
时间:2021-01-17 23:13:02

I'm trying to serve 2 different api's with a different set of methods as documented here: https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/deploying-apis-subdomains


via GCE, that are structured as below in my main.py


@endpoints.api(name = 'first', version = 'v1')
class firstApi(remote.Service):
    # Lots of stuff here
    path = 'first'
    # Lots more here

@endpoints.api(name = 'second', version = 'v1')
class secondApi(remote.Service):
      # Lots of stuff here
      path = 'second'
      # Lots more here

api = endpoints.api_server([firstApi, secondApi])

but when I generate firstv1openapi.json and secondv1openapi.json and deploy them, something strange happens. When I load it up in Google's API explorer, I see both methods under both API's


What is worse, is when I click on the 2nd API, and try any of the methods via the API explorer, the path always references the 1st API.


POST https://my_backend_here.appspot.com/_ah/api/first/v1/second

POST https://my_backend_here.appspot.com/_ah/api/first/v1/second

which as expected fails with a 404.


I've looked at both firstv1openapi.json and secondv1openapi.json to see if the api's cross reference each other at all, and they both look fine.


I'm out of trying different options, any help will be much appreciated.


1 个解决方案



I see that you're using the Python Endpoints Framework. The Framework currently works only in App Engine's Standard environment, not in GCE.

我看到你正在使用Python端点框架。框架目前仅适用于App Engine的标准环境,而不适用于GCE。



I see that you're using the Python Endpoints Framework. The Framework currently works only in App Engine's Standard environment, not in GCE.

我看到你正在使用Python端点框架。框架目前仅适用于App Engine的标准环境,而不适用于GCE。