mosquitto awareness when before it's being compiling, and you do settings and testing

时间:2023-03-09 06:23:51
mosquitto awareness when before it's being compiling, and you do settings and testing

Mostly, this clearify the usage of   ' mosquitto.conf ' in easy-understanding language.

1. compile the mosquitte

Edit the file '' first

Edit the file ''
# 是否支持tcpd/libwrap功能.
#WITH_WRAP:=yes # 是否开启SSL/TLS支持
#WITH_TLS:=yes # 是否开启TLS/PSK支持
#WITH_TLS_PSK:=yes # Comment out to disable client client threading support.
#WITH_THREADING:=yes # 是否使用严格的协议版本(老版本兼容会有点问题)
#WITH_STRICT_PROTOCOL:=yes # 是否开启桥接模式
#WITH_BRIDGE:=yes # 是否开启持久化功能
#WITH_PERSISTENCE:=yes # 是否监控运行状态

2. Mosquitto Settings


file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.example
so you need :
cp /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.example /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
vim /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

the downbelow is its Chinese references for your consideration if possible:

# =================================================================
# General configuration
# ================================================================= # 客户端心跳的间隔时间
#retry_interval 20 # 系统状态的刷新时间
#sys_interval 10 # 系统资源的回收时间,0表示尽快处理
#store_clean_interval 10 # 服务进程的PID
#pid_file /var/run/ # 服务进程的系统用户
#user mosquitto # 客户端心跳消息的最大并发数
#max_inflight_messages 10 # 客户端心跳消息缓存队列
#max_queued_messages 100 # 用于设置客户端长连接的过期时间,默认永不过期
#persistent_client_expiration # =================================================================
# Default listener
# ================================================================= # 服务绑定的IP地址
#bind_address # 服务绑定的端口号
#port 1883 # 允许的最大连接数,-1表示没有限制
#max_connections -1 # cafile:CA证书文件
# capath:CA证书目录
# certfile:PEM证书文件
# keyfile:PEM密钥文件
#keyfile # 必须提供证书以保证数据安全性
#require_certificate false # 若require_certificate值为true,use_identity_as_username也必须为true
#use_identity_as_username false # 启用PSK(Pre-shared-key)支持
#psk_hint # SSL/TSL加密算法,可以使用“openssl ciphers”命令获取
# as the output of that command.
#ciphers # =================================================================
# Persistence
# ================================================================= # 消息自动保存的间隔时间
#autosave_interval 1800 # 消息自动保存功能的开关
#autosave_on_changes false # 持久化功能的开关
persistence true # 持久化DB文件
#persistence_file mosquitto.db # 持久化DB文件目录
#persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/ # =================================================================
# Logging
# ================================================================= # 4种日志模式:stdout、stderr、syslog、topic
# none 则表示不记日志,此配置可以提升些许性能
log_dest none # 选择日志的级别(可设置多项)
#log_type error
#log_type warning
#log_type notice
#log_type information # 是否记录客户端连接信息
#connection_messages true # 是否记录日志时间
#log_timestamp true # =================================================================
# Security
# ================================================================= # 客户端ID的前缀限制,可用于保证安全性
#clientid_prefixes # 允许匿名用户
#allow_anonymous true # 用户/密码文件,默认格式:username:password
#password_file # PSK格式密码文件,默认格式:identity:key
#psk_file # pattern write sensor/%u/data
# ACL权限配置,常用语法如下:
# 用户限制:user <username>
# 话题限制:topic [read|write] <topic>
# 正则限制:pattern write sensor/%u/data
#acl_file # =================================================================
# Bridges
# ================================================================= # 允许服务之间使用“桥接”模式(可用于分布式部署)
#connection <name>
#address <host>[:<port>]
#topic <topic> [[[out | in | both] qos-level] local-prefix remote-prefix] # 设置桥接的客户端ID
#clientid # 桥接断开时,是否清除远程服务器中的消息
#cleansession false # 是否发布桥接的状态信息
#notifications true # 设置桥接模式下,消息将会发布到的话题地址
# $SYS/broker/connection/<clientid>/state
#notification_topic # 设置桥接的keepalive数值
#keepalive_interval 60 # 桥接模式,目前有三种:automatic、lazy、once
#start_type automatic # 桥接模式automatic的超时时间
#restart_timeout 30 # 桥接模式lazy的超时时间
#idle_timeout 60 # 桥接客户端的用户名
#username # 桥接客户端的密码
#password # bridge_cafile:桥接客户端的CA证书文件
# bridge_capath:桥接客户端的CA证书目录
# bridge_certfile:桥接客户端的PEM证书文件
# bridge_keyfile:桥接客户端的PEM密钥文件
#bridge_keyfile # 自己的配置可以放到以下目录中
include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d

3. mosquitto testing

Here is another comment about mosquitto server:
--------Quoted from http://blog.****.net/shagoo/article/details/7910598 ------------

mosquitto awareness when before it's being compiling, and you do settings and testing

友情提醒:测试的时候不要忘记调整系统的最大连接数和栈大小,比如:Linux上可用ulimit -n20000 -s512命令设置你需要的系统参数。

--------End of quoted ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Try this!
netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}'

Happy hacking!