
时间:2023-03-09 03:48:57

a b
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
3 1
a b
1 1,2,3
2 1,2
3 1
drop table tb
create table tb
a int,
b int
insert into tb(a,b) values(,)
insert into tb(a,b) values(,)
insert into tb(a,b) values(,)
insert into tb(a,b) values(,)
insert into tb(a,b) values(,)
insert into tb(a,b) values(,)
go if object_id('pubs..f_hb') is not null
drop function f_hb
go --创建一个合并的函数
create function f_hb(@a int)
returns varchar()
declare @str varchar()
set @str = ''
select @str = @str + ',' + cast(b as varchar) from tb where a = @a
set @str = right(@str , len(@str) - )
go --调用自定义函数得到结果:
select distinct a ,dbo.f_hb(a) as b from tb drop table tb --结果
a b
----------- ------
1 1,2,3
2 1,2
3 1 (所影响的行数为 3 行)
*/ /*
001 p c 差 6
001 p c 好 2
001 p c 一般 4
002 w e 差 8
002 w e 好 7
002 w e 一般 1
001 p c 差(6),好(2),一般(4)
002 w e 差(8),好(7),一般(1)
*/ if object_id('pubs..tb') is not null
drop table tb
go create table tb
id varchar(),
pr varchar(),
con varchar(),
op varchar(),
sc int
) insert into tb(ID,PR,CON,OP,SC) values('', 'p', 'c', '差', )
insert into tb(ID,PR,CON,OP,SC) values('', 'p', 'c', '好', )
insert into tb(ID,PR,CON,OP,SC) values('', 'p', 'c', '一般', )
insert into tb(ID,PR,CON,OP,SC) values('', 'w', 'e', '差', )
insert into tb(ID,PR,CON,OP,SC) values('', 'w', 'e', '好', )
insert into tb(ID,PR,CON,OP,SC) values('', 'w', 'e', '一般', )
go if object_id('pubs..test') is not null
drop table test
select ID,PR,CON , OPS = op + '(' + cast(sc as varchar()) + ')' into test from tb --创建一个合并的函数
if object_id('pubs..f_hb') is not null
drop function f_hb
create function f_hb(@id varchar(),@pr varchar(),@con varchar())
returns varchar()
declare @str varchar()
set @str = ''
select @str = @str + ',' + cast(OPS as varchar) from test where id = @id and @pr = pr and @con = con
set @str = right(@str , len(@str) - )
go --调用自定义函数得到结果:
select distinct id ,pr , con , dbo.f_hb(id,pr,con) as OPS from test drop table tb
drop table test --结果
id pr con OPS
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------
001 p c 差(6),好(2),一般(4)
002 w e 差(8),好(7),一般(1) (所影响的行数为 2 行)
*/ if object_id('pubs..b') is not null
drop table b
create table b
(col varchar()) insert b values ('a')
insert b values ('b')
insert b values ('c')
insert b values ('d')
insert b values ('e') declare @sql varchar()
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+b.col+',' from (select col from b) as b
set @sql='select '''+@sql+''''
exec(@sql) --解答二
create table A(SID int, F1 int, F2 int)
insert into A values(, , )
insert into A values(, , )
insert into A values(, , ) create table B(BID int, SID int, T int, V int)
insert into B values(, , , )
insert into B values(, , , )
insert into B values(, , , )
insert into B values(, , , )
insert into B values(, , , )
insert into B values(, , , )
go --静态SQL,即t的值固定为1,
select sid,f1,f2,
max(case when t = then v else end) v1,
max(case when t = then v else end) v2
select a.*,b.t,b.v from a,b where a.sid = b.sid
) t
group by sid,f1,f2 --动态sql,即T的值不固定
declare @sql varchar()
set @sql = 'select SID , F1 , F2'
select @sql = @sql + ' , sum(case t when ''' + cast(t as varchar) + ''' then v else 0 end) [V' + cast(t as varchar) + ']'
from (select distinct t from (select a.sid,a.f1,a.f2,b.t,b.v from a,b where a.sid = b.sid) m) as a
set @sql = @sql + ' from (select a.sid,a.f1,a.f2,b.t,b.v from a,b where a.sid = b.sid) m group by SID , F1 , F2'
exec(@sql) drop table A,B /*
sid f1 f2 v1 v2
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 3 4 2
2 2 1 3 4
3 3 2 5 2 (所影响的行数为 3 行) SID F1 F2 V1 V2
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 3 4 2
2 2 1 3 4
3 3 2 5 2