Tufão is a web framework for C++ that makes use of Qt’s object communication system (signals & slots).
Tufão是一个C + +的Web框架,使用Qt的对象的通信系统(信号与槽)。
Features: 特性
- High performance standalone server 高性能独立服务器
- Cross-plataform support 跨平台支持
- Good documentation 良好的文档
- Support modern HTTP features 支持现代的HTTP特性
- Persistent streams 持续流
- Chunked entities 分块实体
- 100-continue status
- WebSocket
- HTTPS support 支持HTPPS
- Flexible request router 灵活的路由请求
- Static file server with support for conditional requests, partial download and automatic mime detection 静态文件服务器与条件请求支持,部分下载和自动检测
- Plugin-based server to allow change the running code without restart the application服务器基于插件机制,支持更改运行代码(?)而不用重启程序。
- Flexible and secure session support 灵活和安全的会话支持
- QtCreator’s plugin to allow create new applications rapidly QtCreator的插件,以便快速创建新的应用程序
- Lots of tests 经过了大量的测试
- Timeout support 超时支持
- C++11
It uses Ryan Dahl’s HTTP parser to provide good performance. 采用Ryan Dahl’s HTTP分析器以提供更好的性能
You can generate documentation from the source code using Doxygen. The documentation will be put on the doc folder in the html and tex formats. There is also experimental support for Qt compressed help files.
Tufão is a web framework for C++ that makes use of Qt's object communication system (signals & slots).
Tufão是一个C + +的Web框架,使用Qt的对象的通信系统(信号与槽)。
Features: 特性
High performance standalone server 高性能独立服务器
Cross-plataform support 跨平台支持
Good documentation 良好的文档
Support modern HTTP features 支持现代的HTTP特性
Persistent streams 持续流
Chunked entities 分块实体
100-continue status
HTTPS support 支持HTPPS
Flexible request router 灵活的路由请求
Static file server with support for conditional requests, partial download and automatic mime detection 静态文件服务器与条件请求支持,部分下载和自动检测
Plugin-based server to allow change the running code without restart the application 服务器基于插件机制,支持更改运行代码(?)而不用重启程序。
Flexible and secure session support 灵活和安全的会话支持
QtCreator's plugin to allow create new applications rapidly QtCreator的插件,以便快速创建新的应用程序
Lots of tests 经过了大量的测试
Timeout support 超时支持
It uses Ryan Dahl's HTTP parser to provide good performance. 采用Ryan Dahl's HTTP分析器以提供更好的性能
You can generate documentation from the source code using Doxygen. The documentation will be put on the doc folder in the html and tex formats. There is also experimental support for Qt compressed help files.
TreeFrog Framework is a high-speed and full-stack C++ framework for developing Web applications.
Because the sever-side framework was written in C++/Qt, web applications can run faster than that of scripting language. In application development, it provides an O/R mapping system and template systems on an MVC architecture, aims to achieve high productivity through the policy of convention over configuration.
TreeFrog Framework是一个高速和全功能的C + +框架,用于开发Web应用程序。
由于SEVER端框架是基于C + +/ Qt,Web应用程序可以运行比脚本语言更快。在应用程序的开发,它提供了一个O / R映射的系统和模板系统的MVC架构,旨在通过约定优于配置的原则,以实现高生产率。
Features 特性
High performance - High-speed web application is much better for users! 高性能——多用户web依然高性能
Framework written in C++ - Web application can be developed in C++ lang 框架用C++所写 —— web程序同样可以用C++写
Template system - Completely divided templates and presentation logic 模版系统 ——表示和逻辑完全分开
Full-stack - Most modules included 全栈 - 大多数模块包括(?没太懂什么意思)
Cross-platform - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc. Same source code can work on other platforms 跨平台的——win,lin,mac、、而不用改写代码、、、
MVC architecture MVC架构
O/R mapping - Conceals complex and troublesome database accesses O/R映射——隐藏复杂的数据库访问
Routing system - No need to write the routing rules one by one into a configuration file 路由系统 - 无需编写路由规则只需放入一个配置文件
Generator - Automatically generates scaffolds and Makefiles 生成器 ——自动生成框架和makefile
Ajax support - JSON, XML and Plain text available AJAX支持 —— json,XML或者纯文本都可以、、、
NoSQL database support - MongoDB support NQL数据库支持 —— 支持MongoDB
OSS - New BSD License 开源 —— BSD协议