【转载学习前辈的经验】-- Mistakes I made (as a developer) 我(作为一名开发者)所犯过的错误

时间:2023-12-09 22:56:07

我 2006 年开始工作,至今已经 10 年。10 年是个里程碑,我开始回顾自己曾经犯过的错误,以及我希望从同行那里得到什么类型的忠告。一切都在快速改变,10 年了,我不能确定这些秘诀是否还有用。


【转载学习前辈的经验】-- Mistakes I made (as a developer) 我(作为一名开发者)所犯过的错误


在过去 10 年间我所犯的最大的错误是:每次换工作时我都会换一个软件平台。

开始我使用 Enterprise Java Development,然后是嵌入 C 软件,然后,对于 Windows 桌面应用我使用 VB, C# 和 C++,然后对于 iOS 应用我使用 Objective-C,然后使用 NDK 做 Android 库,最终做 Android 应用。

这一职业生涯确实了不起,但是老板们并不在意。你花费 10 年时间进行软件开发并没有什么意义。如果你不能创建 Android 应用,你将不会得到一份 Android 开发人员的工作。












我从未失业过,直到今年。10 年了,我需要休息一下来“重构”自己的职业生涯,这是我做的最好的决定之一。

我休息了 5 个月,离开我的工作成为自愿的失业者。我能感觉到每个人都多么的担心我的职业生涯将就此终结,但是结果恰恰相反。

从 10 年间一个一个的换工作,期间仅仅休带薪年假,到现在不用工作,真是太爽啦。在我们的行业中没有什么比所从事的工作不能给你带来快乐更糟糕的事情了。

就我来说,4 年了,我想要坐下来学习德语,却从未抽出时间去做。在这 5 个月里我学习了精读课程,一天三小时,这让我的语言水平从 A2 上升到 B2,足够应对日常社交活动用的了。



在我 5 个月的休息期间,我开始了一项个人项目:一个使用 Discogs.com API 的 Android 应用程序。我想拥有一个易用的应用程序,以便从我的收藏中添加和移除记录。我还想磨练自己的开发技能。



拥有个人项目,阅读(书写)播客并且尽量说出自己的想法,从长远来看会让您成为一名更好的开发人员。为了图个乐儿,请将您的代码放到 GitHub上,并且在社区中分享您的经历吧。






如果您不知道从哪儿开始,在 Twitter 上提问,在 Meetup.com 上搜索。查找 Google Developer Groups,Cocoaheads 或者 JS usergroups。本地组总是好于全球社区,去参加见面会吧,玩得开心些。







如果您看到一个感兴趣的工作机会,请查看您的网络。看看您的用户组或者 LinkedIn 中是否有人在那里工作或曾经在那里工作过,或者问问是否有人认识那里的人。直接和他们联系,与首席技术官、人事部经理或者公司的其他开发人员交谈。


  • 坚持使用一种软件平台,框架或者语言。从长远来看您的职业生涯将会更好。

  • 如果您真的想成为一名开发人员,不要*担任管理职务。

  • 如果需要的话休息一段时间

  • 不要停止编写代码,拥有个人项目并且把开发当成一种爱好来享受。

  • 参与社区活动,参加聚会,玩的开心并获得恢复。

  • 忽略招聘公告,构建您的网络,如果您想要找一份新工作的话就和人们谈谈。


I started working in 2006, a decade ago. Such milestone inspired me to look back and point at the mistakes I made, and the kind of advice I wished someone from the profession had told me. Things change fast, I am not sure how applicable this tips will be in ten years.

Whether you just started or you are a grey-beard, you might find my words helpful. I would love to hear your opinion, so don’t hesitate to write me.

Stick to one platform, framework or language

The biggest mistake I made during the last ten years: Each time I switched jobs I switched platforms as well.

I started with enterprise Java development, to embedded C software, to Windows Desktop applications in VB, C# and C++, to iOS apps in Objective-C, to working with the NDK doing Android libraries and finally doing Android apps.

This professional path sounds awesome, but employers don’t care. It doesn’t matter if you spent ten years developing software. If you did not create Android applications, you are not going to land an Android developer job.

Switching platforms creates a huge negative impact in your CV. It’s really hard for an employer to justify paying a big sum of money for a developer that is not an expert on a particular product.

Most companies don’t care about your past. The technical interview is going to be more important that all those years working on other platforms. This is why good developers without years of experience can get jobs.

How do we adapt to the market? You can do it, just as I did, but you need to invest in yourself: Learn new skills in your free time, or even take time off if you need it, and also lower your salary expectations. You need to take one step back to take two steps forward.

Once you find a platform, framework or language that you feel passionate with, stick to it. In the long term your salary expectations and your employability will be way higher than if you switch frequently. Check where are the best companies that require that skill set and move there. I know it sounds obvious, but it took me many years to realize that.

