CoreCLR源码探索(六) NullReferenceException是如何发生的

时间:2023-03-09 07:27:25
CoreCLR源码探索(六) NullReferenceException是如何发生的

NullReferenceException可能是.Net程序员遇到最多的例外了, 这个例外发生的如此频繁,

以至于人们付出了巨大的努力来使用各种特性和约束试图防止它发生, 但时至今日它仍然让很多程序员头痛, 今天我将讲解这个令人头痛的例外是如何发生的.



第一份代码, 调用函数时this等于null导致例外发生

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
public class MyClass
public int MyMember;
public void MyMethod() { }
} static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass obj = null;

第二份代码, 访问成员时this等于null导致例外发生

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
public class MyClass
public int MyMember;
public void MyMethod() { }
} static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass obj = null;




.method private hidebysig static
void Main (
string[] args
) cil managed
// Method begins at RVA 0x2050
// Code size 11 (0xb)
.maxstack 1
.locals init (
[0] class ConsoleApp1.Program/MyClass
) IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldnull
IL_0002: stloc.0
IL_0003: ldloc.0
IL_0004: callvirt instance void ConsoleApp1.Program/MyClass::MyMethod()
IL_0009: nop
IL_000a: ret
} // end of method Program::Main


.method private hidebysig static
void Main (
string[] args
) cil managed
// Method begins at RVA 0x2050
// Code size 16 (0x10)
.maxstack 1
.locals init (
[0] class ConsoleApp1.Program/MyClass
) IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldnull
IL_0002: stloc.0
IL_0003: ldloc.0
IL_0004: ldfld int32 ConsoleApp1.Program/MyClass::MyMember
IL_0009: call void [System.Console]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
IL_000e: nop
IL_000f: ret
} // end of method Program::Main

看出什么了吗? 看不出吧, 我也看不出, 这代表了null检查不是在IL层面实现的, 我们需要继续往下看.



第一份代码生成的汇编 (架构不同生成的代码也不同, 以下代码是windows x64生成的)

    10: 		static void Main(string[] args) {
00007FF9F5C30482 56 push rsi
00007FF9F5C30483 48 83 EC 30 sub rsp,30h
00007FF9F5C30487 48 8B EC mov rbp,rsp
00007FF9F5C3048A 33 C0 xor eax,eax
00007FF9F5C3048C 48 89 45 20 mov qword ptr [rbp+20h],rax
00007FF9F5C30490 48 89 45 28 mov qword ptr [rbp+28h],rax
00007FF9F5C30494 48 89 4D 50 mov qword ptr [rbp+50h],rcx
00007FF9F5C30498 83 3D 49 48 EA FF 00 cmp dword ptr [7FF9F5AD4CE8h],0
00007FF9F5C3049F 74 05 je 00007FF9F5C304A6
00007FF9F5C304A1 E8 1A B5 C0 5F call 00007FFA5583B9C0
00007FF9F5C304A6 90 nop
11: MyClass obj = null;
00007FF9F5C304A7 33 C9 xor ecx,ecx
00007FF9F5C304A9 48 89 4D 20 mov qword ptr [rbp+20h],rcx
12: obj.MyMethod();
00007FF9F5C304AD 48 8B 4D 20 mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp+20h]
00007FF9F5C304B1 39 09 cmp dword ptr [rcx],ecx
00007FF9F5C304B3 E8 E8 FB FF FF call 00007FF9F5C300A0
00007FF9F5C304B8 90 nop
13: }


