关于mysql 5.7版本“报[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'XXX' for update in FROM clause”错误的bug

时间:2023-03-09 03:17:41
关于mysql 5.7版本“报[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'XXX' for update in FROM clause”错误的bug


UPDATE teaching_department SET code_year = 2017, notice_code = (SELECT a.code + 1 FROM (SELECT MAX(notice_code) code FROM teaching_department WHERE department_id = 6284 and code_year = 2017) a) WHERE id = 106;


[SQL] UPDATE teaching_department SET code_year = 2017, notice_code = (SELECT a.code + 1 FROM (SELECT MAX(notice_code) code FROM teaching_department WHERE department_id = 6284 and code_year = 2017) a) WHERE id = 106;
[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'teaching_department' for update in FROM clause


UPDATE teaching_department, (SELECT MAX(notice_code) code FROM teaching_department WHERE department_id = 6284 AND code_year = 2017) AS t SET code_year = 2017, notice_code = t.code + 1 WHERE id = 7

这种写法在各版本都是支持的。语法见UPDATE Syntax

后来发现,这是mysql 5.7.6版本出现的一个bug,并且在5.7.11版本中修复了。参考