30 algorithm questions study

时间:2023-03-09 18:19:47
30 algorithm questions study

April 26, 2015

Spent over a few months to go over 30 questions about algorithm starting from January 13, 2013. 网站很好, 看看, 有些帮助.

Some of questions are my favorites ones.

印象最深的是这道题目: (Most memorized example:)

Later, in website administration, IIS cache configuratuion, another important lesson learned is to set up time to refresh the cache. That is also an important thing to keep people informed how refresh the content on the web page. Personally, I designed a simple cache with time expiration 60 seconds on the website.

总之, 做题对工作有些帮助, 但是, 还是有很多设计, 需要进一步的去了解, 实际情况更复杂. 象网页图片, 内容的更新, 关心的是网页多久更新一次, 不仅是用不用Cache.