    10: 		static void Main(string[] args) {
00007FF9F5C20B22 56 push rsi
00007FF9F5C20B23 48 83 EC 30 sub rsp,30h
00007FF9F5C20B27 48 8B EC mov rbp,rsp
00007FF9F5C20B2A 33 C0 xor eax,eax
00007FF9F5C20B2C 48 89 45 20 mov qword ptr [rbp+20h],rax
00007FF9F5C20B30 48 89 45 28 mov qword ptr [rbp+28h],rax
00007FF9F5C20B34 48 89 4D 50 mov qword ptr [rbp+50h],rcx
00007FF9F5C20B38 83 3D A9 41 EA FF 00 cmp dword ptr [7FF9F5AC4CE8h],0
00007FF9F5C20B3F 74 05 je 00007FF9F5C20B46
00007FF9F5C20B41 E8 7A AE C1 5F call 00007FFA5583B9C0
00007FF9F5C20B46 90 nop
11: MyClass obj = null;
00007FF9F5C20B47 33 C9 xor ecx,ecx
00007FF9F5C20B49 48 89 4D 20 mov qword ptr [rbp+20h],rcx
12: Console.WriteLine(obj.MyMember);
00007FF9F5C20B4D 48 8B 4D 20 mov rcx,qword ptr [rbp+20h]
00007FF9F5C20B51 8B 49 08 mov ecx,dword ptr [rcx+8]
00007FF9F5C20B54 E8 87 FB FF FF call 00007FF9F5C206E0
00007FF9F5C20B59 90 nop
13: }

从汇编我们可以看出点端倪了, 注意第一份代码中的以下指令

00007FF9F5C304B1 39 09                cmp         dword ptr [rcx],ecx


00007FF9F5C20B51 8B 49 08             mov         ecx,dword ptr [rcx+8]


这个cmp比较了rcx自身但是却不使用比较的结果(后续je, jne等等),


rcx寄存器保存的是obj对象的指针, 也是下面的call指令的第一个参数(this),

如果rcx等于0(obj等于null)时, 这条指令就会执行失败.

在第二份代码中mov ecx,dword ptr [rcx+8]指令的作用是把rcx保存的obj的MyMember成员的值移到ecx,

可以理解为c语言的int myMember = obj->MyMember;int myMember = *(int*)(((char*)obj)+8),


想象一下如果obj等于null, rcx+8等于8,

因为内存地址8上面不存在任何内容, 这条指令就会执行失败.

因为这条指令已经带有检查null的作用, 所以第二份代码中你看不到像第一份代码中的cmp指令.

熟悉c语言的可能会问, 这样的指令执行失败以后程序不会立刻退出吗?

答案是会, 如果你不做特殊的处理, 访问((MyClass*)NULL)->MyMember会导致程序立刻退出.



CPU指令执行失败以后(内存访问失败, 除0等)时, 会传递一个硬件例外给内核, 然后内核会结束对应的进程.

但在结束之前它会允许进程补救, 补救的方法Windows和Linux都不一样.

在Linux上可以通过捕捉SIGSEGV处理内存访问失败, 示例代码如下

#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h> jmp_buf recover_point; static void sigsegv_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* si, void* unused) {
fprintf(stderr, "catched sigsegv\n");
longjmp(recover_point, 1);
} int main() {
struct sigaction action;
action.sa_handler = NULL;
action.sa_sigaction = sigsegv_handler;
action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
if (sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL) != 0) {
perror("bind signal handler failed");
} if (setjmp(recover_point) == 0) {
int* ptr = NULL;
*ptr = 1;
} else {
printf("recover success\n");;
return 0;

而在Windows上可以通过注册VectoredExceptionHandler处理硬件异常, 示例代码如下

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <setjmp.h> void* gVectoredExceptionHandler = NULL;
jmp_buf gRecoverPoint; LONG WINAPI MyVectoredExceptionHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionInfo)
if (pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
fprintf(stderr, "catched access violation\n");
longjmp(gRecoverPoint, 1);
} int main()
gVectoredExceptionHandler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(
TRUE, (PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER)MyVectoredExceptionHandler); if (setjmp(gRecoverPoint) == 0)
int* ptr = NULL;
*ptr = 1;
printf("recover success\n");
return 0;

在上面的代码中我使用了longjmp来从异常中恢复, 这是最简单的做法但也会带来很多问题, 接下来我们看看CoreCLR会如何处理这些异常.

