SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结

时间:2022-01-20 23:39:05


SQL Server的日志传送(log shipping)技术一直比较鸡肋,尤其当SQL Server 推出了Always On技术以后,估计使用日志传送(log shipping)这种技术方案的企业越来越少,但是日志传送也有自己的一些优点,有些特殊场景或业务背景下也有其存在的价值。最近由于特殊业务场景可能需要用到这个技术,所以做了一些测试和验证,比对一些知识做了一下总结、归纳。下面有部分内容从官方文档摘抄。此篇是总结性内容。如有不足,敬请指点!

日志传送Log Shipping)介绍


SQL Server使用日志传送,可以自动将“主服务器”实例上“主数据库”上的事务日志备份发送到“辅助服务器”实例上的一个或多个“辅助数据库”。

事务日志备份分别应用于每个辅助数据库。 可选第三个服务器实例(称为“监视服务器 ”)记录备份和还原操作的历史记录及状态,还可以在无法按计划




SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结


可以为单个主数据库配置一个或多个辅助数据库(每个数据库都位于单独的SQL Server实例上),提供灾难恢复解决方案。


允许用户将延迟时间定义为:从主服务器备份主数据库日志到辅助服务器必须还原(应用)日志备份之间的时间。 例如,如果主数据库上的数据被意外更改,则较长的延迟会很有用。 如果很快发现意外更改,则通过延迟,您可以在辅助数据库反映此更改之前从其中检索仍未更改的数据



日志传送配置不会自动从主服务器故障转移到辅助服务器。 如果主数据库变为不可用,需要手动将辅助数据库联机。





主服务器 (primary server)

位于生产服务器上的SQL Server实例。


主数据库 (primary database)

希望备份到其他服务器的主服务器上的数据库。 通过SQL Server Management Studio进行的所有日志传送配置管理都是在主数据库中执行的。

辅助服务器 (secondary server)

想要在其上保留主数据库的热备副本的SQL Server实例。

辅助数据库 (secondary database)

主数据库的热备用副本。 辅助数据库可以处于 RECOVERING 状态或 STANDBY 状态,这将使数据库可用于受限的只读访问。

监视服务器 (monitor server)

跟踪日志传送的所有详细信息的SQL Server的可选实例,包括:






一种SQL Server代理作业,它执行备份操作,将历史记录信息记录到本地服务器和监视服务器上,并删除旧的备份文件和历史记录信息。




一种SQL Server代理作业,它将备份文件从主服务器复制到辅助服务器中的可配置目标,并在辅助服务器和监视服务器中记录历史记录。




一种SQL Server代理作业,它将复制的备份文件还原到辅助数据库。它将历史记录信息记录在本地服务器和监视服务器上,并删除旧文件和旧历史记录信息。 在数据库上启用日志传送后,在辅助服务器实例上会创建作业类别“日志传送还原”。


一种 SQL Server 代理作业,它在备份或还原操作在指定阈值内未成功完成时为主数据库和辅助数据库引发警报。 在数据库上启用日志传送后,在监视服务器实例上会创建作业类别“日志传送警报”。

配置日志传送Log Shipping的先决条件

·         主数据库必须使用完整恢复模式或大容量日志恢复模式,将数据库切换为简单恢复模式会导致日志传送停止工作。

·         在配置日志传送之前,您必须创建共享,以便辅助服务器可以访问事务日志备份。 这是对生成事务日志备份的目录的共享。

例如,如果将事务日志备份到目录 C:\data\tlogs\,则可以对该目录创建 \\primaryserver\tlogs 共享

配置日志传送Log Shipping的权限要求


配置日志传送Log Shipping的步骤操作



1: 在主服务器(primary server)上,选择要配置日志传送的主数据库( primary database),然后右键单击数据库,在选项”事务日志传送“



SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结



思考:如果勾选“禁用这个作业”是否可行? 是否可以用其它的备份呢?

SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结



SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结


注意:有时候可能会遇到权限问题“ Operating system error 5(Access is denied.)”,遇到这个问题的原因五花八门,例如这个案例当中,就是因为SQL Server实例是用内置账号Network Service启动的,可以使用其它账号,例如域账号或者Local System账号就不会遇到这个问题。

Cannot open backup device '\\\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\MyDB......'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.).

RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3201)


SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结


SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结


SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结


SQL Server Log Shipping学习总结



配置日志传送Log Shipping)的注意事项


1: 如果数据库是“备用模式”(Standby/Read-Only),那么数据库就是只读模式。

关于辅助数据库(secondary database)能否执行存储过程。可以执行部分存储过程,但是有限制。


2: 主服务器上的完整备份是否影响日志传送(Log Shipping)呢?


3:Log Shipping的备份作业之外的其它事务日志备份是否影响、干扰日志传送(Log Shipping)呢?

实验测试这个是会导致log shipping中断。

是否可以不用Log Shipping的事务日志备份作业(禁用这个作业),使用其它事务日志备份作业。



4:主服务器与辅助服务器的SQL Server版本是否可以不一致呢?

