
时间:2023-03-09 19:13:12

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HTML字符实体(Character Entities),转义字符串(Escape Sequence)


Character Entities

显示 说明 实体名称 实体编号
< 小于 &lt; <
> 大于 &gt; >
& &符号 &amp; &
" 双引号 &quot; "
© 版权 &copy; ©
® 已注册商标 &reg; ®
× 乘号 &times; ×
÷ 除号 &divide; ÷

ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)字符集

HTML 4.01 支持 ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) 字符集。


显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号
  &nbsp;   ¡ &iexcl; ¡ ¢ &cent; ¢ £ &pound; £ ¤ &curren; ¤
¥ &yen; ¥ ¦ &brvbar; ¦ § &sect; § ¨ &uml; ¨ © &copy; ©
ª &ordf; ª « &laquo; « ¬ &not; ¬ ­ &shy; ­ ® &reg; ®
¯ &macr; ¯ ° &deg; ° ± &plusmn; ± ² &sup2; ² ³ &sup3; ³
´ &acute; ´ µ &micro; µ &para; · &middot; · ¸ &cedil; ¸
¹ &sup1; ¹ º &ordm; º » &raquo; » ¼ &frac14; ¼ ½ &frac12; ½
¾ &frac34; ¾ ¿ &iquest; ¿ À &Agrave; À Á &Aacute; Á Â &Acirc; Â
à &Atilde; Ã Ä &Auml; Ä Å &Aring; Å Æ &AElig; Æ Ç &Ccedil; Ç
È &Egrave; È É &Eacute; É Ê &Ecirc; Ê Ë &Euml; Ë Ì &Igrave; Ì
Í &Iacute; Í Î &Icirc; Î Ï &Iuml; Ï Ð &ETH; Ð Ñ &Ntilde; Ñ
Ò &Ograve; Ò Ó &Oacute; Ó Ô &Ocirc; Ô Õ &Otilde; Õ Ö &Ouml; Ö
× &times; × Ø &Oslash; Ø Ù &Ugrave; Ù Ú &Uacute; Ú Û &Ucirc; Û
Ü &Uuml; Ü Ý &Yacute; Ý Þ &THORN; Þ ß &szlig; ß à &agrave; à
á &aacute; á â &acirc; â ã &atilde; ã ä &auml; ä å &aring; å
æ &aelig; æ ç &ccedil; ç è &egrave; è é &eacute; é ê &ecirc; ê
ë &euml; ë ì &igrave; ì í &iacute; í î &icirc; î ï &iuml; ï
ð &eth; ð ñ &ntilde; ñ ò &ograve; ò ó &oacute; ó ô &ocirc; ô
õ &otilde; õ ö &ouml; ö ÷ &divide; ÷ ø &oslash; ø ù &ugrave; ù
ú &uacute; ú û &ucirc; û ü &uuml; ü ý &yacute; ý þ &thorn; þ
ÿ &yuml; ÿ

symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters

显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号
ƒ &fnof; ƒ Α &Alpha; Α Β &Beta; Β Γ &Gamma; Γ Δ &Delta; Δ
Ε &Epsilon; Ε Ζ &Zeta; Ζ Η &Eta; Η Θ &Theta; Θ Ι &Iota; Ι
Κ &Kappa; Κ Λ &Lambda; Λ Μ &Mu; Μ Ν &Nu; Ν Ξ &Xi; Ξ
Ο &Omicron; Ο Π &Pi; Π Ρ &Rho; Ρ Σ &Sigma; Σ Τ &Tau; Τ
Υ &Upsilon; Υ Φ &Phi; Φ Χ &Chi; Χ Ψ &Psi; Ψ Ω &Omega; Ω
α &alpha; α β &beta; β γ &gamma; γ δ &delta; δ ε &epsilon; ε
ζ &zeta; ζ η &eta; η θ &theta; θ ι &iota; ι κ &kappa; κ
λ &lambda; λ μ &mu; μ ν &nu; ν ξ &xi; ξ ο &omicron; ο
π &pi; π ρ &rho; ρ ς &sigmaf; ς σ &sigma; σ τ &tau; τ
υ &upsilon; υ φ &phi; φ χ &chi; χ ψ &psi; ψ ω &omega; ω
? &thetasym; ϑ ? &upsih; ϒ ? &piv; ϖ &bull; &hellip;
&prime; &Prime; &oline; &frasl; &weierp;
&image; &real; &trade; &alefsym; &larr;
&uarr; &rarr; &darr; &harr; &crarr;
&lArr; &uArr; &rArr; &dArr; &hArr;
&forall; &part; &exist; &empty; &nabla;
&isin; &notin; &ni; &prod; &sum;
&minus; &lowast; &radic; &prop; &infin;
&ang; &and; &or; &cap; &cup;
&int; &there4; &sim; &cong; &asymp;
&ne; &equiv; &le; &ge; &sub;
&sup; &nsub; &sube; &supe; &oplus;
&otimes; &perp; &sdot; ? &lceil; ? &rceil;
? &lfloor; ? &rfloor; ? &lang; ? &rang; &loz;
&spades; &clubs; &hearts; &diams;

markup-significant and internationalization characters

显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号 显示 名称 编号
" &quot; " & &amp; & < &lt; < > &gt; > Œ &OElig; Œ
œ &oelig; œ Š &Scaron; Š š &scaron; š Ÿ &Yuml; Ÿ ˆ &circ; ˆ
˜ &tilde; ˜ &ensp; &emsp; &thinsp; &zwnj;
&zwj; &lrm; &rlm; &ndash; &mdash;
&lsquo; &rsquo; &sbquo; &ldquo; &rdquo;
&bdquo; &dagger; &Dagger; &permil; &lsaquo;
&rsaquo; &euro;


转义序列 字符
\b 退格
\f 走纸换页
\n 换行
\r 回车
\t 横向跳格 (Ctrl-I)
\' 单引号
\" 双引号
\\ 反斜杠