CoreCLR中的处理 (Linux, OSX)

我们先来看Linux上CoreCLR是如何处理的, 以下代码来源于CoreCLR 1.1.0, OSX上的处理逻辑和Linux一样.

首先CoreCLR会注册SIGSEGV的处理器, 在pal\src\exception\signal.cpp中可以找到以下的代码

BOOL SEHInitializeSignals(DWORD flags)
TRACE("Initializing signal handlers\n"); /* we call handle_signal for every possible signal, even
if we don't provide a signal handler. handle_signal will set SA_RESTART flag for specified signal.
Therefore, all signals will have SA_RESTART flag set, preventing
slow Unix system calls from being interrupted. On systems without
siginfo_t, SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can't be restarted, so we don't
handle those signals. Both the Darwin and FreeBSD man pages say
that SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can't be handled, but FreeBSD allows us
to register a handler for them anyway. We don't do that. see sigaction man page for more details
handle_signal(SIGILL, sigill_handler, &g_previous_sigill);
handle_signal(SIGTRAP, sigtrap_handler, &g_previous_sigtrap);
handle_signal(SIGFPE, sigfpe_handler, &g_previous_sigfpe);
handle_signal(SIGBUS, sigbus_handler, &g_previous_sigbus);
handle_signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv_handler, &g_previous_sigsegv);
handle_signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler, &g_previous_sigint);
handle_signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit_handler, &g_previous_sigquit);

这里除了注册SIGSEGV以外还会注册其他信号的处理器, 接下来看sigsegv_handler的内容:

static void sigsegv_handler(int code, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context)
if (PALIsInitialized())
// TODO: First variable parameter says whether a read (0) or write (non-0) caused the
// fault. We must disassemble the instruction at record.ExceptionAddress
// to correctly fill in this value.
if (common_signal_handler(code, siginfo, context, 2, (size_t)0, (size_t)siginfo->si_addr))
} if (g_previous_sigsegv.sa_sigaction != NULL)
g_previous_sigsegv.sa_sigaction(code, siginfo, context);
// Restore the original or default handler and restart h/w exception
restore_signal(code, &g_previous_sigsegv);
} PROCNotifyProcessShutdown();


static bool common_signal_handler(int code, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *sigcontext, int numParams, ...)
sigset_t signal_set;
CONTEXT *contextRecord;
EXCEPTION_RECORD *exceptionRecord;
native_context_t *ucontext; ucontext = (native_context_t *)sigcontext; AllocateExceptionRecords(&exceptionRecord, &contextRecord); // 把信号转换为例外代码, 这里的例外代码等于windows上的STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005L)
exceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = CONTEXTGetExceptionCodeForSignal(siginfo, ucontext);
exceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_IS_SIGNAL;
exceptionRecord->ExceptionRecord = NULL;
exceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = GetNativeContextPC(ucontext);
exceptionRecord->NumberParameters = numParams; va_list params;
va_start(params, numParams); for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
exceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[i] = va_arg(params, size_t);
} // 捕捉例外发生时的上下文
// Pre-populate context with data from current frame, because ucontext doesn't have some data (e.g. SS register)
// which is required for restoring context
RtlCaptureContext(contextRecord); ULONG contextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL | CONTEXT_INTEGER | CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT; #if defined(_AMD64_)
contextFlags |= CONTEXT_XSTATE;
#endif // Fill context record with required information. from pal.h:
// On non-Win32 platforms, the CONTEXT pointer in the
// PEXCEPTION_POINTERS will contain at least the CONTEXT_CONTROL registers.
CONTEXTFromNativeContext(ucontext, contextRecord, contextFlags); /* Unmask signal so we can receive it again */
sigaddset(&signal_set, code);
int sigmaskRet = pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &signal_set, NULL);
if (sigmaskRet != 0)
ASSERT("pthread_sigmask failed; error number is %d\n", sigmaskRet);
} contextRecord->ContextFlags |= CONTEXT_EXCEPTION_ACTIVE;
// The exception object takes ownership of the exceptionRecord and contextRecord
PAL_SEHException exception(exceptionRecord, contextRecord); // 转换为和windows一致的SEH例外类型并继续处理
if (SEHProcessException(&exception))
// Exception handling may have modified the context, so update it.
CONTEXTToNativeContext(contextRecord, ucontext);
return true;
} return false;

