• struts2接收参数——域模型、DTO

    时间:2021-08-01 16:19:11

    在开始介绍域模型之前我们要明白一点,为什么通过域模型我们可以把参数这么方便的在后台接收。那是因为通过参数拦截器(params interceptor)自动的把前台传过来的参数给域对象(domain object),其实也就是调用了域对象的set方法。前提是用struts2框架,并创建一个JavaBe...

  • 验证一个空白域Rails模型

    时间:2021-07-05 19:23:53

    This may be somewhat basic but cannot find a definitive answer anywhere. I have set up a contact form within my app and have put in a hidden field tha...

  • 如何将2个模型绑定到一个有角的输入域?

    时间:2021-06-04 19:44:02

    Is there anyway that I can bind two model values to one input field? 我是否可以将两个模型值绑定到一个输入字段? Suppose I have input field which I want to be the value of...

  • 验证一个空白域Rails模型

    时间:2021-01-28 11:51:43

    This may be somewhat basic but cannot find a definitive answer anywhere. I have set up a contact form within my app and have put in a hidden field tha...