Spring mvc项目导出jar包无法识别正常映射问题

时间:2023-03-09 07:11:12
Spring mvc项目导出jar包无法识别正常映射问题


<!--名称 -->
<!-- Servlet类 -->
<!--SpringMVC配置参数文件的位置 -->
<!--默认名称为ServletName-servlet.xml -->
<!-- 启动顺序,数字越小,启动越早 -->
</servlet> <!--所有请求都会被springmvc拦截 -->

myeclipse开发项目,按照常规方法右键项目 Export-->jar却不能执行。


Spring Annotation-based controllers not working if it is inside jar file

解决方法:导出jar文件时勾选下面的:Add directory entries复选框

When you export the jar file using the export utility in eclipse there is a option called Add directory entries. Check this option and export the jar file, this will solve the problem.

Spring mvc项目导出jar包无法识别正常映射问题


why spring mvc not able to read URL from controller class kept in jar file

@Controller not working when packaged in external jar