继续追下去会很长, 这里就只贴跟踪的调用流程了:

触发 sigsegv_handler (pal\src\exception\signal.cpp)
调用 common_signal_handler (pal\src\exception\signal.cpp)
调用 SEHProcessException (pal\src\exception\seh.cpp)
调用 HandleHardwareException (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp)
调用 DispatchManagedException (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp)
调用 UnwindManagedExceptionPass1 (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:4503)
调用 ProcessCLRException (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:751)
调用 UnwindManagedExceptionPass2 (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:4357)
调用 ProcessCLRException (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:751)
调用 ExceptionTracker::GetOrCreateTracker (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:3613)
调用 ExceptionTracker::CreateThrowable (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:4004)
调用 CreateCOMPlusExceptionObject (vm\excep.cpp:6978)
调用 MapWin32FaultToCOMPlusException (vm\excep.cpp:6996)
调用 ExceptionTracker::ProcessOSExceptionNotification (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:1589)
调用 ExceptionTracker::ProcessManagedCallFrame (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:2321)
调用 ExceptionTracker::CallHandler (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:3273)
调用 ExceptionTracker::ResumeExecution (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:3972)
调用 RtlRestoreContext (pal\src\arch\i386\context2.S)
跳过去以后会继续处理, 不再返回


  • 在Linux上
    • 如果对象是null并且访问对象的函数或者成员, 会触发SIGSEGV信号
    • CoreCLR捕捉到SIGSEGV信号后会根据信号生成类似Windows形式的EXCEPTION_POINTERS结构体
      • 这是为了可以和Windows共享处理的代码
    • 处理例外时, 根据例外代码(0xC0000005L)转换为CLR中的NullReferenceException的对象
    • 回滚堆栈和调用finally中的代码
    • 跳到对应的处理例外(catch)的代码


CoreCLR中的处理 (Windows)


这是vm\excep.cpp中的CLRAddVectoredHandlers函数, 启动时会调用

void CLRAddVectoredHandlers(void)
#ifndef FEATURE_PAL // We now install a vectored exception handler on all supporting Windows architectures.
g_hVectoredExceptionHandler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE, (PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER)CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim);
if (g_hVectoredExceptionHandler == NULL)
LOG((LF_EH, LL_INFO100, "CLRAddVectoredHandlers: AddVectoredExceptionHandler() failed\n"));
} LOG((LF_EH, LL_INFO100, "CLRAddVectoredHandlers: AddVectoredExceptionHandler() succeeded\n"));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL

当硬件异常发生时会调用这个处理器, 代码同样在vm\excep.cpp, 如下:

