, n) = 1 are said to be relatively
Least common multiple lcm(m, n)
gcd 和 lcm 永远是正数,即使原值是负数
gcd(m, n) · lcm(m, n) = |m| · |n|