interviewbit : Max Non Negative SubArrayBookmark Suggest Edit

时间:2023-03-09 16:07:09
interviewbit : Max Non Negative SubArrayBookmark Suggest Edit

Find out the maximum sub-array of non negative numbers from an array.
The sub-array should be continuous. That is, a sub-array created by choosing the second and fourth element and skipping the third element is invalid.

Maximum sub-array is defined in terms of the sum of the elements in the sub-array. Sub-array A is greater than sub-array B if sum(A) > sum(B).


A : [1, 2, 5, -7, 2, 3]
The two sub-arrays are [1, 2, 5] [2, 3].
The answer is [1, 2, 5] as its sum is larger than [2, 3]

NOTE: If there is a tie, then compare with segment's length and return segment which has maximum length
NOTE 2: If there is still a tie, then return the segment with minimum starting index

public class Solution {
public ArrayList<Integer> maxset(ArrayList<Integer> a) {
long maxSum = 0;
long newSum = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> maxArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> newArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Integer i : a) {
if (i >= 0) {
newSum += i;
} else {
newSum = 0;
newArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if ((maxSum < newSum) || ((maxSum == newSum) && (newArray.size() > maxArray.size()))) {
maxSum = newSum;
maxArray = newArray;
return maxArray;