LONG WINAPI CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionInfo)
// HandleManagedFault will take a Crst that causes an unbalanced
// notrigger scope, and this contract will whack the thread's
// ClrDebugState to what it was on entry in the dtor, which causes
// us to assert when we finally release the Crst later on.
// {
// }
// o This function should not call functions that acquire
// synchronization objects or allocate memory, because this
// can cause problems. <-- quoteth MSDN -- probably for
// the same reason as we cannot use LOG(); we'll recurse
// into a stack overflow.
// o You cannot use LOG() in here because that will trigger an
// exception which will cause infinite recursion with this
// function. We work around this by ignoring all non-error
// exception codes, which serves as the base of the recursion.
// That way, we can LOG() from the rest of the function
// The same goes for any function called by this
// function.
// // If exceptions (or runtime) have been disabled, then simply return.
if (g_fForbidEnterEE || g_fNoExceptions)
// We must preserve this so that GCStress=4 eh processing doesnt kill last error.
// Note that even GetThread below can affect the LastError.
// Keep this in mind when adding code above this line!
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); #if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
// Capture the FPU state before we do anything involving floating point instructions
FPUStateHolder captureFPUState;
#endif // defined(_TARGET_X86_) #ifdef FEATURE_INTEROP_DEBUGGING
// For interop debugging we have a fancy exception queueing stunt. When the debugger
// initially gets the first chance exception notification it may not know whether to
// continue it handled or unhandled, but it must continue the process to allow the
// in-proc helper thread to work. What it does is continue the exception unhandled which
// will let the thread immediately execute to this point. Inside this worker the thread
// will block until the debugger knows how to continue the exception. If it decides the
// exception was handled then we immediately resume execution as if the exeption had never
// even been allowed to run into this handler. If it is unhandled then we keep processing
// this handler
// WARNING: This function could potentially throw an exception, however it should only
// be able to do so when an interop debugger is attached
if(g_pDebugInterface != NULL)
pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord) == EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION)
#endif // 获取例外代码
DWORD dwCode = pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
} #if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
// For interop debugging, debugger bashes our managed exception handler.
// Interop debugging does not work with real vectored exception handler :(
#endif bool bIsGCMarker = false; #ifdef USE_REDIRECT_FOR_GCSTRESS
// This is AMD64 & ARM specific as the macro above is defined for AMD64 & ARM only
bIsGCMarker = IsGcMarker(dwCode, pExceptionInfo->ContextRecord);
#elif defined(_TARGET_X86_) && defined(HAVE_GCCOVER)
// This is the equivalent of the check done in COMPlusFrameHandler, incase the exception is
// seen by VEH first on x86.
bIsGCMarker = IsGcMarker(dwCode, pExceptionInfo->ContextRecord);
#endif // USE_REDIRECT_FOR_GCSTRESS // Do not update the TLS with exception details for exceptions pertaining to GCStress
// as they are continueable in nature.
if (!bIsGCMarker)
SaveCurrentExceptionInfo(pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord, pExceptionInfo->ContextRecord);
} LONG result = EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; // If we cannot obtain a Thread object, then we have no business processing any
// exceptions on this thread. Indeed, even checking to see if the faulting
// address is in JITted code is problematic if we have no Thread object, since
// this thread will bypass all our locks.
Thread *pThread = GetThread(); // Also check if the exception was in the EE or not
BOOL fExceptionInEE = FALSE;
if (!pThread)
// Check if the exception was in EE only if Thread object isnt available.
// This will save us from unnecessary checks
fExceptionInEE = IsIPInEE(pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress);
} // We are going to process the exception only if one of the following conditions is true:
// 1) We have a valid Thread object (implies exception on managed thread)
// 2) Not a valid Thread object but the IP is in the execution engine (implies native thread within EE faulted)
// 如果例外来源是运行引擎中的代码(托管代码), 或者有Thread对象(pinvoke代码)则继续处理
if (pThread || fExceptionInEE)
if (!bIsGCMarker)
result = CLRVectoredExceptionHandler(pExceptionInfo);
} #ifdef _DEBUG
CantAllocHolder caHolder; PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD pRecord = GetCurrentSEHRecord();
while (pRecord != EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END)
STRESS_LOG2(LF_EH, LL_INFO10000, "CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim: FS:0 %p:%p\n",
pRecord, pRecord->Handler);
pRecord = pRecord->Next;
#endif // WIN64EXCEPTIONS {
// The call to "CLRVectoredExceptionHandler" above can return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH
// for different scenarios like */SOFT_SO, or if it is forbidden to enter the EE.
// Thus, if we dont have a Thread object for the thread that has faulted and we came this far
// because the fault was in MSCORWKS, then we work with the frame chain below only if we have
// valid Thread object. if (pThread)
CantAllocHolder caHolder; TADDR* sp;
sp = (TADDR*)&sp;
DWORD count = 0;
void* stopPoint = pThread->GetCachedStackBase();
// If Frame chain is corrupted, we may get AV while accessing frames, and this function will be
// called recursively. We use Frame chain to limit our search range. It is not disaster if we
// can not use it.
// Find the stop point (most jitted function)
Frame* pFrame = pThread->GetFrame();
// skip GC frames
if (pFrame == 0 || pFrame == (Frame*) -1)
break; Frame::ETransitionType type = pFrame->GetTransitionType();
if (type == Frame::TT_M2U || type == Frame::TT_InternalCall)
stopPoint = pFrame;
pFrame = pFrame->Next();
STRESS_LOG0(LF_EH, LL_INFO100, "CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim: stack");
while (count < 20 && sp < stopPoint)
if (IsIPInEE((BYTE*)*sp))
STRESS_LOG1(LF_EH, LL_INFO100, "%pK\n", *sp);
count ++;
sp += 1;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
#endif // _DEBUG #ifndef WIN64EXCEPTIONS
CantAllocHolder caHolder;
STRESS_LOG1(LF_EH, LL_INFO1000, "CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim: returning %d\n", result);
#endif // WIN64EXCEPTIONS } SetLastError(dwLastError); return result;

