
时间:2022-05-02 12:58:20

Initially I would like to ask you to forget about hashing passwords or w/e related to passwords, this question is not related to securing passwords, etc and I do know/understand how this should be done.

最初我想请你忘记哈希密码或与密码相关的w / e,这个问题与保护密码等无关,我知道/了解应该如何做。

What is the best approach to store the data in question, considering performance on read/write - to build one or more tables?

考虑到读/写性能 - 构建一个或多个表,存储有问题数据的最佳方法是什么?

Single table, for example:


Table users: id, username, password, hash, email, group, access, address, phone, parents, ts_created, ts_update


Multiple tables, for example:


Table users: id, username, password, hash, email, group, access, ts_created, ts_update


Table user's information: id, user_id, address, phone, parents, ts_created, ts_update


What if your user's information fields may grow along the time - how should you deal with it ?

如果您的用户的信息字段可能会随着时间的推移而增长 - 您应该如何处理它?

For example new fields: birthday_date, comments, situation


Will having 2 tables be slower on queries than having a single table ?


If having multiple tables in this case is only for maintaining a good design with separated data, does that mean it is not useful at all for performance reasons ?


If you want real sql examples let me know and I will scrap something to update this.


2 个解决方案



You may need even more tables depending on the data your going to store:


  1. What if you use a password policy in the future where a user cannot re-use a previously used password?
  2. 如果您将来使用密码策略而用户无法重复使用以前使用过的密码,该怎么办?
  3. Can a user have more than one email?
  4. 用户可以拥有多个电子邮件吗?
  5. Can a user belong to more than one group?
  6. 用户可以属于多个组吗?
  7. Can a user have more than one phone number?
  8. 用户可以拥有多个电话号码吗?
  9. Only one parent? Or two? Is the parent in the system? What information about the parent do you store?
  10. 只有一位家长?还是两个?是系统中的父级吗?您存储了关于父母的哪些信息?

Storing thinks like this may be worth to store in its own individual table, which means that in the future it should be a lot easier to maintain. You need to think of how the system will change. As for performance, as already outlined it shouldn't be a problem as long as you create the correct indexes, and use the database correctly.




Your multiple-table design looks sensible - one table contains data about the user, the other about the person; if you only need user data (e.g. for checking access rights), person data are irrelevant.

您的多表设计看起来很合理 - 一个表包含有关用户的数据,另一个表包含有关该人的数据;如果您只需要用户数据(例如,用于检查访问权限),则人员数据无关紧要。

The new fields you propose would probably go into the person table as new columns.


Using 2 (or more) tables and joining them together won't slow you down significantly - it may even improve performance (with good indexing - a unique index on user_id would be a good start here):

使用2个(或更多)表并将它们连接在一起不会显着减慢你的速度 - 它甚至可以提高性能(具有良好的索引 - user_id上的唯一索引将是一个良好的开端):

  • on SELECT, the speed difference will be negligible
  • 在SELECT上,速度差异可以忽略不计
  • on INSERT/UPDATE, this will be better than a single table in most situations (e.g. if the "users" table has many reads, writes on persons won't block them - whereas with one table, it might happen)
  • 在INSERT / UPDATE中,在大多数情况下,这将比单个表更好(例如,如果“users”表有很多读取,则对人的写入不会阻止它们 - 而对于一个表,可能会发生这种情况)

Also, personally I find it much easier (both in code and in db administration) to work with two narrower tables than with a single wide table.




You may need even more tables depending on the data your going to store:


  1. What if you use a password policy in the future where a user cannot re-use a previously used password?
  2. 如果您将来使用密码策略而用户无法重复使用以前使用过的密码,该怎么办?
  3. Can a user have more than one email?
  4. 用户可以拥有多个电子邮件吗?
  5. Can a user belong to more than one group?
  6. 用户可以属于多个组吗?
  7. Can a user have more than one phone number?
  8. 用户可以拥有多个电话号码吗?
  9. Only one parent? Or two? Is the parent in the system? What information about the parent do you store?
  10. 只有一位家长?还是两个?是系统中的父级吗?您存储了关于父母的哪些信息?

Storing thinks like this may be worth to store in its own individual table, which means that in the future it should be a lot easier to maintain. You need to think of how the system will change. As for performance, as already outlined it shouldn't be a problem as long as you create the correct indexes, and use the database correctly.




Your multiple-table design looks sensible - one table contains data about the user, the other about the person; if you only need user data (e.g. for checking access rights), person data are irrelevant.

您的多表设计看起来很合理 - 一个表包含有关用户的数据,另一个表包含有关该人的数据;如果您只需要用户数据(例如,用于检查访问权限),则人员数据无关紧要。

The new fields you propose would probably go into the person table as new columns.


Using 2 (or more) tables and joining them together won't slow you down significantly - it may even improve performance (with good indexing - a unique index on user_id would be a good start here):

使用2个(或更多)表并将它们连接在一起不会显着减慢你的速度 - 它甚至可以提高性能(具有良好的索引 - user_id上的唯一索引将是一个良好的开端):

  • on SELECT, the speed difference will be negligible
  • 在SELECT上,速度差异可以忽略不计
  • on INSERT/UPDATE, this will be better than a single table in most situations (e.g. if the "users" table has many reads, writes on persons won't block them - whereas with one table, it might happen)
  • 在INSERT / UPDATE中,在大多数情况下,这将比单个表更好(例如,如果“users”表有很多读取,则对人的写入不会阻止它们 - 而对于一个表,可能会发生这种情况)

Also, personally I find it much easier (both in code and in db administration) to work with two narrower tables than with a single wide table.
