
时间:2023-03-09 18:40:28
  1. //开始循环取邮件数据
  2. m_pImap.Fetch(
  3. false,
  4. IMAP_t_SeqSet.Parse("1:*"),
  5. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i[]{
  6. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Envelope(),
  7. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Flags(),
  8. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_InternalDate(),
  9. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Rfc822Size(),
  10. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Uid(),
  11. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Rfc822()
  12. },
  13. this.m_pImap_Fetch_MessageItems_UntaggedResponse


  1. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Rfc822()



  1. if(ip=="apple.imap.mail.yahoo.com")
  2. {
  3. //开始循环取邮件数据
  4. m_pImap.Fetch(
  5. true,
  6. IMAP_t_SeqSet.Parse("1:*"),
  7. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i[]{
  8. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Envelope(),
  9. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Flags(),
  10. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_InternalDate(),
  11. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Rfc822Size(),
  12. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Uid(),
  13. //new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Rfc822()
  14. },
  15. this.m_pImap_Fetch_MessageItems_UntaggedResponseyahoo
  16. );


  1. //调用读取邮件函数
  2. private void LoadMessage(long uid)
  3. {
  4. this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
  5. try{
  6. // Start fetching.
  7. m_pImap.Fetch(
  8. true,
  9. IMAP_t_SeqSet.Parse(uid.ToString()),
  10. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i[]{
  11. new IMAP_t_Fetch_i_Rfc822()
  12. },
  13. this.m_pImap_Fetch_Message_UntaggedResponse
  14. );
  15. }
  16. catch(Exception x){
  17. MessageBox.Show(this,"Error: " + x.ToString(),"Error:",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
  18. }
  19. this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
  20. }
  21. //邮件读取回调函数
  22. private void m_pImap_Fetch_Message_UntaggedResponse(object sender,EventArgs<IMAP_r_u> e)
  23. {
  24. /* NOTE: All IMAP untagged responses may be raised from thread pool thread,
  25. so all UI operations must use Invoke.
  26. There may be other untagged responses than FETCH, because IMAP server
  27. may send any untagged response to any command.
  28. */
  29. try{
  30. if(e.Value is IMAP_r_u_Fetch){
  31. IMAP_r_u_Fetch fetchResp = (IMAP_r_u_Fetch)e.Value;
  32. this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate(){
  33. try{
  34. fetchResp.Rfc822.Stream.Position = 0;
  35. Mail_Message mime = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(fetchResp.Rfc822.Stream);
  36. fetchResp.Rfc822.Stream.Dispose();
  37. //m_pTabPageMail_MessagesToolbar.Items["save"].Enabled = true;
  38. //m_pTabPageMail_MessagesToolbar.Items["delete"].Enabled = true;
  39. //m_pTabPageMail_MessageAttachments.Tag = mime;
  40. foreach(MIME_Entity entity in mime.Attachments){
  41. //ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
  42. if(entity.ContentDisposition != null && entity.ContentDisposition.Param_FileName != null){
  43. //item.Text = entity.ContentDisposition.Param_FileName;
  44. }
  45. else{
  46. // item.Text = "untitled";
  47. }
  48. //item.ImageIndex = 0;
  49. // item.Tag = entity;
  50. //m_pTabPageMail_MessageAttachments.Items.Add(item);
  51. }
  52. if(mime.BodyText != null){
  53. // m_pTabPageMail_MessageText.Text = mime.BodyText;
  54. }
  55. try
  56. {
  57. //写入eml
  58. str stringhandle=new str();
  59. string title=mime.From.ToString()+"#"+stringhandle.strlen(mime.Subject.ToString(),20)+"#"+mime.Date.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分")+"#"+(mime.BodyText.Length / (decimal)1000).ToString("f2") + " kb#";
  60. title=FilterSpecial(title);
  61. cstring mystring=new cstring();
  62. title=mystring.ENCODE(title);
  63. title+=".eml";
  64. //写入eml文件
  65. string filepro=Application.StartupPath+"\\data\\"+thisuser+"\\"+global_user+"\\"+folder+"\\"+title;
  66. FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepro, FileMode.Create);//文件名和路径
  67. StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
  68. //开始写入
  69. sw.Write(mime);
  70. //清空缓冲区
  71. sw.Flush();
  72. //关闭流
  73. sw.Close();
  74. fs.Close();
  75. }
  76. catch(Exception x)
  77. {
  78. }
  79. }
  80. catch(Exception x){
  81. MessageBox.Show("Error: " + x.ToString(),"Error:",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
  82. }
  83. }));
  84. }
  85. }
  86. catch(Exception x){
  87. MessageBox.Show("Error: " + x.ToString(),"Error:",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);
  88. }
  89. }
