- 从Cloud Code函数返回多个值

时间:2022-02-25 09:51:31

I'm trying to create a Cloud Code function which will return multiple values. Now what I'm doing is

我正在尝试创建一个返回多个值的Cloud Code函数。现在我正在做的是

response.success({val1 : scores1, val2: scores2});

And according to the Cloud Code logs everything going well. But what I don't know is what kind of object I should cast it when I handle function in my Swift code.

根据Cloud Code记录一切顺利。但我不知道当我在Swift代码中处理函数时,我应该将它转换为什么样的对象。

    PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("myFunction", withParameters: ["value" : 1) { (object:AnyObject?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
       //what I should cast object for

I also have a thought it my mind that it can be a wrong approach as of I'm basically trying to find Swift equivavelnt to a javascript object. If so, is there any other way of returning multiple values from Cloud Code function?

我也有一个想法,我可能是一个错误的方法,因为我基本上试图找到一个javascript对象的Swift等价物。如果是这样,还有其他方法可以从Cloud Code函数返回多个值吗?

I have the following in my console log when I println the object.


poetry = 1;
rap = 9;

2 个解决方案



Ok, then your Object is an Dictionary Optional... You can use this Code:


if let responseJSON: [String: Int] = object as? [String: Int] {
      let poetryValue: Int = object["poetry"] as Int
      let rapValue: Int = object["rap"] as Int



Just return one object that has properties for each return value or an array of values or a dictionary (or whatever floats your boat ;)) and deserialize it on the client. This way you only have one return value that contains all the data you need conveniently massaged in to an object/list/dictionary/whatever...


PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("myFunction", withParameters: ["value" : 1) { (object:AnyObject?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
    if let values = object as! [String:Int] {
    // Do something

should work




Ok, then your Object is an Dictionary Optional... You can use this Code:


if let responseJSON: [String: Int] = object as? [String: Int] {
      let poetryValue: Int = object["poetry"] as Int
      let rapValue: Int = object["rap"] as Int



Just return one object that has properties for each return value or an array of values or a dictionary (or whatever floats your boat ;)) and deserialize it on the client. This way you only have one return value that contains all the data you need conveniently massaged in to an object/list/dictionary/whatever...


PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("myFunction", withParameters: ["value" : 1) { (object:AnyObject?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
    if let values = object as! [String:Int] {
    // Do something

should work
