8. String to Integer (整数的溢出)

时间:2023-03-09 17:12:08
8. String to Integer (整数的溢出)

Implement atoi to convert a string to an integer.

If no valid conversion could be performed, a zero value is returned. If the correct value is out of the range of representable values, INT_MAX (2147483647) or INT_MIN (-2147483648) is returned.

int myAtoi(char* str) {
long int ret = ;
char* p = str;
bool isPos = true; //get the positive or negative
while(*p == ' '){ //neglect space at the beginning
if(*p == '+') p++;
else if(*p == '-'){
isPos = false;
} //get the digit
while(*p != '\0'){
if(*p < '' || *p > '') break; //invalid character occurs, stop converting
ret = ret* + (*p) - '';
if(ret >= ) break; //out of int range
} if(!isPos) ret = -ret;
if(ret > INT_MAX) ret = INT_MAX;
else if(ret < INT_MIN) ret = INT_MIN;
return ret;