同样的, 继续跟下去会非常长我就只贴跟踪流程了:

CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim (vm\excep.cpp:8171)
调用 CLRVectoredExceptionHandler (vm\excep.cpp:7464)
调用 CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerPhase2 (vm\excep.cpp:7622)
调用 CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerPhase3 (vm\excep:7803)
调用 HandleManagedFault (vm\excep:7311)
调用 SetNakedThrowHelperArgRegistersInContext (vm\excep:7297)
把引发例外的指令地址存到rcx (第一个参数)
设置IP到NakedThrowHelper (vm\amd64\RedirectedHandledJITCase.asm)
NakedThrowHelper (vm\amd64\RedirectedHandledJITCase.asm)
调用 LinkFrameAndThrow (vm\excep.cpp:7278)
调用 RaiseException (
NakedThrowHelper 经过包装
GenerateRedirectedStubWithFrame NakedThrowHelper, FixContextHandler, NakedThrowHelper2 (vm\amd64\RedirectedHandledJITCase.asm)
宏GenerateRedirectedStubWithFrame使用了宏NESTED_ENTRY, 可以参考vm\amd64\
FixContextHandler (vm\exceptionhandler.cpp:5631)
调用 FixupDispatcherContext (vm\exceptionhandler.cpp:5525)
调用 FixupDispatcherContext 的另一个重载 (vm\exceptionhandler.cpp:5399)
设置 pDispatcherContext->LanguageHandler = (PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE)GetEEFuncEntryPoint(ProcessCLRException);
ProcessCLRException (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:751)
调用 ExceptionTracker::GetOrCreateTracker (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:3613)
调用 ExceptionTracker::CreateThrowable (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:4004)
调用 CreateCOMPlusExceptionObject (vm\excep.cpp:6978)
调用 MapWin32FaultToCOMPlusException (vm\excep.cpp:6996)
调用 ExceptionTracker::ProcessOSExceptionNotification (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:1589)
调用 ExceptionTracker::ProcessManagedCallFrame (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:2321)
调用 ExceptionTracker::CallHandler (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:3273)
调用 ClrUnwindEx (vm\exceptionhandling.cpp:5229)
调用 RtlUnwindEx (Windows自带的API) 在这里会跳到对应的处理例外(catch)的代码
跳过去以后会继续处理, 不再返回


  • 在Windows上
    • 如果对象是null并且访问对象的函数或者成员, 会触发硬件异常
    • CoreCLR通过CLRVectoredExceptionHandlerShim捕捉到异常
    • 调用原生的RaiseException抛出例外给ProcessCLRException处理
    • 处理例外时, 根据例外代码(0xC0000005L)转换为CLR中的NullReferenceException的对象
    • 回滚堆栈和调用finally中的代码
    • 跳到对应的处理例外(catch)的代码



想想如果成员在更后面的位置, 例如0x10000, 并且在0x10000有内容存在的时候还可以检测出来吗?