Don’t pursue management roles for the money

I always believed that high paying jobs were for people wearing suits and making executive decisions. While that’s true for a very small percentage of them, experienced developers are generally better paid that middle management.

The Berlin Startup Salary Report | Journal by Jobspotting

During my career I always wanted to move into project management. I did a Masters in PM where I learned a lot of interesting things. And finally after working as a Product Manager I realized that it wasn’t for me.

Our frustrations as developers come from poor company culture and to be more precise: poor tech-culture. I saw a huge difference in both terms when I left Spain. I felt more appreciated and I also started to appreciate more my job.

If you are not happy with your job as a developer, moving up is not the solution, but rather move horizontally. Switch companies, travel, open your mind and work abroad, there are many tech hubs in the world were developers are highly demanded.

Depression and burn-out feeling are more common in developers than what we think. Our managers rarely understand the mental exhaustion that causes coding, the pressure for results and quality while keeping time tight. Sometimes we just need to step out and breath. Like I did in my next tip.

Take time off

I’ve never been unemployed. Until this year. After ten years I needed to take a break to “refactor” my professional career, and it has been one of the best decisions I made.

I took 5 months off, quitting my job and being voluntarily unemployed. I could feel how everyone was worried that my professional career was going to end there, but what happened was just the opposite.

After ten years jumping from job to job and barely taking my paid annual vacation leave, being jobless was so-damn-good. There’s nothing worse in our profession than working on something that does not bring you happiness.

In my case, for four years I wanted to sit down and learn German but never got the time to do it. During these 5 months I took intensive courses, 3 hours a day, and bumped my language level from A2 to B2, enough for my day to day and being part of society.

Getting back to work was easier than I expected. So don’t be afraid of taking time off if you need it, a gap in your CV is easy to justify in our profession. But if you do, be sure to follow my next piece of advice.

ABC: Always be coding

During my five months off, I started a personal project: An Android app that uses the Discogs.com API. I wanted to have an easy-to-use app to add and remove records from my collection and I wanted to polish my development skills.

Thanks to this pet project, I was able to handle job interviews with confidence. I experimented with new trending libraries and development patterns that I am successfully using today at my job.

I wish I started doing this earlier. Our jobs tend to become repetitive and get a lot of entropy after years, so we have less and less room for experimentation and self improvement.

Having personal projects, reading (and writing) blogs and attending to talks will help you become a better developer on the long run. Just have fun, push your code to GitHub, and share your experiences with the community.

Be part of the community

When I was a student, I always thought I didn’t have time for groups and clubs. When I got my first job, the last think I wanted to do was hanging out with other developers.

I was wrong.

Meetups and usergroups are fun and a great place to meet fellow developers outside the entropy of your job. If you want to make the best of it try to not to be passive. Offer your help, share your experience, talk to the people sitting next to you. Everyone loves talking about their experiences, and you’ll meet a lot of possible employers.

There’s a lot of beginner groups that always need coaches. You can also offer yourself to mentor newbies, give workshops or even sponsor events.

If you don’t know where to start, ask on Twitter and search on Meetup.com. Look for Google Developer Groups, Cocoaheads or JS usergroups. Always look for local groups rather than global communities, attend to the meetings and have fun.

Of course, behave. Learn their code of conduct and embrace it. Promote diversity by being welcoming and unafraid of speaking to people different to you.

Ignore job postings

My final pearl of wisdom. Don’t apply to jobs through job postings.

Job postings are broken. Overly-complex HR processes, candidate tracking systems, CV spamming and lack of clear communication are just few of the causes of why companies end up relying on head hunters because they can’t find talent.

Good talent ignore job postings. Networking is the way to go. By being part of your local community, you’ll get the latest news when someone leaves an important position, when an interesting company got funding and who is hiring.

You will also learn that some companies are better than others. Most developers from hiring companies will be sincere with you, they will tell you if their stack is old, if their managers are awesome or even if the pay is bad.

If you see an interesting job offer, look at your network. See if someone in your usergroup or LinkedIn works or have worked there, or ask if they know someone. Contact them directly, talk with the CTO, the hiring manager or other developers in the company.

Head hunters are okay, but don’t rely on them. Their mission is to fill a position before someone else does, they are not here to help you get a job, they don’t work for you. If what they offer fits EXACTLY what you are looking for, then go for it, if not just say thanks but no thanks.

I hope my article helped you. I think it all comes down to being happier and having fun. Don’t be an overachiever, rather enjoy development as you enjoy a hobby and you’ll never want to work as something else again.

  • Stick to one platform, framework or language and your professional career will be better on the long run.
  • Don’t feel forced to take management roles if you truly want to be a developer.
  • Take time off if you need it.
  • Always be coding, have personal projects and enjoy development as a hobby.
  • Be part of the community, go to meetups, have fun and give back.
  • Ignore job postings, build your network and talk to people if you want to find a new job.

Thanks for reading.

Originally published in my Medium blog.