如何在使用twitter bootstrap typeahead时禁用谷歌浏览器建议列表?

时间:2022-03-12 15:58:10

using twitter bootstrap typeahead i get google chrome suggestion list above typeahead list

使用twitter bootstrap typeahead我得到google chrome建议列表上面的typeahead列表

 $(document).ready(function () {
        $("[ID$=TextBox]").typeahead({ source: ["aaa", "aab", "aac", "aad"] });

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox" runat="server" data-provide="typeahead"></asp:TextBox>

如何在使用twitter bootstrap typeahead时禁用谷歌浏览器建议列表?

2 个解决方案



[Follow-up from the comment section above]


You can turn off that feature on the input box that the typehead is referenced from by setting the autocomplete function off like so:





As Andres Ilich mentioned, adding autocomplete="off"attribute should do the trick. It is mentioned in W3 draft: http://www.w3.org/Submission/web-forms2/#the-autocomplete

正如Andres Ilich所提到的,添加autocomplete =“off”属性应该可以解决问题。在W3草案中提到:http://www.w3.org/Submission/web-forms2/#the-autocomplete

I do not know much about ASP.NET and so I do not know whether that attribute is supported in tag. When I browsed w3school (http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/prop_webcontrol_textbox_autocompletetype.asp) I got this as familiar option AutoCompleteType="None". But I am not sure of this.

我对ASP.NET知之甚少,所以我不知道标签是否支持该属性。当我浏览w3school(http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/prop_webcontrol_textbox_autocompletetype.asp)时,我得到了熟悉的选项AutoCompleteType =“None”。但我不确定这一点。

I think in jQuery you can implement something like this:


$("[ID$=TextBox]").attr("autocomplete", "off");

$(“[ID $ = TextBox]”)。attr(“autocomplete”,“off”);



[Follow-up from the comment section above]


You can turn off that feature on the input box that the typehead is referenced from by setting the autocomplete function off like so:





As Andres Ilich mentioned, adding autocomplete="off"attribute should do the trick. It is mentioned in W3 draft: http://www.w3.org/Submission/web-forms2/#the-autocomplete

正如Andres Ilich所提到的,添加autocomplete =“off”属性应该可以解决问题。在W3草案中提到:http://www.w3.org/Submission/web-forms2/#the-autocomplete

I do not know much about ASP.NET and so I do not know whether that attribute is supported in tag. When I browsed w3school (http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/prop_webcontrol_textbox_autocompletetype.asp) I got this as familiar option AutoCompleteType="None". But I am not sure of this.

我对ASP.NET知之甚少,所以我不知道标签是否支持该属性。当我浏览w3school(http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/prop_webcontrol_textbox_autocompletetype.asp)时,我得到了熟悉的选项AutoCompleteType =“None”。但我不确定这一点。

I think in jQuery you can implement something like this:


$("[ID$=TextBox]").attr("autocomplete", "off");

$(“[ID $ = TextBox]”)。attr(“autocomplete”,“off”);