这里我模拟一下特殊情况下的null检查, 看看CoreCLR是否可以正确处理.


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
struct st_32 { long a; long b; long c; long d; }
struct st_128 { st_32 a; st_32 b; st_32 c; st_32 d; }
struct st_512 { st_128 a; st_128 b; st_128 c; st_128 d; }
struct st_2048 { st_512 a; st_512 b; st_512 c; st_512 d; }
struct st_10240 { st_2048 a; st_2048 b; st_2048 c; st_2048 d; st_2048 e; }
struct st_51200 { st_10240 a; st_10240 b; st_10240 c; st_10240 d; st_10240 e; }
struct st_65536 { st_51200 a; st_10240 b; st_2048 c; st_2048 d; }
struct padding { st_10240 a; st_10240 b; st_10240 c; public int x; }
class A
public padding a;
} const uint PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 0x40;
const uint MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000;
const uint MEM_RESERVE = 0x2000;
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc(IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint flAllocationType, uint flProtect); static void Main(string[] args)
var body = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 };
IntPtr buf = VirtualAlloc((IntPtr)0x10000, 1024, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
buf = (IntPtr)0x10008; // 10000 + 8, 8是method table指针的大小
Marshal.Copy(body, 0, buf, body.Length); var a = new A();
a = null;


CoreCLR源码探索(六) NullReferenceException是如何发生的

注意图中红框的部分, CoreCLR加了额外的cmp, 成功避过了使用VirtualAlloc设下的陷阱.

你也可能会问, 如果使用VirtualAlloc来在0x8分配内存可以骗过CoreCLR吗?

事实上VirtualAlloc不能在0x8分配内存, 可以分配到的虚拟内存地址有范围限制,

如果成员的位置大于最小可以分配的虚拟内存地址, 则CoreCLR会插入一个额外的检查, 所以这种情况是骗不过CoreCLR的.




public static string GetString()
return null;
} public static void BenchmarkNullReferenceException()
for (int x = 0; x < 100000; ++x)
string str = GetString();
int length = str.Length;
catch (Exception ex)
} public static void BenchmarkManualNullReferenceException() {
for (int x = 0; x < 100000; ++x)
string str = GetString();
if (str == null)
throw new NullReferenceException();
int length = str.Length;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }


BenchmarkNullReferenceException: 0.9024312s
BenchmarkManualNullReferenceException: 0.9746265s



这也说明了处理硬件异常的消耗相对于处理CLR异常的消耗并不大, 甚至还比手动抛出的消耗更小.


最常见也是最容易理解的null检查可能是在底层生成类似test rcx, rcx; jne 1f; call ThrowNullReferenceException; 1:的代码,

然而CoreCLR并不采用这种办法, 我个人推测有这些原因:

  • 可以节省生成的代码大小, 一条检查用的cmp指令只占2个字节
  • 可以提升检查性能, 例如访问成员时直接使用mov 寄存器, [对象寄存器+成员偏移值]即可同时取出值并检查是否null, 不需要额外的检查指令
  • 可以捕捉非托管代码中的异常, 调用使用c写的代码中发生了内存访问错误也可以捕捉到


这篇文章参考了以下链接, 并且还在github上向CoreCLR提过了相关问题

这篇相对来说比较易懂, 之前讲好的JIT篇要继续延期, 请大家耐心等待了.