答案是主服务器与辅助服务器的SQL Server版本可以不一致,但是在不一致的情况下,辅助数据库只能选择无恢复模式(No Recovery Module)而不能使用


Msg 3180, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

This backup cannot be restored using WITH STANDBY because a database upgrade is needed. Reissue the RESTORE without WITH STANDBY.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

注意:这里所说的SQL Server版本不一致,只能是辅助服务器的SQL Server版本比主服务器的SQL Server版本高。



SSMS UI 界面操作(当然也可以使用脚本,不过这里UI界面操作比较简单):

1.     连接到当前日志传送主服务器的SQL Server实例并展开该实例。

2.     展开“数据库”,右键单击日志传送主数据库,再单击“属性”。

3.     在“选择页”下,单击“事务日志传送”。

4.     取消“将此数据库启用为日志传送配置中的主数据库” 复选框。

5.     单击“确定”,从此主数据库中删除日志传送。



USE [master]


ALTER , 可以参考官方文档"Description of error message 14420 and error message 14421 that occur when you use log shipping in SQL Server", 下面摘录在此(微软有些文档,经常会失效)。


This article discusses the reasons for "out of sync" error messages when you have log shipping configured for SQL Server 2000.

One of the following error messages may be logged in the SQL Server error log:

Error message 14420

Error: 14420, Severity: 16, State: 1
The log shipping destination %s.%s is out of sync by %s minutes.

Error message 14421

Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1
The log shipping destination %s.%s is out of sync by %s minutes.

If you are using SQL Server 2005, the description for these error messages are different:

Error message 14420

Error: 14420, Severity: 16, State: 1
The log shipping primary database %s.%s has backup threshold of %d minutes and has not performed a backup log operation for %d minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information.

Error message 14421

Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1
The log shipping secondary database %s.%s has restore threshold of %d minutes and is out of sync. No restore was performed for %d minutes. Restored latency is %d minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information.

More Information

Log shipping uses Sqlmaint.exe to back up and to restore databases. When SQL Server creates a transaction log backup as part of a log shipping setup, Sqlmaint.exe connects to the monitor server and updates the log_shipping_primaries table with the last_backup_filename information. Similarly, when you run a Copy or a Restore job on a secondary server, Sqlmaint.exe connects to the monitor server and updates the log_shipping_secondaries table.

As part of log shipping, alert messages 14220 and 14221 are generated to track backup and restoration activity. The alert messages are generated depending on the value of Backup Alert threshold and Out of Sync Alert threshold respectively.

The alert message 14220 indicates that the difference between current time and the time indicated by the last_backup_filename value in the log_shipping_primaries table on the monitor server is greater than value that is set for the Backup Alert threshold.

The alert message 14221 indicates that the difference between the time indicated by the last_backup_filename in the log_shipping_primaries table and the last_loaded_filename in the log_shipping_secondaries table is greater than the value set for the Out of Sync Alert threshold.

Troubleshooting Error Message 14420

By definition, message 14420 does not necessarily indicate a problem with log shipping. The message indicates that the difference between the last backed up file and current time on the monitor server is greater than the time that is set for the Backup Alert threshold.

There are serveral reasons why the alert message is generated. The following list includes some of these reasons:

1.      The date or time (or both) on the monitor server is different from the date or time on the primary server. It is also possible that the system date or time was modified on the monitor or the primary server. This may also generate alert messages.

2.      When the monitor server is offline and then back online, the fields in the log_shipping_primaries table are not updated with the current values before the alert message job runs.

3.      The log shipping Copy job that is run on the primary server might not connect to the monitor server msdb database to update the fields in the log_shipping_primaries table. This may be the result of an authentication problem between the monitor server and the primary server.

4.      You may have set an incorrect value for the Backup Alert threshold. Ideally, you must set this value to at least three times the frequency of the backup job. If you change the frequency of the backup job after log shipping is configured and functional, you must update the value of theBackup Alertthreshold accordingly.

5.      The backup job on the primary server is failing. In this case, check the job history for the backup job to see a reason for the failure.

Troubleshooting Error Message 14421

By definition, message 14421 does not necessarily indicate a problem with Log Shipping. This message indicates that the difference between the last backed up file and last restored file is greater than the time selected for the Out of Sync Alert threshold.

There are serveral reasons why the alert message is raised. The following list includes some of these reasons:

1.      The date or time (or both) on the primary server is modified such that the date or time on the primary server is significantly ahead between consecutive transaction log backups.

2.      The log shipping Restore job that is running on the secondary server cannot connect to the monitor server msdb database to update the log_shipping_secondaries table with the correct value. This may be the result of an authentication problem between the secondary server and the monitor server.

3.      You may have set an incorrect value for the Out of Sync Alert threshold. Ideally, you must set this value to at least three times the frequency of the slower of the Copy and Restore jobs. If the frequency of the Copy or Restore jobs is modified after log shipping is set up and functional, you must modify the value of the Out of Sync Alert threshold accordingly.

4.      Problems either with the Backup job or Copy job are most likely to result in "out of sync" alert messages. If "out of sync" alert messages are raised and if there are no problems with the Backup or the Restore job, check the Copy job for potential problems. Additionally, network connectivity may cause the Copy job to fail.

5.      It is also possible that the Restore job on the secondary server is failing. In this case, check the job history for the Restore job because it may indicate a reason for the failure.




