SQL Server 2008 设计与实现笔记(一)

时间:2023-03-09 01:24:46
SQL Server 2008 设计与实现笔记(一)


create database MovieRental;

select name, SUSER_SNAME(sid) as [login]
from sys.database_principals
where name='dbo'; alter authorization on Database::MovieRental to easy5; /*
create SCHEMA Inventory;
create SCHEMA People;
create schema Rentals;
create schema Alt;
GO select name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) as schemaName,
USER_NAME(principal_id) as principal
from MovieRental.sys.schemas; /*
Create Table
create table Inventory.Movie
MovieId int not null,
Name nvarchar(20) not null,
ReleaseDate date null,
Description nvarchar(200) null,
GenrentId int not null,
MovieRatingId int not null
); --IDENTITY只能在如下情况下建立:
--在现有表中创建新的IDENTITY列 --不能 把已经存在的列,修改为IDENTITY列
Drop Table Inventory.Movie;
create table Inventory.Movie
MovieId int not null Identity(0,1),
Name nvarchar(20) not null,
ReleaseDate date null,
Description nvarchar(200) null,
GenrentId int not null,
MovieRatingId int not null
); create table Inventory.Movie
MovieId int not null,
Name nvarchar(20) not null,
ReleaseDate date null,
Description nvarchar(200) null,
GenrentId int not null,
MovieRatingId int not null
); alter table Inventory.Movie select table_name
where TABLE_SCHEMA ='Inventory'; create table Inventory.MovieRating
MovieRatingId int not null,
Code nvarchar(20) not null,
Description nvarchar(200) null,
AllowYouthRentalFlag bit not null
); Drop table Inventory.MovieRating;
create table Inventory.MovieRating
MovieRatingId int not null identity(0,1),
Code nvarchar(20) not null,
Description nvarchar(200) null,
AllowYouthRentalFlag bit not null
); create table Inventory.Genre
GenreId int not null,
Name nvarchar(20) not null
insert into Inventory.Genre(GenreId, Name)
(4,'Documentary'); drop table Inventory.Genre;
create table Inventory.Genre
GenreId int not null identity(0,1),
Name nvarchar(20) not null
); --insert into Inventory.Genre(GenreId, Name)
--(4,'Documentary'); insert into Inventory.Genre(Name)
('Documentary'); /*------------------------------------------------
--主键(PK)primay key create table Inventory.MovieFormat(
MovieFormatId int not null identity(1,1)
constraint PKInventory_MovieFormat primary key clustered, Name nvarchar(20) not null
); insert into inventory.MovieFormat(Name)
values('Video Tape'),
('DVD'); alter table Inventory.Movie
add constraint PKInventory_Movie primary key clustered(MovieId); alter table Inventory.MovieRating
add constraint PKInventory_MovieRating primary key clustered(MovieRatingId); alter table Inventory.Genre
add constraint PKInventory_Genre primary key clustered(GenreId); -------------------------------------
create table Inventory.Personality
PersonalityId int not null identity(1,1)
constraint PKInventory_Personality primary key,
FirstName nvarchar(20) not null,
LastName nvarchar(20) not null,
NameUniqueifier nvarchar(5) not null, constraint AKInventory_Personality_PersonName
unique(FirstName, LastName,NameUniqueifier)
); alter table Inventory.Genre
add constraint AKInventory_Genre_Name unique(Name); alter table Inventory.MovieRating
add constraint AKInventory_MovieRating_Code unique(code); alter table Inventory.Movie
add constraint AKinventory_movie_NameAndData unique nonclustered(Name,ReleaseDate); ---------------------------------------
--选择唯一性(AFK) unique index
drop table alt.employee;
create table alt.employee
employeeId int not null identity(1,1)
constraint PKalt_employee primary key,
employeeNumber nvarchar(10) not null
constraint AKalt_employee_employeeName Unique,
insurancePolicyNumber nvarchar(20) null
); --Sql server 2008 通过“经筛选的索引”实现“选择唯一性”
create unique index AKFalt_employee_insurancePlicyNumber
on alt.employee(insurancePolicyNumber)
where insurancePolicyNumber is not null; --InsurancePolicyNumber列的值:not null的值必须唯一,null可以有多个 --123属于not null:只能唯一,不能重复,执行出错
--insert into alt.employee(employeeNumber, insurancePolicyNumber)
-- values('A00001','123'),
-- ('A00002','123'); insert into alt.employee(employeeNumber, insurancePolicyNumber)
('A00004',null); create table alt.employee2
employeeId int not null identity(1,1)
constraint PKalt_employee2 primary key,
employeeNumber nvarchar(10) not null
constraint AKalt_employee_employeeName2 Unique,
insurancePolicyNumber nvarchar(20) null
--Sql server 2008 通过“创建索引视图”实现“选择唯一性”
create view alt.employee2_InsuancePolicyNumberUniquess
with schemabinding
select insurancePolicyNumber
from alt.employee2
where insurancePolicyNumber is not null; insert into alt.employee2(employeeNumber, insurancePolicyNumber)
values ('A00001',''),
('A00001',''); --查看约束(constraint)
--where CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = 'Inventory'
order by CONSTRAINT_NAME, TABLE_NAME --默认值约束(DFL)default
create table Rentals.MovieRental
MoviecRentalId int not null identity(1,1)
constraint PKRentals_MovieRental primary key,
ReturnDate date not null
constraint DELRentals_MovieRental_ReturnDate default(GetDate()),
ActualReturnDate date null, ); alter table Rentals.MovieRental
add constraint DELRentals_MovieRental_ActualReturnDate
for ActualReturnDate; alter table Rentals.MovieRental
add customerId int not null; insert into Rentals.MovieRental(customerId)
values(1); ----------------------------------
--联级4种方式: no action \cascade\set null\set default